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About: She even brought a friend over one time to introduce her to the pleasures of being with a woman. That night damn near killed me.

Usually, Cindy and I would be together with Liz, but occasionally Liz would visit in the evening when Cindy was teaching one of her late classes. That's where the trouble started. One night, just before Winter Break, Cindy came home to find Liz in bed with me. We had fallen asleep after a vigorous session, Liz on top of me where she had collapsed after her last orgasm. My wilted cock was still inside her.

I woke up to see Cindy standing next to the bed, quietly observing us. I'm not sure how long she had been there. I thought it odd that Cindy didn't crawl in bed with us. Instead, she shook Liz awake.

"Did you two have fun?" my wife asked.

"Hi honey. We always have fun. Don't we, Liz?"

Liz yawned and rolled off me. "We sure do. Your husband is damn good in bed, in case you hadn't noticed," she said.

"Yes, he is," Cindy said. "That's one of the reasons I married him. Now if you don't mind, I'd like to have a little alone time with him, assuming you haven't used him up."

I don't know if Liz heard the tone of Cindy's voice or noticed the set of her jaw, but I did. When we were dressed and Liz had left, I asked Cindy if anything was wrong.

"Wrong? Yeah, something's wrong. You know Liz talks in her sleep."

"Yeah, she does some times," I said.

"Did you hear her tonight?"

"No. What did she say?"

"The little bitch was telling you she loves you. 'I love you so much, Doc,' she said. 'I want to always be with you,' she said. That's a problem. A big problem, as I see it."

"I didn't hear her," I said.

"Yeah, right."

"I didn't. She's never said anything like that to me when she was awake," I said.

"You sound awfully defensive," Cindy said.

"Are you accusing me of something, Cindy? Because, if you are, I think you'd better spell it out. I'm not a mind-reader."

"I think you two have gotten a little too close. I think you're falling for her."

"That's ridiculous. I like her, sure, but it's all about the sex. To me, there's nothing different about this from the way it's been with any other woman we've shared," I said.

"Oh, there's a difference, Paul. A big difference. When we started our threesome lifestyle, we agreed that I would be the one to choose our playmate. We agreed that we would always have the girl together. Have you forgotten that?" Cindy asked.

"I thought it wouldn't matter," I said.

"Oh, you did, did you?" Cindy said. "And just exactly why did you think that?"

"Well, I thought you liked her."

"I did like her. I do like her, but not enough to let her steal my husband away from me," Cindy said, a sharp edge in her voice. "It's late, and I'm tired. Let's go to bed. We can discuss this more in the morning."

Cindy got ready for bed, putting on her flannel nightgown, the one that clearly indicates she wants to sleep. Taking my cue, I got in my side of the bed, rolled on my side with my back to Cindy, and closed my eyes.

The next morning, Cindy seemed to be in a slightly better mood. We shared breakfast-making chores and made small talk as we ate, neither of us bringing up the incidents of the previous evening. When the dishes were cleared, I decided it was time to talk.

"About last night,..." I began.

"There really isn't much to say," Cindy interrupted. "I just think it would be best if we stopped seeing her."

"Should I talk to her?" I asked.

"No, I'm afraid of what you'll say. I'll talk to her. In fact, I'm calling the little slut right now," Cindy said, dialing her phone.

"Liz? Cindy. Do you have any classes with Paul next semester? No? Well maybe that's good. We've just had a little discussion, and we believe this thing of ours has gotten out of hand. It was probably a bad idea for us to get involved with one of our students, and we don't want anyone to get hurt. We think it would be best for everyone if you didn't come over here any more."

* * * * * * * * * *

Liz didn't return to the university after Winter Break. I learned from the Registrar's Office that she had her transcripts sent to several other schools, and had withdrawn from ours. It was only after she was gone that I understood how much she really had begun to mean to me. Cindy had been right – I had been allowing myself to have feelings for her that went way beyond what I normally experienced with the women Cindy brought home.

Soon, my wife found another young woman for us to play with. This one, a tall, buxom blonde, different in every way from Liz, was primarily interested in my wife. I had the distinct impression that she only had sex with me because Cindy seemed to expect it.

True to her old pattern, Cindy eventually tired of this girl, broke off the relationship, and found another. My wife was always careful, especially with the ones who seemed to really like sex with me, to make sure these girls didn't spend too much time at our house when she wasn't home.

When it was time for my summer work at the dig in Arizona that year, Cindy insisted we hold our final planning meetings at our house. She made a point of getting to know all the female students. To them, I'm sure it seemed as though she was simply being their professor's supportive wife, who took an interest in my work. To me, it was obvious she was checking out the competition.

Nothing happened between me and any of my students again. Cindy gave me a satellite phone as a "going-away present" the year after Liz came into our lives, and called me on it every night while I was on the dig. My students all came to expect the odd sound of my phone going off at random times during the afternoon and evening. Several of them remarked how sweet it was that Cindy kept in contact with me, but I knew she was keeping tabs.

Cindy and I took our usual vacations, and traveled occasionally for educational purposes. On a few of those trips, we picked up girls for one-night stands. Cindy always was the one to first approach these women, and I certainly never could find fault with her taste. I did notice, however, that none of the brunettes had long hair.

This morning, we flew to a two-day conference. Tomorrow is the first official day of meetings and presentations, and the next day I will be delivering a paper on my findings at the Arizona site I have been working at for a number of years.

Cindy and I planned to visit the Civic Center to see some of the exhibits and generally get our bearings before tomorrow's opening of the conference. After a brief tour of the facility, we decided to check out the shopping complex across the plaza, before heading back to our hotel. We had time before we had to get ready for the cocktail reception we were going to that evening. For fun, we took the elevated walkway that crossed the boulevard and gardens.

Cindy said nothing, but she suddenly took my hand and began to walk a little faster. That's when I saw the petite young woman sitting on the bench. She was wearing the same type of shoes, what could have been the same little black dress, and had her long, straight dark hair pulled back in a ponytail.

I tried not to be too obvious about looking at her, but just as we passed the bench, the girl looked up, making brief eye contact with me.

I couldn't help myself. I had to look. Was that Liz? Could that have been her?

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