She was rigid atop me, staring down at joining of our parts, watching a dribble of scarlet flow from her, and pool onto my crotch. I eased my grip on her, and drew my hands gently along her waist. "Are you OK?"
She swallowed, her eyes bulging, her breaths rapid and sharp through her nose.
She blinked, letting a single pained tear fall from her thick lashes. Her breathing eased, her diaphragm relaxed, her generous breasts bobbed gently from her chest. Finally, she looked at me, her blue eyes topping her whites, her hair hanging before her brow. "So," she said breathily, "this is what it feels like."
"Does it feel good?"
The strands of near-white hair moved in pendular motion before her face, flickering across her eyes. "It’s amazing." She whispered.
"We’re just sitting here." I giggled, "We’re supposed to be moving."
"Like this?" She pulled up, moaning as my girth slid along her clit. I moaned with her, feel her tight nether-lips sucking me as I exited, sheening my length with her moist lust. She pulled until only my head was inside her, and she bit her lip as she stared at me from downcast eyes, her white hair catching the moonlight to give her a silver aura. Had I ever seen anything so beautiful? She was an angel, a goddess of lust that I would worship for eternity, and I was just an undeserving mortal here to pay homage to her carnal temple. She descended, her womanly sheath consuming me, her erogenous muscles rolling up my length to take me deeper into her sanctity. I thrusted in contest with her, and we met suddenly in the middle, the impact reverberating through our loins. We stayed there for a breathless moment, staring into each other’s eyes. Her gaping lips released one breath, then curled into a quivering smile. She burst into laughter, and I laughed with her, such joy welling up from my chest that I didn’t need to know the reason for her mirth.
"I’m sorry, Furia," she sighed, wiping an eye, "this all so fucking surreal to me."
"Me too." I laughed, "Am I supposed to say something, or…?"
"Try taking dirty, maybe that’ll help."
I desperately tried to maintain my composure as I forced my mouth into thug-frown. "Yeah, you like this dick, don’t you, you stupid… fucking… bitch."
She screwed up her face, then threw back her head and roared with laughter.
"You try it!" I exclaimed.
She struggled to compose herself. "Yeah," she giggled, covering her face with my palm, "yeah… fuck this tight little pussy with your big-ass dick you big, fucking… dumbass."
"It’s not so easy, is it?!" I tittered, my cock drumming inside her in cadence with my belly-shaking laughter.
"Let’s just… let’s just keep our mouths shut." She giggled. She began grinding on me, slowly stirring herself about my cock, stretching her delicate petals, smearing her lust across my crotch. Her grin faded into a gaping smile, then the quirk of her lips turned down, casting her expression into one of stoic lust. She watched me intently from her downcast gaze, the goddess once more here to stare imperiously upon me, to find me unworthy of such perfection. Did she know what she was doing to me? Did she know that I would grovel at her feet, and consider myself blessed to kiss her toes? I placed my hands on her rolling hips, and thrusted against her, causing her breasts to jiggle with each impact, the gravity-defying domes quivering back to their steady perches until I disturbed their equilibrium once more. I marveled at the silken expanse of her belly, at the muscles beneath them clenching with her forward rotation, then stretching when her oscillating hips moved away, her back arching, her toned shoulders pinning back to present her perfect chest.
"Furia?" She whispered gently.
"Yes?" I asked, my voice rasping with reverence.
She smiled endearingly at me, framing my face with her hands, bringing herself to my level so that our bodies pressed, our brows touching. "By the expression on your face, I’d think I’d just shown you god."
"You mean you’re not her?" I laughed against her lips, but my eyes bespoke the truth of my feelings.
She giggled again, a sweet melody of mirth. "I remember when I first laid with a woman." She said, her eyes dancing with the moonlight, "I thought I was in the presence of the Holy Mother herself." Her breathing became heavy, each expiration filling my nostrils, "But the Holy Mother doesn’t moan like I do," she said, her voice edged with tension. "I was a virgin just a minute ago, and now I’m dancing on you like a whore on her last penny." Her brows knitted in an expression of astonishment, a need, a desperation she didn’t understand. "You’re fucking ruining me, Furia." She hissed, "I’m done making love; fuck me like a whore!"
I growled, filled my hands with her hair, and tore her head back. She sung a sweet scream of delight as her neck stretched, her face tilting to the ceiling. I didn’t know what came over me. I was possessed with this… this rage that I couldn’t describe, an avariciousness of not just her body, but her mind, her soul. I corrupted her circular undulations with a fury of drives, bashing my crotch into her pubis, plunging my hard cock into her delicate insides over, and over, and over! She cried out with each impact, changing her motions to match mine, not wilting in the heat of my lust, but burning with her own intensity. Her ass applauded behind her, jiggling deliciously, wafting the pungent scent of our ferocious joining into the air. She took my head in her hands, and forced my face into her breasts, and I took a nipple into my mouth and sucked gluttonously, drawing the tender flesh from her bosom between the tease of my teeth.
"Oh my god, Furia, fuck me like the filthy slut I am! Fuck me! Fuck me!" She screamed, her voice joyous and rich with ecstasy, announcing the true acceptance of what she was, of what we’d all become. I fucked her with a fervency, ruining the delicate flower between her legs, splitting her insides until they were convulsing and spasming, and she was trembling in her heated motions, crying out, sounding her ascension with a crescendo of pitch until she harmonized with me at the peak, our bodies locked in the paralysis of ecstasy, our senses overloaded, our minds gone! At the last moment, I pulled out and burst onto her belly, and she erupted on to me, and we collapsed, the tension cut from us.
We gasped for a few minutes, regaining our breath and sanity. I savored the weight of her atop me, the pliant press of her breasts, the fluttering heat of her pussy mouthing hungrily against the underside of my shaft. She rose, her hair curtaining my face, isolating us in the silver light that shined through it. My goddess. She still was. It wasn’t the heat of lust, nor the enormity of the moment that made me feel small. It was her. It was always her. It was her when she was ‘him,’ and I was watching him from my periphery at my guard station, terrified to make eye contact. It was him when the Protaki ambushed our taskforce, and he led us to safety with black blood splattered across his warrior’s mask. It was him when I was a terrified recruit, showing up at Castle Thorum because I had no other prospects, and he was there with a kind smile and a warm pat on the shoulder.
"Thank you for this, Furia." She whispered on my lips.
"No," I whispered back, "thank you, Adrianna. Thank you everything."
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