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About: "Yes," he replied.

Harry smiled to himself, imagining Hyphen’s brilliant green eyes sparkling mischievously behind her spectacles, twirling one of her long strands of black, kinky hair which she tended to do when she was up to no good. A part of him was glad to see his fourteen year-old daughter giving Slytherins hell. Of course he’d never mention this to Hermione who always scolded Hyphen and their other children for not supporting Inter-House unity.

Luna gingerly pulled the boy’s hand from his head and said,"Just a scratch and a mild concussion – nothing that a few waves from a wand and a potion won’t fix."

Once Sirius was healed, Luna shooed the "miracle-boy" away. Like his godfather, Harry, Sirius Lupin had earned an unwanted moniker. The first full moon after his fifth birthday, Sirius changed into a werewolf, just as everyone feared. He had unfortunately inherited the condition from his father. However, Sirius also inherited his mother’s Metamorphmagus abilities. The next full moon, Sirius did not change, much to everyone’s surprise. After a bit of study, it was discovered that after his first painful transformation into a wolf, Sirius unconsciously used his Metamorphmagus ability to cancel out his werewolf transformation. Using this knowledge, several Potion Masters created a cure for Lycanthropy based off of Sirius’ unique ability. Thus, he was heralded as the "miracle-boy."

Once the four adults were alone, Hermione announced, "I have news," the brunette was glowing with happiness. "Guess whose expecting again?"

"Another one?" asked Ron disbelievingly.

"You know Harry, ever since he found out I told that little fib, he thinks that I shouldn’t be without child for more than a year at a time."

After their third child was born, Harry sat down and did the math, so to speak. Their first child, Lily-Fiona Granger-Potter – affectionately called "Hyphen" – was born a little more than nine months and one week after Hermione told him she was pregnant that fateful day. Harry knew Hyphen wasn’t late and doubted that their daughter had already been conceived the day Hermione announced her pregnancy. When confronted, Hermione confessed to her "/delay in the truth/." In retrospect, Harry should have known it was a lie – Hermione was an absolute pathetic liar after all. In his defense, he had accepted his future wife’s claim simply because he didn’t think she could have ever lied about something so important, especially when their lives were in mortal peril at the time. Even though the lie was for the greater good, allowing Harry to tap completely into his love-core and therefore defeat Voldemort, the wizard was justifiably upset when Hermione confessed. After along, drawn out argument, and as a form of "/penance,"/Hermione baked Harry a pie (or rather, she asked Dobby – their employed house-elf – to bake Harry a pie) and then performed fellatio on her husband while he enjoyed his pastry treat. This led to the two shagging on the kitchen table while their three kids took their afternoon kip, which led to Hermione becoming pregnant again with the twins Eric and Lacy. It quickly became a joke that Harry had knocked up Hermione on a regular basis as a form of punishment for her "/delay in the truth/." This couldn’t be further from the truth – the couple had always intended on having a large family.

"What will this make? Nine sprogs? Hell, I’m a Weasley and I don’t have that many," the red head commented.

"But you’re not living up to the Weasley name, are you? If Molly didn’t have so many grandchildren from your brothers and sister, I’m certain she’d berate you daily for only having four. Bill and Fleur have six. Fred and George each have five. Percy, with his five ex-wives, has a total of eight. Even Charlie, who’s gay, has seven kids. But Ginny and Neville are obviously trying to make up for your lack of children with their eleven," Hermione pointed out.

"That’s only because Neville and that enormous penis of his ejaculates directly into Ginny’s womb each time they make love," Luna said. "They have to realize that no magical form of anti-conception will work with them."

"Yeah, let’s just hope he takes my advice and pulls out from now on," Harry chuckled. "Or at least buy some Muggle-condoms."

"So, number nine, huh," Ron said, returning to his friend’s happy news. "You’re going to run out of names you know."

"Well I suggested we name the baby after Snape," Hermione said. She smiled at the scowl that marred her husband’s face.

"I take it that didn’t go over well?" asked Luna.

"No," Harry said, flatly.

"To say the least," snorted Hermione. "After I used the Defebulator Charm to revive him and told him it was ajoke, Harry gave me a sound paddling. Of course I was hoping for a spanking, so I think it worked out rather well for me."

"Were you two were playing ‘The Lady and the Pauper’or ‘/Snarky Schoolgirl’/?" asked Ron.

"No, it was the ‘/Risqu?aid’ /this time. In fact, the maid-choker’s in her pocket right now," Harry replied. "And just to clarify; there’s no paddling in ‘/The Lady and the Pauper’/scenario. You’re thinking of ‘King Harry and the Duchess of Canterbury’ ‘A Long, Cold Night in January’ or ‘The Babysitter’s Reward.’"

"Ah, my mistake," the red-head said with a smile. "I’ll try to keep them straight."

"And what did you do to celebrate the great news of another baby?" the blonde asked, already knowing the answer.

"Another sound paddling," Hermione said with a rosy bloom. Even though Luna could not see them to confirm, she was positive the bloom on her cheeks matched the ruby hue on the brunette's other set of cheeks thanks to two consecutive spanking sessions.

"Well, we’ll just have to celebrate won’t we?" Ron said.

"What should we celebrate? The fact that Hermione’s still a kinky witch or that she and Harry are going to have another child?" asked Luna playfully.

"We can celebrate both as far as I’m concerned," replied Harry, overjoyed to have another child on the way and deliriously happy that his wife was still so adventurous.

"We’ve reserved a table at The Three Broomsticks for us and our kids," Hermione said to her friends.

"Great, we can say hi to Hannah Abbott ," said Ron.

"No, Ronald, Hannah owns the Leaky Cauldron," Luna corrected. "Katie Bell is the owner of The Three Broomsticks."

"That’s right. I don’t know why I get those two confused."

As the two couples left the Hospital Ward, Ron said with a guffaw;"Wow, the ten Potters and six Weasleys, that’s going to one big table."

"Ow," exclaimed Harry suddenly.

"What is it dear?" asked Hermione.

"Some damn insect just bit my scar."

The End

Ending Notes: First and foremost, I’d like to thank my beta, Sasqch for his diligent work. I’d also like to thank Steven Moffat whose creation, "/Coupling,/" I pilfered many of my jokes from. Thanks to Joanne Rowling whose many contradictions, plot holes, dropped plot points, retroactive changes in regards to previously published books, and the blatant character assassinations(of both her creations and her fans) made "Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor" possible. More thanks go out to Ultimate Auror and Brainy Bird who helped with numerous ideas and suggestions.

Most of all, many thanks to all who have read and reviewed. You guys rock.

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