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Website: https://foc-u.co.uk/index.php?topic=27862.0
About: Andy moaned while his older cousin gently massaged his cock through his jeans. It had been two years since the two of them had played such games and he realized just then how much he had really missed it.

"Feels like you grown a bit since the last time," JJ whispered to him.

Adam felt out the bulge in Joe’s jeans as well while the older boy fondled him.

"You too," he gasped.

JJ winked at him and said, "You’ll find out tonight when we go to bed."

Once their showers were done the freshly scrubbed boys met Bill at the dinner table, where the man had prepared hamburgers and French fries for them.

"I went by the field earlier today," the man told him. "Guess what I saw?"

"I dunno Uncle Bill," Luke replied. "What’s that?"

"Saw you boys smoking," said the man. "Thought I had whipped that idea out of your heads?"

Luke and Joe’s faces turned ashen at the man’s words. Adam’s face began to drain in color as well and he fidgeted uncomfortably in his seat.

"Seems as though I haven’t," Bill told them as he nonchalantly scooped fries out onto their plates. "Well tonight at bed time we’re going to show our new guest here what happens when you break the rules on this farm. Isn’t that right boys?"

Both boys nodded slowly and each said, "Yes, sir."

They began to eat while Bill explained other chores he had in mind for the next day and he began to laugh and joke with them. The older boys laughed and joked with him as well and Adam found it strange that they could make jokes with the upcoming date they had with the man's belt. He supposed they were used to it and such was life on the farm.

Once supper was over the boys cleared off the table and did the dishes, then settled into the living room to watch television for about an hour before going upstairs to their room and get ready for bed.

"I’ll be up in a few minutes so no funny business," Bill hollered up the stairs at them.

In their room the boys stripped down to their underpants and Adam followed suit.

"You and your bright ideas," JJ said to Luke.

"Like it’s my fault," Luke replied and tossed his pants at his cousin. "You smoked too."

"Yeah, I know," said JJ. "I wonder how many we’re gonna get."

"No idea. Enough that you’ll be sleeping on your stomach tonight, I bet."

"I do anyway," JJ said.

"Yeah," Luke said with a laugh. "’Cause you’re bangin’ the shit outta your mattress."

JJ threw his pillow at Luke and said, "Where do you think I learned that?"

"Probably from your mom," Luke replied.

A few moments later they heard the sound of Bill’s footsteps on the stairs and all three boys instantly tensed up. The door opened and Bill came into the room with his leather belt in his hand.

"Who had the cigarettes?" the man asked as he doubled the belt over.

"I did Uncle Bill," Luke said solemnly.

"Do you have any left?" Bill asked him.

"No sir. We smoked the last two."

"I see," said the man. "That’s five extra for you Luke and if I find out you’re lying about not having any more cigarettes you’ll get another whipping. You got that?"

"Yes sir."

"Alright boys, you know the drill. Get ‘em down and hump the down."

Joe and Luke pulled their underwear down to their knees and each bent over the edge of their beds. Adam was standing off to the side and now he could see two pairs of bare teenage butt awaiting the belt. Bill snapped the belt together and made the boy jump.

"This is what happens when you break the rules on this farm," the man told him. "Pay attention because I won’t be afraid to use this on you as well."

"I… I was smoking too, sir," Adam stammered.

"Were you now?" Bill said as he took up position behind the boys.

"Yes sir, I did."

"I see," said Bill. "Since this is your first night here I’m gonna let you off with a warning this time. I’m sure these two boys talked you into it."

Adam said nothing as he watched the proceedings. He felt sorry for his cousin JJ and his new friend Luke but the image of the two nearly naked boys bent across their beds and their bottoms twitching in anticipation of the belt was beginning to have an exciting effect on him. Despite himself he felt his cock start to stiffen in his underpants and he moved closer to a nearby dresser to cover up his obvious arousal.

Bill began to swing the belt and Adam winced each time he heard the leather smack against boy skin. He whipped them much harder than those times Adam and JJ had played at whipping each other two summers prior, and their bottoms were beginning to redden after only a few licks from the belt. Adam knew it was a matter of when and not if he would be whipped while staying there on the farm and he was unsure if he could take the beating as well as the two older boys seemed to be taking theirs.

Bill would give one boy one or two smacks and then turn to the other for a lick or two. Since he had promised Luke five more lashes for having the cigarettes he would time to time give him an extra lick, so that at the end he finished up with both boys around the same time. Joe had received twenty licks and Luke had twenty-five. Both boys were sobbing quietly across their beds as Bill replaced the belt through the loops on his trousers.

"Let that be a lesson to you boys," the man told them as he left the room and turned off the light. "If I ever catch you smoking again you won’t sit down for a week. Good night boys."

They bid him a good night and climbed into their beds, Adam bunking with JJ. The room was illuminated slightly by a thin ray of light coming in through the window from the dusk to dawn light attached to the side of the garage. After a few moments of silence JJ whispered, "Damn that hurt."

"You?" Luke remarked. "Shit I got five more than you."

"I feel bad that you guys got whipped and I didn’t," Adam said to them.

"Well don’t worry about it little cousin," JJ told him. "Like Uncle Bill said this is your first day here and we were the ones who offered it to you. You only took a couple hits anyway."

"I know," Adam replied. "But I still feel bad. I should have at least got something."

Luke giggled into the darkness and said, "Dang you was right Joe. This kid does like to get his ass warmed up. I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if he marches down there to Uncle Bill’s room and demands to get a lickin’."

Adam felt his cousin’s hand slide gently across his smooth belly and it began to stroke him through his underpants, bringing him to arousal. Despite the nice sensations he was feeling in his groin and the fact he had been waiting to do those things with JJ for two years, he felt he had been wronged by Bill when the man had whipped the two boys and not him. He climbed out of the bed and headed toward the door.

"Adam, don’t be stupid," Joe told him. "It’s not going to be like the times me and you did it at your house."

"I know that," Adam replied. "But I have to."

He opened the door and started down the stairs. The two older boys sat up in their beds and looked at each other in the filmy light, both with shocked expressions on their faces.
"Never thought I’d see a kid go and ask for a belting," Luke said. "You created a monster."

JJ just shook his head as the two of them went quietly to the door to listen at the top of the stairs.

This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories:

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