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About: Quickly he moves to the middle of the right bench of the limousine, grabbing his chilled drink from the consol diagonally across from him that splits the left bench. Within moments of his taking a long sip from his alcohol drink, his winning prize is pushed onto the bench closest to the door.

Taking another sip, Mikhail glances over the glass to the frightened young naked girl sitting in his presence. "Would you like something to drink?" He asks her, pointing towards the small drink bar consol. "It is a long drive home."

She motions no with her head, pointing with her taped together hands towards her mouth. Letting out a soft chuckle, he motions for her to come closer as the limo slowly lurches forward, beginning the drive home. Letting out somewhat erotic sounding moans from behind the taped lips, she slowly crawls towards him. It's amusing to him to see her naked state, taped up crawling towards him. Setting his glass into the consol, he slowly reaches into his pocket, extracting a large switchblade to cut the tape binding her hands together.

Her eyes widen at the sight of the blade, shining in the dim lights in the limousine. Mikhail's lips slowly curl into a soft smile as he sees her face. 'Maybe this will be easier than I thought,' he thinks to himself, amused by her frightened reaction behind the silver duct tape. His hand swiftly cut away the tape as it presses firmly between the crevice between her hands. Trembling slightly, Angelique brings her hands up to her mouth, slowly peeling away the tape covering her mouth.

"Th-th-thank you so much." She tells him, her voice laced with joyous relief to be away from the nightmare as she sits on the bench across from him. She closes her legs as tightly as possible, using them and her arms to cover her nakedness. "I owe you so much."

Chuckling to himself, Mikhail looks into her hope filled eyes. "You could say that..."He tells her, his voice soft in his pristine English. "What's your name, little one?"

She looks at him in an odd expression of bewilderment. "Angelique..." She tells him, her voice soft and cracked from her ordeal.

"Angelique..." He says to no one in particular, thinking over her name. "...such a pretty name for a pet."

"Pet?" The hope and relief that once filled her slowly trickles away at his words.

"I don't think I misspoke. You think I'm going to just piss away all of that money just so I can see you walk away without getting anything in return?" He asks her, staring deeply into her eyes. "I don't think so."

"Please take me home..." She asks him, moving to the floor of the limo on her knees in front of him. "I didn't do anything wrong. Please..."

Silently he sizes her up, seeing a perfect opportunity to toy with her emotions further. Leaning back into the bench, a smile comes across his face as he watches her helpless desperateness in her face. "What would you do to go home?"

"Anything..." She tells him without hesitation, looking back into his eyes.

"I think you know what I have in mind..." He tells her, nodding to the growing tent in his slacks from the hardening dick.

"No. I can't do that..." She tells him, backing away while shaking her head.

"Then I guess you can either walk through the bad part of town, naked, ankles bound, asking for directions, or do what I want you to do and I'll take you home." He tells her, a smile of victory slowly easing across his face. He knew she would make the right choice. Realizing no other choice, Angelique slowly crawls closer to him, keeping her eyes locked onto his as the tears slowly form in her eyes.

"Up on the bench." He tells her, patting the bench as if she were a pet to him. Slowly she crawls onto the bench, kneeling beside him. "Good girl..." he tells her softly as he starts unfastening the black slack's zipper. Fishing into his pants, he gradually pulls out the largest and only real dick Angelique has ever seen in her life. Her widen eyes make Mikhail even more lustful at her inexperience. "Start sucking your first cock, baby slut."

Lowering her head slowly, her soft plush lips graze the top of his throbbing cock. The masculine taste and scent of it strangely turn her on as her lips slowly open to accept his member into her mouth. Letting out a soft groan of extreme comfort, Mikhail lets his head fall back as she slowly lets him into her mouth, engulfing him with the wet heat. "Remember, your life depends on how well you suck your first dick, little slut, so make it good."

Cringing at his words, her lips slowly tighten around his cock, giving him firm suckles of her throat in the hopes of pleasing him. Soon her tongue acts as if it has a mind of its own as it toys and massages the underside of his cock. The young virgin mouth feels stretched as Angelique tries to take more of him into her mouth, pulling her head up slightly to apply long firm licks of her tongue before working her way back down his endlessly long shaft.

His soft moans and grunts of pleasure fill the back of the car slowly as he thrusts his hips harder into her mouth. With each thrust Angelique gags softly around his cock, sending sensual vibrations through his cock, bringing him closer and closer to orgasm. Slowly her lips works down his cock at his coaxing, trying to take all of him, her throat tightening around him with every lowering of her mouth down his dick.

Taking matters into his own hands, Mikhail grasps the back of her head by her hair and slowly pushes her down his cock, making her take more of him whether she wanted to or not. It's not long before she's pressed firmly against him, her mouth full of his masculine cock. Resting her head against his body, her soft tongue slowly slides across his shaft, tracing the large, thick vein taking up the underside of his shaft.

It's all Mikhail needs as her tongue, along with her lips, push him over the edge of orgasm. His hand firmly presses down on Angelique's head, making her swallow every drop of his seed into her mouth, despite her moaning protests which only intensify the orgasmic rush with the vibrations through his cock. His cock soon slows it's spasming of its white load into her mouth as he lets go of the firm grip on her long hair.

Panting softly, he pulls Angelique up by the hair off of his cock as he cleans himself up in silence. Pushing herself off to the far end of the limo, Angelique can't get rid of the masculine taste of his cum in her mouth. She could feel herself absolutely drenched between her thighs from the experience, secretly wanting to do more with the handsome Russian man sitting close to her, yet disgusted in him at the same time for making her suck his cock for her freedom.

"You did better than I thought you would for a virgin..." He tells her, brushing off the stray hairs from Angelique that had fallen onto his lap. "I guess I'll take you home." Smiling to her as the words escape his lips.

Looking out of the dark tinted windows, Angelique has no idea where she was. They were no longer on a street or highway, instead on a dark, private road running parallel to large, deep looking, pond in front of a large stone mansion.

"I said I'd take you home." He tells her after seeing the look of bewilderment on her face, gathering his coat as the car slowly comes to a stop in front of the mansion. "I just didn't tell you whose home you'd be going to."

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