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About: " He smiles at her and offers his arm as support
 Using his arm she stands up, her right hand instinctively moving to her stomach "Thanks darling."
"You’re very welcome. So, where shall we walk to?" He smiles at her and kisses her cheek
 Grinning softly she whispers "The moon and back my love… The moon and back…"
"That’s a very long walk love, how about back to the bench?" He chuckles softly
"It’ll do for now I guess. Lead the way? I still don’t quite know my way around yet…"
"Of course my dear." He guides her outside and to the bench, softly kissing her cheek from time to time
"It really is quite lovely here…"
"I know, that’s why I chose it as our honeymoon location." He winks and helps her sit on the bench
"Honeymoon? Didn’t we already have a honeymoon?" She pulls his hands to her belly, smiling coyly "Heather is proof of that isn’t she? Or was that night just drunken fun for you?"
 He sticks out his tongue "You know what I mean."
 She giggles softly in return "Of course my darling…"
 He smiles and sits beside her
 She shudders softly "Darling it’s a little chilly… do you mind going back and getting me a blanket?"
"Of course not, any one you would prefer?" He smiles as he gets back up
"No love… Just a blanket big enough to cover me please…" she smiles back
"Of course dear." He smiles and head back to the tower
 She leans back still shivering slightly, she hums a nursery rhyme under her breath as she waits for Shan to return
"Didn’t I warn him about letting you out of his sight…" Jag steps out of the shadows of the trees, allowing Anisa to actually see him
"Maybe… I’m afraid I don’t quite remember…" she watches his approach, wary of the conversation that’s about to take place "What do you want Jag?"
"Your blood." He growls as the light reveals a tall pale man, though his features remind Anisa somewhat of a cat
 She grins, winking softly she says "Nice tail kitten."
 He roars and tackles her to the ground, putting her throat in his mouth "You’ll die for that statement!"
 She bites her lip, resisting the urge to bite his neck in return "And you’ll die for this act…"
 He ignores her and sinks his teeth deeply into her neck, drawing forth her lifeblood
 She closes her eyes, bringing forth the memory of Shan, the smile that was on his face when he left, the shine in his eyes, the love that emanated from him. A tear falls down her face as she realizes she may never see her daughters face.
 A great heat emanates from above her and Jag screams in pain, a cold angry voice reaches her ears "I thought I told you to leave her alone.
"It’s too late now, I’ve bitten her, she’ll become one of my people…" Jag gasps those final words as he turns to ash
"Damn…" she whispers softly, wincing in pain "You know he was kind of cute… Too bad he’s such a jerk…"
"Don’t even joke." Shan comes over to her and softly kneels "Shit, he was right…"
"Darling… I’m the Vampyre Princess… There’s nothing in the world that can re-write my genes to change me…" she smiles softly, her hand resting on her stomach "There’s only-" She stops suddenly, gasping in pain
"You forgot the baby, and your Skyknight genes…" He carefully picks her up and carries her back to the tower
 She mutters several choice words, her forehead pressed against Shan’s shoulder as she tries very hard not to scream from the pain in her stomach "Shan!! What’s happening?!"
"The venom is trying to change you thru the baby… And I’m afraid that all I can do is stop it at Heather, before it gets to you…"
 She winces softly "Shan it’s hurting her! Is there nothing you can do for her?"
"There is very little I can do… My only choice is to make it so she accepts the venom as a part of her being…" He lays Anisa on the bed and softly lays his hands on her stomach
 She cries softly, nodding "Do it… If it protects her… Then do it…"
"Ok…" His hands glow and wisp as if on fire, slowly he presses against Anisa stomach, a warm feeling coursing through her
 She grits her teeth, clenching her eyes shut
 The pressure of his hands leave as he sighs "Done…"
 She stays still, eyes shut and teeth clenched, as tears flow hot and fast down her face
 She feels a soft pressure on her stomach and hears a small chuckle from Shan
"What… could you possibly… find funny… at a time like this…?"
"She’s laughing… She thinks this was all just some big adventure." He chuckles softly and kisses Anisa’s belly "She’s a good girl…"
"She’s laughing?" Slowly Anisa opens her eyes, the color a dark blue instead of her natural brown, her pupils appear as pinpricks "She’s honestly laughing? She’s not in pain anymore?"
"She’s laughing now, has been since I stopped." He smiles at her
 Anisa sighs with relief, resisting the urge to smile back "That’s good… Umm… Darling I need a favor…"
"Yes?" He stands up
"As you know my mother is a vampyre. I am a vampyre. And we Vampyres are bloodsucking monsters." Anisa twists her fingers into the sheets on the bed beneath her, squeezing her eyes shut she continues "There comes a time in every relationship where the partner needs to be aware of the fact that his spouse is a bloodsucking monster and because of that has certain needs. Needs that if not fulfilled, will lead to her emanate demise." One of her canines elongates over her lip as she continues, her teeth clenched "Shan I’m going to die in less than an hour if I don’t feed."
"You want mine or something else’s?"
"If I wanted to risk killing you I wouldn’t have told you anything. Please Shan… You have to hurry…"
"Drink." He cuts a small slice down his arm and puts it before Anisa’s lips "I promise you’ll have never tasted richer…"
 A tear slides slowly down her face as she whispers "Please… don’t let me kill you…" slowly she closes her eyes and sinks her fangs into his arm
"I won’t." He smiles at her
 Tears fall across his arm as she uses his lifeblood to replace the blood stolen from her and to sate the never ending hunger
 He smiles softly "No tears little missy, you get one of the rarest treats in the galaxy."
 She licks his arm, healing the wound "How is hurting your husband by stealing his lifeblood a treat?"
"How many different bloods have you tasted?" He smiles at her
 She looks at the ground "One… Spooks blood…"
"My point exactly, each species has a different taste to its blood and the effect on the body upon consuming."
"And do you know how many times I almost killed Spook? How many times I drew too much of his blood? How many times my mother had to knock me across the room because I could not stop myself??"
"Nope, mind I also know that it’s all in the mind and how long you go without."
 She shudders softly at the memories of Spook lying half dead on a mat in her mother’s room "Two weeks… is eleven days too long… for a pregnant Vampyre"
"Ok. Want me to start looking at ways to infuse your drinks with trace amounts of blood?"
"Whatever you think is best love…" She curls up softly, hugging a pillow to her body
"Is there something else that’s wrong dear?"
"No… there’s nothing else…"
"Ok… Your mother will be here tomorrow…"
"Yes… I remember…" she shivers slightly "Darling…I’m terribly tired… Do you mind very much if we take a nap?"
"No, I don’t…" Shan gets in the bed behind Anisa and kisses her cheek softly
"Thank you…" burying her face into the pillow, Anisa cries herself to sleep
 He softly strokes her hair "Sleep well love."


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