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Website: https://forum.aidedd.org/viewtopic.php?t=11686
About: I backed up and
quickly ran into the bathroom closing the door softly behind me. I put
the shower on and jumped in, letting the hot water take away the
shaking that had started rocking through my body.

I touched the nape of my neck, trying to feel where Damien had sunk
his fangs into me but I couldn't. I tried to understand what had
happened as I replayed the conversation in my mind. Desmond had
said that Damien's parents had been killed by mine and that they had
tried to eliminate the contract between the families.

I tried to think about the law that my father had tried to stomp into my
head, but couldn't quite remember what the punishment for breaking a
blood contract was. Maybe that was why we had left, why my family
had given up everything to move to the U.S.

It started to make more sense, as I remembered Damien saying we
were playmates until I left, why I couldn't remember anything. That
also explained why I spent almost a month in the U. S hospital when we
had first arrived. It had been the third attempt on my life, and was the
only time that I almost did die.

I reached behind my head and ran my fingers against my scalp, feeling
the long scar along the base of my head. I could feel where the staples
had made their scars, in an attempt to keep the pieces of my skin
together. I lost all my memory of my childhood in Europe because of
that attack. I'd had to relearn to walk, eat, speak, almost everything,
and not a single person in my family would tell me about it.
I jumped when the curtains opened and Damien peeked in, a
concerned look on his face.

"Are you alright?"

I nodded, "Desmond woke me up, so instead of barging into the room
and stabbing her, I decided to cool my temper with a hot shower."

It was as close to the truth as I could get, I was a terrible liar, my heart
would speed up and any vampire within a hundred miles could hear it
screaming, "Liar, liar."

He stared at my face for a long time until he finally sighed, "Yes, sorry. I
promised her I would go for a ride this morning. She was less than
thrilled to have found me the way she did."

I smiled mischievously and shrugged, "That's her problem. But, I should
probably spend some time with MY suitors, so you could still make it up
to her."

A look of concern flashed across Damien's face and I stared at him
trying to decide if it were genuine or if he were an incredible actor, "I
would prefer you not to be with them alone."

I doused my face in water for a moment, "My aunt could be with us."
Damien straightened and stared at me for too long of a moment, and
realizing I needed for him to believe I didn't hear what he and Desmond
had spoken about. I swallowed my fear and reached out and ran a wet
hand across his jaw, "What's the matter?"

He grabbed my hand and squeezed it softly and shook his head, "Your
Aunt went up North to try and resolve some of the conflicts with your
family. She came by when you were sleeping and I spoke to her for a
while. She thought this was the best idea for now."

I got out of the shower and wrapped a black towel around me. Damien
pulled me to him and wrapped his arms around me. I breathed him in,
trying to reconcile the fact that I loved this creature, and that he was
trying to destroy me for something I couldn't understand. I wrapped my
arms around his waist and continued to breathed him in.

"Did you hear anything Desmond said?" He had tried to make his voice
light, but I heard the edge in it.

I pulled back and looked into his dark grey eyes, "Just that she didn't
care and she wanted me out. I heard that, realized it was her and made
for the bathroom."

I shrugged and his face lightened a bit and he leaned down and kissed
me. His kiss was stiff and I pulled away giving him a concerned look,
"She must have really upset you."

I sighed and broke out of his embrace and walked into the bedroom, "I
guess I should go thou. Without my Aunt it may take me hours to get
ready, and then I need to figure out how to contact my three suitors."
I felt Damien follow behind me as I dried my body and wrapped the
towel around my hair. I put my hand on my hip and looked around, "I
have no idea what I'm going to wear out of here."

I turned to Damien and realized he was standing in the doorway of the
bathroom staring at me, not admiring but observing me. I shivered and
walked into his closet pulling down the first shirt I saw, which happened
to be a dark red button up. I put it on and buttoned it most of the way
then sighed as I looked around for something to wear.

I turned to find Damien again in the doorway staring at me, this time
his eyes the color of steel and his face dark. I faced him and felt my
heart begin to beat faster. He took a step towards me and I stepped
back, and suddenly as he walked towards me I felt like prey being

I kept backing up until I hit the end of his closet; he came close to me
and gently grabbed my chin, "What did you hear?"

 I looked at him, trying to feint confusion, "I don't know what you're
talking about."

"Then why are you scared of me."

I scoffed, "If you saw your own face you would back up too. You look
like you’re going to kill me."

My voice shook and he took a step back, his face a mixture of surprise
and what looked like sadness. I stepped towards him and grabbed his
hand, "What's the matter Damien? What did Desmond say that upset
you so much?"

His eyes hardened and he stepped back and turned and walked out
leaving me alone in his closet. I closed my eyes and tried to calm my
heart down taking a few deep breaths before walking out into the
bedroom. Damien was sitting on the bed, his head in his hands, looking
down at the floor.

I knelt down in front of him and grabbed his hands, forcing him to lift
his head and look at me, "Please Damien, you can trust me."

He ran a finger across his mark on me and whispered, "I know I can."

I looked at him beseechingly with my eyes, "Then tell me."

I looked at him, his eyes flashing silver before he leaned down and
kissed my neck. He stood up leaving me sitting back on my legs, "Stay
here, Ill have your clothes brought here. I don't like the idea of you
being alone without your Aunt."

I smiled up at him, forgetting to be afraid for a moment, "You're letting
me move in?"
He chuckled and helped me to my feet, "I suppose that's what it looks

I laughed and threw my arms around him, kissing him deeply, plying at
his stiff response until he finally kissed me back appropriately. We
stood there locked in our intimate embrace for a few minutes longer
until he finally broke it.

"I have to go soothe Desmond."

I frowned at him stopping just because of her and then made a deep
sigh myself, "I guess I should go entertain my suitors."

A frown played on his lips and I touched them, "You allowed them here,
so that we wouldn't have war. It’s my duty to make sure they are happy
enough to keep the war from happening."

He pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head once before
grabbing my hand, "Don't go into the forest with them. I would prefer if
you entertained them in the front, in full view of all the windows.

I smiled and nodded, "Deal."

This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories:

Activity by slaier1965

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