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Website: https://www.camaro6.com/forums/showthread.php?p=11374979#post11374979
About: He said a lady's got this special place 'twixt her legs, and when the fella and the lady gets to likin' each other a whole lot like that, and the fellas' pecker gets all swoll up and hard, the fella puts his pecker inside the lady's special place and he goes into sawin' on it, and it feels real good for both of 'em.

He said that when yer pecker gets all swoll up, it's called a "ee-rection," and puttin' yer pecker inside a lady's special place feels a hundred times better than just squeezin' on it like I done, and that white stuff that comes out the end is like a man's seed. He said that ladies's got eggs up inside of 'em, and when that seed gets on them eggs it turns them into a baby and that's where babies comes from. Land sakes! Who would of thought babies come out of eggs?

Uncle Abe told me the proper name for that white stuff that comes out the end of your pecker is called, "cum," but some folks call it, "jism," even though, "cum," is the word that polite folks use. "Matter of fact," he said, "you can tell a lot about the way a man's been brought up by gettin' him to talk about what comes out the end of his pecker." He said, "If he calls it, 'jism,' y'all know he ain't been well brought up and you probably need to be careful of him from then on."

Uncle Abe told me that puttin' your pecker up inside a lady's special place like that is called, "makin' love," and just hearing them two words together like that, "makin'," and, "love," made it sound real special. He said that sometimes folks want to, "make love," and get them real good feelin's, but they don't want no baby comin' along, so the fella goes to the drug store and buys this here thing called a, "rubberjohnny," and he puts it over the end of his pecker so's the cum don't go up inside the lady and get all over her eggs.

Uncle Abe told me that there's some rules about which lady's special place a fella can put his pecker in. He said, "Right away, sisters are out. You cain't put your pecker in your sister's special place," but then he said, "Truth be told, though, some folks around these parts is a mite casual about that rule." Then he said, "Likewise, your Ma. You cain't put your pecker inside your Ma's special place, neither, cause that's agin the rules, too. Same goes for your aunts, and close cousins."

Uncle Abe said, "Matter of fact, you ain't supposed to make love with any of your blood kin," but he kind of scratched on his stubble a mite and he said, "But come to think of it, there ain't no rules say you cain't do it with your grandmother." He must have seen the look on my face cause for a moment I was picturin' Granma McCutcheon out there in the back yard, stirrin' up her lye soap, and he considered on it a beat or two, and said, "You know, Wendell, it takes all kinds to make this world, but I reckon a man could go a awful long ride 'fore he come across too many fellas that's got any kinda hankerin' to make love with their granma."

Anyway, old Uncle Abe done such a fine job of explainin' to me all about peckers and ladies that day that when he asked me if I had any questions, only one that come to mind was I said, "Uncle Abe, what do they call that there special place twixt the lady's legs?"

Uncle Abe said, "Well, Wendell, it goes by all kinds of names, all depends who yer talkin' to, and some of them names ain't really fit fer polite company." He considered on it some, and he said, "Medical folks, they call it the, 'angina,' but the name you'll most commonly hear it called by is, 'the pussy."

"The pussy?" I said, "Now why in the world would folks go calling it after a little ol' kitty cat?"

Now, Uncle Abe has been around some, and I think he'd even been outside of Frog Whistle once or twice, and he looked at me, gave me one of them smiles says he was a man of the world, and he said, "Cause, Wendell, if you treat it right, it'll purr like a kitten."

I said, "How do y'all treat it right, Uncle Abe?"

He said, "Well, before you go puttin' yer pecker inside a lady's pussy like that, she likes y'all to kinda fondle it a little, you know, real gentle like. That kinda gets her in the mood for you to poke yer pecker in there and start sawin' on it." He paused, like he was makin' sure I was payin' attention, and he leaned in a little and said, "But the best way to treat a lady's pussy right is to get up close and personal with it, give it a little kissin', and bit o' lickin'."

"Lickin'?" I said, "How can y'all go lickin' down there where she pees?"

Uncle Abe said, "That's the strangeness of it boy. I know it don't sound right putting your tongue down there, but a lady's pussy is the sweetest thing y'all are ever gonna taste, and once you smelt one, you ain't never gonna be the same again." I figured for moment Uncle Abe was only joshin' about lickin' down there on a lady's special place, but he said, "I ain't jokin', Wendell. You just wait and see."

So after Uncle Abe was all finished learnin' me all about peckers and ladies, he said, "Now, Wendell, I want y'all to remember that there ain't no reason to be ashamed of yer pecker going all hard and swoll up like that. It means you've growed into a man, and you should be proud of that there pecker o' yours."

I said, "Okay Uncle Abe, next time it gets all swoll up I'm gonna be real proud of it."

Anyway, me and Uncle Abe finished up our long talk, and I walked away knowin' I was now a man, with a pecker that could swell up fit to bust. I reckoned it wouldn't be too long 'fore I'd meet me a lady that liked me in that particular way and she'd be wantin' me to put my pecker up there inside her special place and take to sawin' on it. Later on that afternoon, I was thinkin' about ladies and peckers again, and next thing I knowed, my pecker was all swoll up again, only this time instead of being scared it was gonna fall off, I was right proud of it.

I reckoned Granma McCutcheon'd be right proud of me too if I went out and showed her, so I went into the kitchen with my jeans all poked out from my swoll up pecker, and I said, "Look at me Granma! I'm a man! Look how hard my pecker's gone!"

Well, I reckon Granma musta been in one of her ornery moods that day, 'cause she took one look at me and grabbed her big black skillet, and said, "Wendell, you put that durn thing away 'fore hit you 'round the head with this skillet so hard, by the time you remember what it's good fer, you'll be too old to use it."

Well, I ran out the kitchen real quick, 'cause I seen in the past how handy Granma McCutcheon is with that skillet of hers, and then I considered on it for a while, and I reckoned that it must be 'cause she ain't got no fella to put his pecker in her special place no more, so maybe peckers is a sore point with her when they's a-swoll up like that.

So that there's the story of how I got learned all about peckers and ladies by my Uncle Abe. I ain't found me a lady yet that wants to, "make love," with me, but now that I got me a sixth grade education, I reckon I'm one of them, "eligible bachelors," folks talk about, and pretty soon there'll be ladies linin' up for me to start into sawin' on 'em, so I'll just bide my time.

So, y'all just remember, come back real soon, ya hear?

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