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About: She says to Charles, "Charles is that why you had me be Ron’s adjutant while he was stuck in the hospital. You knew how we felt about each other?"

Charles chuckles and says, "I knew, not many people did. The first day you two met, I saw the way he looked at you Reese. I also saw how disappointed he was when he found out your rank, I think he wanted to get you a field commission just so he could date you."

Ron chuckles, "I had a second disappointment that day, I found out Second Lieutenants cannot give field commissions."

Jim laughs, "Now you know why, if they were able to, they would be a lot of pretty Second Lieutenants running around." The room is full of laughter, and Ron’s face reddens until Reese pulls him into a long passionate kiss.

A nervous Mitch comes in; looking at me, he waves me out of the room. I follow curiously into the hall. Once alone Mitch begins, "JJ, I am sorry. I had a small accident with your SUV."

Concern crosses my face before I ask, "Are you okay, No one got hurt?"

Mitch taken aback at my lack of concern over the vehicle explains, "Just one quarter panel is damaged, I am fine, and I was still able to get the persons they sent me after back to the hospital. I just got back. I slid off the road on the way there, it looked clear but they must have been some ice. The back corner panel hit a post beside the road."

I say, "It was just an accident, something that you would never do purposely. Quarter panels are easily fixed, a person on the other hand is not easy to repair or replace."

Mitch relaxes, he says, "I will pay to get it fixed, I was just driving a little too fast, I was trying to hurry to get to the person who needed hospitalization."

I ask, "Did they get here fine?"

Mitch smiled in return saying, "Actually they did, turns out it was not an emergency, like I thought, just a pair of grandparents that could not get here to see their new grandchild." Looking into my face, he says, "It is Misty’s parents, her Dad was having a little angina, but the doctors cleared him. They want me to ask if it would be all right for them to see their grandchild. Could you help me?"

With a smile I say, "Misty has wanted her father to come around ever since her wedding. He was a little angry thinking she and Marshall were giving up their future just to get married."

Mitch smiles and then says, "That explains the conversation they were having on the way to the hospital. Misty’s mother was giving her husband a real talking to about their daughter. Even though he was having chest pains, she had no sympathy for him. She said it is his own fault for being so hardheaded. That even his body was trying to tell him he had been wrong, and it is time to make it right."

I remember back when Uncle George did not know that Marshall and Misty were learning to trade, that Kathryn and I were giving them a different type of education. An education that left them financially independent, and then there was the treasure Sam naming both to receive a share. Her father knew none of this. Misty’s mother insisted that he remain in the dark about these events. Misty’s mother insisted that he needs to come back to her because of his love and nothing else.

I give my head a shake and I ask, "Mitch, can you get three more trays so you can join us for breakfast?"

Mitch smiles and says, "I am starved, they have had me out all night without a chance of getting anything to eat."

I walk back into the room and announce, "We are going to have three more join us shortly. Can we make room for them?"

It does not take us long; we simply put three of the children onto our laps. Cindy goes on to Daniel’s lap, Sam on to mine, and Rosy takes MC’s lap. That leaves two chairs open beside Marshall and Misty, and one by MC. Mitch brings in the three trays of food. Setting them down in the now empty places, and he takes the seat next to MC. I cannot help but notice the warm smile that MC gives him, and I wonder if the two will strike up a friendship or possibly more.

There is a knock on the door, as it opens Marshall breaks into a wide smile seeing his father and mother in law, Carl Caldwell and his wife Sarah. Misty quickly hands Marshall their son, then jumps up and runs into her father’s arms. The two hug tightly, sobs come as the pain washes away with their tears. Finally pulling back from his daughter Misty’s father says, "Misty, I am so sorry."

Misty smiles through her tears and says, "It is okay Daddy, you are here now and that is all that matters."

We spend the next hour, catching Carl and Sarah up on the events of the last nine months, we allow Sam to tell the story about the lightning bolt and the treasure tree. At the end of her story, Carl’s eyes rolled back into his head and he passes out in his chair.

Sarah knew a little of what had occurred, but she did not want to know the full details afraid she would accidentally allow her husband overhear her retelling them. She is a little pale in the face to learning her daughter and son-in-law are billionaires. She knew they had more than enough to live off comfortably, but had no idea it was this much. Looking at her husband she giggles, "Oh, let him sleep. If he had been doing as a father should have, he would have known all this beforehand. If he had not been so stubborn, and just listen to Marshall once he would have known."

We did not let him sleep all that long, mainly because Marshall Junior started to cry, which started Amanda crying. The two infants woke him quickly and he came awake with a start. Misty was just putting MJ to her breast, using a blanket to cover her chest. Kathryn was doing likewise; both babes heard nursing easily.

He looks at his son-in-law and asks, "Did I fall asleep and dream that you are a billionaire?"

Marshall chuckles then replies, "No, you heard we were billionaires then you passed out."

His hands are practically shaking as he tells Marshall, "Marshall I am so sorry, if I had listened to you I would have known how wrong I was. I know now that my mistake was jumping to the conclusion that you were throwing away your life, and my daughter was going to go down with you. Misty honey, I am sorry."

Misty giggles, "If you would come around sooner, you would not be driving that old beater, that could not make it in here. I wanted to get you a new truck for Christmas, but Mom would not let me until you come around."

Her Dad shakes his head no before he says, "Misty honey, you should not buy me a present so expensive anyway. You know I can never afford to give you anything of equal value."

Misty looks at her father and shares a lesson she is learned. Smiling at him she says, "Daddy, it would not matter what you gave me, if it cost a dollar or a million, as long as it came from your heart it would be priceless to me."

Carl gives his daughter a smile and ask, "How did you get so wise in just nine months?"

Misty looks at me then Sam and says, "I just become part of a very wise family, now that you are over your stubbornness you are a part of it also."

Carl looks around at the smiling faces that greeted him. He says, "In my stubbornness I truly have been a fool. I missed the one true thing my daughter has brought to my attention. You have accepted her with love into your family. That is something I should have done, I should allow my heart and not my mind to decide who my family is."

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