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About: "Meet me behind the bleachers at lunch, okay? Don’t keep me waiting too long, I’ll miss you," she said. Just then the bell rang and we walked to class. We at least had homeroom together.
   As I sat down in my seat, my teacher had just hung up her phone. "Kastiel, the principal wants you in his office as soon as possible. Be prepared, he sounded angry," she said. Ms. Jenkins liked me. I was the only student who could make her laugh without doing something stupid in the process, so I made her boring day more amusing than usual. I picked my bag back up and headed to the principal’s office. As I went, I pondered my defense.
   When I got to the main office the secretary, Mrs. Alan, sent me right in. I decided it was best to knock as it is good manners. I need all the brownie points I can get. "Come in," Principal Weston’s gruff voice says. I open the door, step in and take a seat. "Kastiel Sommers… Do you know why you are here?"
"I believe so, sir. I was fighting another boy in school yesterday."
"That is correct. What do you have to say for yourself?"
"Only two things, sir. First I would like to say that I do not regret what I did."
"Oh you don’t, do you?"
"No, I don’t. My reason for this is in fact my second statement. I was defending a friend of mine from the other guy. He was throwing eggs at her because she is Goth. He has been tormenting her and sending her away in tears for weeks now and I couldn’t take it any more. Mr. Burns was there but he wasn’t doing a damn thing about it. I wouldn’t expect him to, seeing as he’s prejudiced against Goths and Emo kids. Someone had to do something about it and I took the initiative to do so and defend her. Having said this, I will take any punishment you feel appropriate."
"I see…well… I think since this is your first offense, I will let you off with a warning. However, keep in mind that violence is not tolerated in this school and your second offense will get you suspended," he said. "Yes, sir," I said. I was just thankful I didn’t get suspended. My parents told me after I had gotten expelled from my old high school that if I even got suspended I would be kicked out of the house. I was also making a mental note to remember to use my other defensive techniques from now on… Principal Weston reached out to shake my hand and I grasped it. Somehow, the rosary he wore around his wrist swung between our hands, and my skin started to burn. I hid my discomfort until I was out into the hall, and it was still smoking when I got back to the classroom.
   "What the Hell happened to you?" Allura said as I sat next to her. "Uhh, it’s nothing. Just a burn…" I said. It was the truth. Only HOW and WHY I had gotten burned, I wasn’t quite ready to tell her yet. I planned to explain everything next time I was alone with her…
   The day dragged by, and I’m only talking about the first half. Finally lunch came, and I was off to the bleachers. Today her outfit was black and blue instead of black and red. Also, this time she didn’t have the mesh shirt underneath. I myself had chosen to wear something different than my usual jeans and an Aero tee. Today I had worn what I should have been wearing the whole time, seeing as it goes with my personality. I wore a pair of green and black Tripps, leather wrist bands, and a matching choker, and a God Forbid t-shirt from "IV: Constitution of Treason". In fact, as I walked I was rocking out with To the Fallen Hero.
   As I walked toward her she ran to me and jumped into my arms, her boobs landing on my face. I hugged her tight as I kissed her and asked, "So does this mean I’ve successfully achieved the privilege of being your boyfriend?" She simply smiled and said, "No. This does, though." And then she took my hands and made me grab her ass. She kissed me, pushing her tongue into my mouth. "Everything on your person, and please take notice that I am currently hanging from you like a necklace, belongs to you. I am yours completely. You may do what you wish with me…or to me, it doesn’t matter to me," she said, winking, "Fang told me about the fun she had at your place last night, just to let you know. I thought you might also want to know how much it turned me on. That, and watching you kick that idiot’s ass yesterday. I would love to be there to watch you drive her crazy again sometime. I’d love to watch and join in…"
   At that, I then forced my tongue into her mouth and pushed her back against a support beam, exploring the inside of her mouth. It was so hot it seemed to melt my tongue. I took her face in my hands and pulled her more roughly to my mouth. I pulled away with effort, not only because I didn’t want the kiss to end, but because she didn’t either. I stared into her eyes. "You know, you’re the one who really matters to me, right?" I said.
   "Really? Is that really true?" she said. "Yeah, of course. I’ve liked you since freshman year," I said. "Oh, will you just shut up and kiss me?" she said. After a few minutes of very violent kissing, she sat me down on the ground and straddled me. She then proceeded to give me the best lap dance of my life. She grinded her body against mine in such a way that made me want to come right there. I ground my pelvis against hers in time with her gyrations, for she had begun gyrating her hips as she ground them into mine.
   As she straddled my lap I grabbed her ass and held onto her as she danced. I closed my eyes and gritted my teeth and bit down on her shoulder, but I managed to stop myself before I drew blood. I didn’t know if she wanted to go that far yet, nor did she know what that truly meant either. Then, through my concentration, I heard her voice. "Go ahead, baby, make me bleed," she whispered. I dug my teeth into her shoulder, drinking every drop that all but poured out of the wound. "Baby… Are you… Are you drinking it?" she asked, sounding unsure of how she felt about it. I simply nodded my head. She stopped moving, making sure to stop with her chest in my face.
   "You know what? That’s it, I’m not doing this anymore…" she said the second part more to herself than to me. Then she did something that scared the shit out of me for a second. She stood up. Next, she did something I really didn’t expect, at least not yet. She got down on her knees and undid my pants. "No more inhibitions…" she said, again more to herself than to me. "You know… you don’t have to do anything you’re not ready for or don’t want to…" She responded by licking me from my sack to the tip. "I want to do this. I’ll explain later…" she said seductively, and then she started to swallow my cock. I groaned as I felt my head hit the back of her throat, and then it opened to take it in.
   She held my balls in her hand as she took me deep, licking my shaft up and down. Her tongue danced in a way Fang’s couldn’t compare to. She twirled her tongue fast and slow, teasing and tantalizing me. She ran her tongue from my balls to my head, smiling as she looked me in the eyes the whole time. It didn’t take long before I was ready to come. "I’m thirsty, baby, and I know you have something for me!" she said, and that pushed me over the edge. I shoved myself down her throat and let loose in her mouth…
   As we finished eating lunch, we walked back to class together. At the ringing of the last bell of the day, Allura handed me a note and said, in the sexiest voice possible, "Meet me here. It’s my home address…" then she sauntered away, swinging her hips as she went.

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