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Website: https://jcdebate.createdebate.com/debate/show/Karly_Velazquez
About: Faster and faster it went until he shot a laser beam of hot white cum right at Stephanie's tits!

"Ohhhhhh!" she exclaimed when it hit her.

The cum hit right above her jugs and then rolled down between them.

Troy breathed very hard after his exertions.

Then Kate said, "Go sit down and I'll grab you a beer."

Troy went and sat on a couch and presently Kate handed him a mug fill of beer.

"After you rest up a little, we'll play spin the dildo," she said.

Troy nodded, not knowing what this would be, be sure he would find out pretty soon.

After two or three minutes with everyone drinking Troy said, "I'm sure I'll be shown, but just what is spin the dildo?"

Kate replied, "That's where we all sit around the table and you spin the dildo, whoever it points at, gets a fuck."

Stephanie said, "And then after we do that, we're gonna use it on you!"

The women erupted into peals of laughter.

In ten minutes the women were all seated around a square table with four corners, Kate had placed a ten inch rubber penis in the middle of the table.

She looked at Troy who was standing next to her and said, "Okay, spin the dildo dude."

He tried to move it around with his fingers but the first time he tried it didn't spin much.

Kate laughed and said, "Try it again."


This time it spun around and around on the slick table top and more or less stopped in front of Monica.

She stood up and said, "All right!"

Then she looked at Troy and said, "Don't worry darling, I'll take your virginity."

"I already did that," Stephanie said, "last year!"

This made the women laugh and laugh again.

Stephanie seemed to be drunk, she said, "He knows how to fuck because of me."

Kate looked up at Troy and said, "Get going, we'll look in on you once you're into it."

"Where?" Troy asked.

"Monica knows the way," Kate said.

Monica put her arm around his side, "Yeah come on baby."

They walked down a hallway that had many closed doors and Troy idly wondered just who's house this was.

Monica opened one of the doors and went into a bedroom.

"This gonna be a good fuck, "Monica said, "you'll like them watching you, all the boys always do."

Troy helped her remove the party dress and then she rolled onto the bed pulling Troy on top of her.

Quickly her arms went around his body and she pulled in as tight as she could.

He was just tasting the first few thrusts into her velvety snatch when the Witches came into the room.

They starting chanting, "Fuck her, fuck her, fuck her."

Troy heard Kate say, "Harder, harder!"

Then, "Let her have it!"

As Monica had said, the group sex aspect of it had heightened the excitement.

The excitement and passion built and built quickly for Troy, and with earthquake of emotion, he shot another laser beam of cum into Monica's hot pussy.

He got off her after a bit and the women clapped.


Troy was sitting on the couch, after the session with Monica, the women were up in the other room getting more drinks.

Kate came up to him and said, "Look at this."

It was a plastic covered placard that had been embossed.

Troy took it, it was a picture of a devil, a woman, red colored with horns and a tail, she was smiling and sexy looking.

Kate took it away from him and put it on the floor.

"This is our goddess here," she said, "bow before it."

Troy looked up at her, he couldn't tell if she was serious or not.

"I don't want to," he said.

"Do it, all the other boys we've brought here have, it's part of our procedure for CFNM," Kate said.

"I don't want to, leave me alone about it," Troy said.

"Go ahead," she said.

"No, I don't want to," Troy said and got up and went to where his clothes were.

"We'll see about that!" Kate said decisively.

Troy watched her take a long thin cigarette out of her purse and light it.

She came over to where he was and blew smoke at his head, Troy was reaching for his trousers which were draped over a chair and most the smoke ball missed.

"Go sit down," Kate said.

"I don't want to bow to to that god," Troy replied.

Kate took another puff and blew again, this one connected and the smoke hit him flush in the face.

"Hey!" Troy said.

"Go sit on the couch," Kate commanded.

"I want to leave," Troy said, "will you stop blowing smoke at me?"

Kate said, "No, I will not stop, and you don't want me to stop, you want me to smoke you up."

Troy turned away from Kate and began putting his shirt on.

She came around to where he was, and said, "Watch this."

She put the lit cigarette back to her lips and took another good puff, then, like it had before, a thick ball of white smoke hit Troy square in the face, taking his breath away briefly.

He was stunned and shook his head.

Kate smiled broadly at Troy.

"See what I mean, you like that smoke," Kate said.

Kate smiled again at his reaction.

"Sit down!" Kate commanded

Shocked, Troy headed for the sofa.

Kate moved until she was now standing in front of where he was sitting. Here it comes again, he thought!

A blast of creamy white smoke hit him in the face and took his breath away for a second or two.

Kate waited a bit, until the smoke around his head dissipated a little.

Kate said, "Look at me."

Troy noticed with satisfaction the high heels and the slinky dark outfit that Kate had on, very witch like.

Troy looked up at her, he watched her take another puff and again the thick smoke hit him.

Kate said, "Are you gonna start cooperating?"

He moved his head up and down to signal yes, it was hard for him to talk he was so excited.

Troy looked up again at the sexy older woman leaning over him

"Are gonna do what I tell you to do?" Kate said.

"Yes!" Troy said quickly.

She waited a bit and then said, "Now that you have been smoked, my first order to you is to say yes ma'am when you're told to do something, do you understand?"

"Yes ma'am," Troy replied.

"Alright!" Kate said pleased with herself.

Kate grinned, she had used smoke before and it had worked, and it had really worked again!

Troy was stunned by his experience, he felt something like an emotional thunderbolt had come over him.

Then another ball of smoke came and blasted him again, he was shocked by how he felt.

Kate reached down over him, then she said, "Bow down to our goddess, like I told you to do before, and do it now."

"Yes ma'am," he said, before he could even think about it, each puff of smoke had made him more excited than the last one, Kate had bent his will to hers. He had never noticed smoke all that much before, did smoke have this much seductive power to it? Or was it Kate? What he knew was he couldn't wait to please her.

He quickly got down and bowed before the picture, it was a female devil with horns and a tail.

"All right," Kate said with a satisfied look, "you can get up now."

"Yes ma'am," he said quickly.

Troy sat down, his cock ached from desire, he was turned on in a way he hadn't been before, it's was terribly exciting, it was like Kate had turned his mind off and he couldn't think about anything but sex.

Kate eyed the hard on that was sticking out.

"You like being smoked huh?" she asked with arched eyebrows.

"Yes ma'am!"

With that Kate put her cigarette out and began to suck off the beautiful hard on that was right in front of her.

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