Ive tormented both equally and Im a master with both. You’ll talk, you’ll talk. I guarantee it.� he said menacingly. I was so confused, this was no torture that I expected. I thought Id be screaming in pain but instead I might scream with pleasure and ecstasy. I was being jerked off my a man in front of 3 men and a woman, and I was loving it. I began to moan, and my breathing got more and more labored and I started to sweat and grind against the chair straps. �Oh god, oh god, mmmmmmmm�no�no, yes, god yes sir, more, more, harder please god jerk me off harder�squeeze my hard cock harder sir. Keep playing with my cock and balls sir OH GODDDD yes.� �Oh I will my friend, oh I will� He said. Out of the corner of my eye I saw that corporal Hoffman had lifted her skirt to her hips and was rubbing her pussy gently while I was getting my cock rubbed. I couldn’t stop staring at my crotch while the doctor skillfully worked my raging throbbing cock and balls.
"I've learnt this technique in China. Its very effective at getting to the truth� said the doctor.�uh huh, uh huh yessssssssss don’t stop sir please.� Ahh now we are getting somewhere. Are you with the resistance? Tell me and your pleasures increase.� �Yes, yes I am� I said before I could stop myself. With that, his grip on my slick, lubed pounding shaft got a bit tighter. I was panting and moaning at this point and I could feel myself building toward squirting every drop of cum inside me. �You see, it got better for you just now� spoke Dr. Schmidt. �Yessir, yessir OH GODDDDD yes. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM fuck yes I love it, fuck yes I LOVE IT� I screamed out staring at my over pleasured cock and balls, the vibrator reaching deep inside my rectum pulsing away. �Tell me when you are going to squirt boy, tell me when you are going to cum hard� he said. �I’M GONNA CUM SOOOOOOOON oh yes, yes god yes.� He let go of my testicles and began using both hands on my raging pounding cock. �FUCK FUCK FUCK YES YES OH FUCKING YES YES. I WANNA CUM, CUM CUM, YES I NEED TO CUM NOW PLEASE I WANNA CUM NOW.
The beautiful corporal Hoffman was pounding her pussy with her fingers, fucking herself and grinding her chair. I can only assume that the 3 male guards were themselves jerking off, but they were behind me and I couldn’t see them. As Dr Schmidt ran his soaked lubricated hands alternating up and down my shaft, to the very tip of my cock, I began to feel the first deep fire of a huge load of cum getting ready to explode from my over stimulated cockhead.
�That’s right my friend, tell me more, tell me more of your involvement in the resistance after you cum for us.� said the doctor. �I’M GONNA C, CU, CUM NOW IM GONNA SHOOT, I, I, I ARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHH I’M CUMMING, I’M CUMMING SIR, YES OH FUCK YES OHHHHHHHHHHHH FUCKKKKKKK YESSSS.� I screamed, my voice bouncing off the walls. As his strokes increased in intensity, and the vibrator screaming deep up my ass, my eyes glued to my cock being jerked off, came the first short squirt of cum. �AHHHHHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHHH� I howled, and then I began to pump cum from my balls in jets shooting out of my head landing on my chest and running down, landing on my thighs, my crotch, the floor and his hands. Cum pounding from my cock in the most intense orgasm Id ever had. �AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH OH GOD YESSSSSSSSSSSSS YESSSSSSSSSSS YESSSSSSSSSSSS FUCK YESSSSSSSSSS. I screamed, my toes curling, sweat pouring, thrashing against the straps of the metal framed torture chair. I pants and heaved �Oh yessssssss please sir I came, I came, I came oh god I came for you.� I began babbling away barely audible words, my entire body shaking violently.
That’s when the true torture began. Instead of stopping, Dr. Schmidt keeps right on jerking me off concentrating on the now extremely sensitive head of my cock "AIIEEEE, STOOOOOOOOP, PLEASEEEEE!" I shrieked. "No, my young friend," he said working on my cockhead constantly "I won't stop it. You will have the chance to confess when we finish. After a man cums you see, his cock is over sensitive and every sensation of pleasure that I work into it becomes unbearable, and when your shaft finally flops limp, we will start AGAIN and I will jerk you off over and over using the same process.�
�AHHHHHHHHHH STOP STOP STOP AHHHHHHHHH GOD STOP I CAN’T STAND IT�.STOP PLEASE PLEASE STOP I BEG YOU PLEEEEEEAAAAASSSSSSEEEEE.� I started to wail out crying from the exquisite intense tickling sensations in my shaft and cockhead. He never stopped. He just kept on working my genitals, even long after my dick had gone soft, stroking my meat. He instructed corporal Hoffman, who by now had the look of a woman sexually crazed to inject me with a stimulant that had the effect of making me harden again and my testicles to fill again with cum. He and corporal Hoffman repeated this process of ecstasy and agony 3 times. Dr. Schmidt jerked me off for nearly an hour with my shaft pumping cum furiously, emptying my testicles and refilling again, with the vibrator drilling my anus. During the process I began screaming out the names of my counterparts, locations, addresses. I had thoroughly broken and confessed as many details as I could to make this agonizing cock torture stop. �PLEASE NO MORE NO MORE STOP STOP I BEG YOU PLEEEEEEASE I‘LL DO ANYTHING ANYTHING YOU WANT I CAN‘T TAKE IT ANYMORE� I heaved, panted and drooled through tear soaked eyes.
Suddenly he simply stopped jerking me off. I was slumped, sweat soaked, babbling crying �Thank you thank you thank you sir thank you� The doctor stood up and looked at the beautiful corporal Hoffman and gestured with his head. She stood up, having regained some composure, walked behind the doctor, opened his pants sliding them down to mid thigh and taking out his long soft cock. With his hands covered in my cum, he grabbed my hair and barked �OPEN YOUR MOUTH SCUM OPEN IT RIGHT FUCKING NOW OR WELL START JERKING YOU OFF AGAIN.� Crying in long sobs, I looked at him, leaned forward, opened my mouth and began to suck his cock in obedience, taking it in and out, still strapped to the torture chair until he filled my mouth while corporal Hoffman and the 3 male guards packed the video equipment which had recorded my entire ordeal and confession. The 3 male guards left the torture chamber leaving only the doctor, corporal Hoffman and me.
�Corporal Hoffman, wire him, and hook it to the power boxes. Now we get the rest of the information he has.� �MMMMMMMMMMMM yes doctor� she said and while he washed his hands and changed his lab coat, the beautiful corporal Hoffman grabbed my aching, hanging balls, pushing my cock out of the way and attached electrical leads, wrapped my shaft in leads, attached 2 alligator clips to my cock head and slid a long rigid wire probe down the pee slit of my cock and attached the wires to the boxes. All I could do was sob in embarrassment, humiliation, and abject defeat. For the next 2 hours, Dr. Schmidt and corporal Hoffman electro-tortured my testicles, anus, rectum, cock, cockhead and pee slit and urethra alternating between each part of my genitals.
I screamed, begged, pleaded, told them everything that I knew and how information was passed between resistance cells, I peed several times, sobbed and begged for mercy.
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