’ He said. He started struggling. ‘Not again. Stop that Roger, get off of me.’ I held him tightly, no matter how he struggled he couldn’t get away from me or the chloroform and soon I noticed his body becoming more limp and more heavy against mine.
‘It’s okay.’ I said. ‘Just relax. Just enjoy it.’ I didn’t want to knock him out completely, because I didn’t know whether his stiff cock would become flaccid again, so when he stopped fuzzing and moving I removed the towel. His eyes were glassy staring at me, glassy staring into nothingness. My hand moving up and down his shaft and he let out a satisfied moan.
‘Good boy.’ I said happy. For a while I kept on giving him a hand job, trying to force more moans out of his mouth, more satisfied grumbles. Those were primal sounds, vulnerable sounds, his mind was almost turned off. Those moans and grumbles where his body reacting to my body, to my touches.
I needed more. I wanted more. I wanted to taste him. Tenderly I guided his limp sedated body onto the ground. I even took off my jacked and used it as a pillow beneath his head, then I knelt in between his legs and I took his hard cock into my mouth. I felt the ridges of the tip gliding past my tongue and the roof of my mouth and I closed my lips around the cock, gliding back and forth, moving my face up and down. My nose snuggling up against the cute curly pubes. It was itchy and I almost had to sneeze.
I moved my hand to cup his balls, softly moving my thumb around the tender skin. He was moaning, his hips twitching. He was coughing and rubbing his eyes again, but he was also still moaning and growling in pleasure. Almost as if my blow job was as intoxicating as being drugged with chloroform.
I moved my fingertip around his asshole and he started panting and moaning even more as I softly stroke his anus. Then I slipped my finger inside. It was so tight, his asshole clenched around my finger, and the tip of my finger started throbbing in the rhythm of my heart beat.
He rubbed his eyes again and briefly he lifted his head up and looked around. ‘Where are we?’ He speech was still slurred. ‘What’s happening? Who are you? I...’ He moaned as I flicked my tongue around his cock. I didn’t answer, I just kept on blowing him while fingering his asshole. He grabbed his head with his hand and laid back down on the jacket. ‘Fuck it.’ He said. ‘I’m not complaining.’
He spread his legs and pressed his cock even deeper into my mouth, even more frantically I moved my head up and down, I wriggled my finger around in his ass and he was moaning louder and louder.
‘Sshhh.’ I said. ‘Try to be quiet.’
He didn’t listen and I didn’t stop blowing him. As his moaning became louder, I became more and more frightened we would be discovered. Some janitor would barge in to close down the building, or maybe they would close down the building with us still in it. Yet I didn’t want to stop, I wanted to be here with him, even if that meant spending the night on the floor of our art class. His hips started rocking and he laid his hand on top of my head.
‘Steady baby steady.’ He said while guiding my rhythm, while pushing me over his cock. His back arched, his breathing stopped for a moment and then all the tension was released. He let out a scream, his six pack convulsing and a big drizzle of cum was released into my mouth. I felt his cock twitching between my lips and against my tongue. He was moaning loudly, too loudly.
‘Sshhh.’ I hushed him. ‘It’s okay. Sshhh. Good boy. Be quiet now.’
He chuckled and lazily laid back down. ‘Yeah. No.’ He said. ‘It doesn’t work like that, you can’t bring me to orgasm and then urge me to be quiet, that’s just... quiet and orgasm are simply incompatible.’ He slammed his hands together. ‘Get it?’
He lazily laid back down and pushed his hand against his cock.
‘Let’s go.’ I said. ‘Let’s get out of here.’
Davy didn’t feel that same sense of urgency. He was just smiling up at the ceiling, his head rolling around from side to side and now and again he left out a little moan while his body shivered, as if it was some sort of after twitch of his orgasm.
I was looking down on him, completely enamored by his image, by his existence, but also increasingly uneasy about being in the classroom still. I grabbed his boxer and tried to dress him, and despite him appearing wide awake, with twinkling blue eyes, his legs were still kind of heavy and limp and he lazily allowed me to dress him.
‘My pants is on backwards.’ He said after I’d hoisted the colorful harem pants over his hips again.
‘It’ll do for now.’ I said. I grabbed his hand and pulled him up, when he was upright he reached for his head and stumbled. He held onto my arm for balance.
‘Wow.’ I said. ‘I’m still... wow... that’s not good.’
‘Come on.’ I said. I grabbed his bag and mine and then I supported him as we walked out of the building. My heart was pounding and I was terribly scared of running into someone, but the building seemed abandoned. We reached the elevator with no problems and took it down into the parking garage.
‘I can’t drive like this.’ Davy said. ‘That would be irresponsible.’
‘I’ll take you home.’ I said.
I slumped him into the passenger seat and then I drove off.
‘Wait are you taking me to your home or mine.’
‘Yours.’ I said. ‘I’m married.’
‘You naughty daddy.’ Davy reached out and playfully boobed my nose.
‘I don’t have kids.’
Davy started laughing. ‘Right.’ He said. ‘But in the gay scene you would definitely be considered the daddy type. Calling me a good boy and all.’ For a moment it was quiet. ‘Aren’t you suppose to tell me you aren’t gay, and that you’re married and that this was a mistake that won’t happen again.’
I shrugged. ‘I’m gay.’ I said. ‘I’m pretty sure I’m gay, or at least bisexual, although...women... well.’ I shrugged again.
‘Okay.’ Davy said. ‘Turn left here and then go right on Main.’ For a moment it was quiet. ‘Anyway that’s for you to figure out, I’ve got nothing to do with that.’
‘Yeah.’ I said nodding.
‘But since you drugged me without my permission, it seems only fair that me and my boyfriend get to do the same to you, doesn’t it?’
There was a nervous tingle in my tummy, I started blushing and I nodded, maybe a tad too willingly. ‘Sounds fair.’ I tried saying as nonchalantly as I could.
‘So don’t drink any drinks I buy you.’ His fingers were wriggling through the air as if he was telling a ghost story. ‘For their might be a roofie in it. Or maybe I’ll force you to inhale some poppers and then I’ll fuck you from behind. We’ll figure something out. At the next traffic lights right again, and there’s my apartment building.’ Davy said.
I stopped in front of the building he pointed out and I was kind of sad as he grabbed his bag and got out of the car. ‘How are you feeling?’ I asked before he could close the car door behind him.
‘Significantly less drugged and hazy,’ he said, ‘but still a bit dizzy and lightheaded.’
‘I’m dizzy too.’ I said.
‘Yeah right, dizzy with love.’ He said teasingly. If only he knew how right he was about that. ‘Take it easy daddy.’ He winked at me. ‘And be careful about accepting drinks from strangers sweetheart, for you never know.’
He slammed the door shut and I looked as his slender body hurried up the stairs and opened the door. He didn’t even look around to wave, the door slammed shut and he was gone. I was left lonely and alone in my car.
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