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About: Opening it, I read that Sonia had been in touch and had suggested that the next day would be ideal to do the film at her place, providing we could get it organised at such short notice. He asked if I thought it possible to get everyone together today for a meeting. I texted back saying I would ring him shortly to discuss it. I needed to make sure Jay was okay before proceeding with the day.

Jay finished drying her hair and stood up, dropping her towel to the floor. The curtains were partly open and I checked to make sure that she was not within eyeline of anyone outside. Jay saw me looking and walked over to open the curtains wide. She stood in front of the big window, completely naked and looked down at the people below. Whether anyone had looked up and seen her, I couldn’t tell, but Jay certainly didn’t seem to care if they did.

She reached over and picked up a glass by the kettle and passed it to me saying, "I’m thirsty. Be a love and get me a drink from the bathroom." It was the way she looked at me and the tone in which she said it that gave me a clue as to what she wanted. Without questioning her, I took the glass in the bathroom and pissed into it. I had already had a wee in the shower before Jay joined me but I managed to half fill it.

I walked back out and Jay had sat down again. I passed her the glass which felt warm below the level of the pale liquid.

"You don’t have to do this," I said as Jay sat holding he glass and tipping it from left to right, watching the liquid move around.

"Why not?" she answered. "If it’s good enough for Sara and Katy to try, then it’s good enough for me."

Jay held the glass of piss in her hand and examined the fresh, clear, pale piss before raising it to her lips and tentatively tipped it up until she could put the tip of her tongue in the liquid. She gave it a small taste then lifted it further until a small amount when entered her mouth. She held the piss in her mouth, swirling it around before swallowing, exaggerating the gulp as she did so for comic effect.

With a quick smile she slowly tipped the glass up and let the remainder pour into her mouth, again keeping it there so she could taste and swirl it around before swallowing again

"Okay," she said examining the empty glass. "It’s not as bad as you think. I understand what Sara means about it being fresh. You should have told me before we had a shower. I think I might have let you piss on me then."

I was taken back at her statement. A week ago this wouldn’t be on the sex menu, let alone be talked about between us. Now she wants to be pissed on. How much further will she go before the week ends?

"I have to call Manus," I said taking the glass from her and rinsing it in the bathroom sink. "Sonia wants to do the film tomorrow if possible. Manus has suggested we get everyone involved together for a meeting."

As Jay put on for her favourite, new low-cut, very short summer dress I rang Manus.

"Could we get everyone together tonight do you think?" he asked as he answered and before I had the chance to say hello.

"We could try." I said, watching Jay as she reached for a G-string. "You ring Brian and ask about the possibility of meeting tonight and whether he can do the film tomorrow. I’ll speak to Kylie and ring Paul about the lights and since they’ve volunteered their services, I’ll have a word with the guys here and their wives. What about the paintings? What do we do about them?"

"Don’t worry. That’s getting sorted today. Sara and I are going to see someone who should be able to supply us with some copies. They won’t look like they’re real but if Neil doesn’t pay them much attention anyway; we should be okay…for a while."

"Great," I said. "I’ll speak to the others and let you know where to meet tonight. Have a good day."

"We will," Manus said. "Don’t forget Katy."

"Don’t worry," I said, knowing I was smiling. "I won’t forget Katy." Promising to keep him updated, I hung up and told Jay about the plan to meet. While Jay put her makeup on, I rang Katy and asked if she was available later.

"Yep," she said. "I’ve not got anything on tomorrow so count me in. If you need somewhere to meet tonight we can all go to Kenny’s. They’re shutting at six tonight as Jason has a Bridge match at his club and Kenny’s been asked to do a lecture at

I was even more impressed by the two of them.

"Okay. Shall I try to get everyone there at about half-six?" I asked running through all the names in my head.

"Yeah, that’ll be fine. I’ll see you there then. Have a good day, whatever you and Jay are up to. Bye."

I told Jay about the plan to meet at Kenny’s then text Manus to let him know to meet us there at six thirty. I then scrolled through my phone looking for Phil’s number. Jay rang Kylie while I rang Phil and told him that the film would be tomorrow, asked if they were free and also could they all meet us that evening at Kenny’s. He said he couldn’t see a problem and would call me back if there was. I gave him the directions to Kenny’s and promised to meet them all outside.

Next was Paul. By chance, the photographer he worked for was doing a wedding in Ipswich and then staying on as he knew the couple getting married, so Paul had been given the day off. He said the lights wouldn’t be a problem providing someone could provide the transport. I said that Brian, the man doing the filming, would have to drive down with his equipment anyway and may have room in his vehicle. I said we would be meeting at Kenny’s in Soho and gave him directions.

Jay was still speaking to Kylie who was only one floor below us. She said that she would meet us there and I nodded to Jay when she asked if I had spoken to Paul. Kylie said she would ring him and meet him off the train and they would arrive together. Jay gave her directions to Kenny’s then hung up.

"That’s that then," I said to Jay as she hung up her phone. "It’s on. Tonight we’ll go through the logistics and then tomorrow its all go."

"Cool," Jay said, smoothing her dress down in front of the mirror and checking how she looked. The answer was hot and very, very fuckable. A week ago she wouldn’t have made such an effort just to stroll around London. Now she looked fantastic.

"What do you fancy doing today?" I asked running through a list of museums and galleries we hadn’t visited yet. Jay reached into the dressing table drawer and pulled out her new, small butt-plug and the flavoured lube. She hitched the short skirt up, pulled the G-string fabric to one side, applied a small globule of lube to her arsehole and slowly slid the butt-plug in, the head stretching the hole wide before slowly shrinking around the stem and hiding behind the round jewel.

She stood up and almost buckled at the sensation. "Oh fuck, that’s good." She said, regaining her balance and picking up her faithful shoulder bag, dropping the lube within.

She approached me, put her arms around my neck and gave me a long kiss. "I feel like being naughty." She said with a saucy wink. Loads of thoughts ran through my head about what she meant and how I could help her ‘be naughty.’ Just to be sure I asked,

"How naughty?"

She put her lips to my ear and said quietly, "Very, very fucking naughty." She kissed me again and headed to the door. "Let’s go," she said holding her hand out to me.

To be continued in part fourteen when Jay is very, very naughty and the group meet together for the first time to discuss the plan

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