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About: To his delight there was quite a bit more than he had expected. He repeated the same up her asshole and, again, got more than he had anticipated. He ended up with a good bowlful which he poured into a large pan. While Tim began his methodical carving of Katie, Dave put the pot on a burner on his barbecue and began adding some herbs and spices, mixing all the while. He only needed to add a bit of starch to get the right consistency, then set the pot on low to simmer for a few minutes.

Tim had a list of the various requested cuts and got busy carving accordingly. At Dave’s request, he’d filleted Katie’s cunt first, doing a lovely job, avoiding any hair follicles. He handed the steaming labia to Dave on a plate and Dave ladled some of the bubbling cum gravy over it. He went right away to Katie’s face. She was so cooked it was hard to tell but he believed that her last thread of life was still unbroken and that she could see him. He sliced a mouth-sized piece of her cunt, swirled it in the cum gravy, and put it in his mouth, chewing slowly (God, it was SO good!) He would never be sure but he convinced himself that Katie saw this, tried to smile and then quickly slipped away. He leaned over and kissed her on the lips. But there was a happy accident: his mouth slipped on her greasy skin and he ended up biting off her lower lip. And, well, it was terribly tasty as he chewed and swallowed it.

Tim approached him with a small round nubbin of something between his fingers. "Her clit," Tim said, "It always stays hard, doesn’t break down, so I trimmed it. You can suck on it like a lozenge whenever you want to remember her and all this. It will last for ages and a little taste will linger on it for quite a long while."

Dave took the clit and expressed his gratitude.

Dave approached the large blanket on the lawn that Cheryl and her two fuckees had claimed. They had been joined by the Starbuck’s boys, all having retrieved plates and cutlery and wine. Dave carried a large platter upon which Tim had arranged the agreed-upon cuts of Katie: the anus for Nathan, one breast with crunchy nipple for the other two boys, inner thighs for both older boys and then, to Cheryl: a large piece of heart. Dave said to Cheryl as he handed it to her, "Tim says we’re lucky. The heart doesn’t always cook at the same time as the rest but Katie was so thin it all worked out."

"And," Dave said, "The cum gravy, with," He looked at the three younger lads, "such fine contributions!" They beamed. Dave ladled cum gravy out over top of everyone’s cuts of Katie.

They were joined by Beth, now naked like all the rest of them. (Nathan paid particular attention to her well-trimmed pussy). She had a plate piled with slices of Katie’s upper thigh. She helped herself to the last of the gravy, licking the ladle with an mmm... when she finished.

Cheryl lifted a glass of wine into the air. "To Katie! She will never be forgotten!"

"To Katie!" everyone chimed back.

And they all dug in. To Katie.

Late into the night, Cheryl found herself standing in the middle of the yard, stuffed, a bit drunk and not a little exhausted. Yes, there had been dancing, and she had tried to honour Katie by fucking everyone in attendance, and had been close to succeeding, she thought. Certainly her pussy was puffy and sore, not to mention her burning asshole and aching jaw. But also certainly: no regrets.

The fire in the pit had died out. Katie’s remains had been packaged up and her bones and some vegatables had been put on to simmer in the kitchen for stock. Most of the guests had drifted off and her parents were doing clean-up with the volunteered assistance of the Starbuck’s boys – although she thought a lot of that had to do with Nathan’s not-so-hidden desire to fuck her mother, ideally in the ass. (She did have a rather glorious ass, Cheryl could acknowledge).

Beth came over to Cheryl and they leaned into and cuddled each other. "Pretty perfect," Beth said.

"I can guarantee Katie would agree." She smiled a nice smile at her Mommy. "So," she said, "are you going to do that boy?" As she said this, Nathan, over by the pit, happened to look up, saw them and broad-smiled and waved. "He does have a really nice very young cock. And his balls are so smooth they’re a pleasure to lick. And take in and suck. You can get both in at the same time. And almost no hair or stubble."

Beth smiled a knowing smile at her remaining daughter. "I’m just waiting for them to finish up the cleaning first. Priorities."

Cheryl frowned just a touch, "So Mommy? Before Katie died she told me that you had told her a secret."

"Did she tell you what it was?"

"She said you swore her to secrecy."

"And she kept it?"

"Yup. I tried, but no dice."

"I’m proud of her."

There was a pause as Beth watched Nathan, her right hand reaching down and stroking her cunt.

"Well?" Katie asked with an impatient tone.

"Well what?"

"Your secret. You can tell me Mommy."

"I haven’t even told your Daddy yet."

"He really is a cutey," Beth said, referrring to her view of Nathan and his semi-hard cock. She slid a finger into her pussy.

"Mommy! You can’t have secrets! Not on a day like today!"

Beth looked deep into her daughter’s eyes and made a decision. "Cheryl, I’m pregnant."


"Yes, knocked up."


"Of course. I’ve been, well, rather exclusive. Until today, Katie’s Day."

"Holy shit!"

"Three months. A girl of course."

"Omigod! That’s great, right?"

"Well, unplanned but I’m still only thirty-six years old so no big deal."

Cheryl looked at her mother for a couple of minutes, her face screwing up a bit. "You know, Mommy, there’s this sort of new thing, right? With pregnant women?" Leading up to her sister’s roast, Cheryl had done a lot of research on the latest cannibal news and goings on, and of course there weree always rumours everywhere if you were female.

"I’ve heard a bit about it." In fact, Beth had researched it as well, thoroughly.

Cheryl said, "I read online that it’s sort of catching on and the Board has just made it legal. They’re calling it Mother and Child Reunion – not after the old song but because of an old food dish that inspired that song: chicken and corn egg-drop soup. Chicken and egg together, right? Mama and child."

Beth nodded. "They say it’s best done at eight months when the baby is near-term, fattened up enough. There are techniques where you can get roasted together. I read an article where it said a slice of mommy and a slice of baby on the same plate is quite something." Beth smiled her Beth-smile, always with an enigmatic curl.

"So you’re thinking about it? About finally getting roasted? With a baby inside you? " Cheryl said.

"Well, I have a few months to consider whatever and so I just want to keep it all to myself for now. Katie was enthusiastic."

Cheryl was a bit speechless. Her mother today was an extreme revelation. It was going to take her some time to get her head around this.

Dave came over to them, popping Katie’s clit into his mouth and slowly sucking. "How’s things?"

Beth looked over toward the pit. "Well, it looks like they’re pretty much done. Dave, just give me a bit. I want to finish the night with a little-boy fuck. And I know he wants my help."

Daddy and Cheryl looked at each other and smiled. What day all around! Wonder what tomorrow will bring?


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