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About: Judy had used Mom’s bath oil earlier this evening; I could tell because her heated flesh emanated the scent of Chanel, adding to the cloying sensual musk of Judy’s pussy and making my cock throb.
  Judy’s flower opened before my eyes, with small pink petals that parted damply as she blossomed with the widening of her thighs. Using the fingers of my left hand, I felt softly among the folds at the top of her cleft until a small bump met the tips. Taking the little button between my thumb and finger I held it gently and kind of squeezed it in little pulses, more or less in time with her breathing, still watching in case Judy looked like she’s waking up but her eyes were still closed, though her mouth opened and was breathing deeper. Her little bump seemed to get bigger as I played and I could roll it between my fingers, back and forth, squeezing, pulling a little too. Judy’s breathing was getting a little ragged, not quite so steady, like she’d start and stop as if holding her breath then breathe real fast a while and her toes would wiggle and curl but her eyes were still closed so I guessed she was asleep. I leaned in to whisper again.
"You are so beautiful, such a sexy girl," I practically breathed into her ear, "I want to kiss you."
  Pulling back far enough to look at Judy, I saw as she almost imperceptibly pursed her lips, eyes clamped shut still. Pressing my lips to hers, the heat bonded us together momentarily. I stopped, then pressed back again for a much longer kiss. Her lips were soft and sweet, responsive when I pressed the tip of my tongue between them and teased into her mouth. Asleep or not, Judy’s kisses came alive as her tongue came out to meet mine sliding back and forth, tasting and flicking against the roof of each other’s mouth. I broke away and trailed sticky kisses along her very hot skin down her neck to the delicious hollow where her jaw met her ear, saying, "I want to kiss you all over," and laving more kisses to her shoulder.
  When I got to her lower belly, Judy’s breathing was audible and her skin superheated to my touch. My fingers were still entangled within the moistness of her pussy as my kisses trailed closer. Excitement was pulsing through my veins like a drug when my lips closed upon the tangy nub of her pleasure-button, making her hips jump into my face. Taking hold of her clitty between my lips I worked it over, licking and sucking alternately softly then hard. Using Judy’s breathing for a cue I noticed a slight rocking of her hips going on with my mouth play. Looking at her face, Judy’s mouth was open and her face tilted away, and her eyes still were looking closed. She tasted sweet, my tongue ran wet circuits up and down within the magnificent folds of her bottom flesh, delicious and mysterious to explore. Though her pussy was too tight for me to fit but the tip of my pinky finger into, I drilled my tongue in as best I could wave it around and got a shiver out of her; Judy’s legs clamped around my head and shook like a vibration took over. She made a moaning noise, what sounded like hiccups or something then sighed while her hand held my head still.
   I told Judy her juice was the most delicious thing I have ever tasted and wanted more. "Your sex juice is a love potion to me and the more I drink, the more I will love you" I whispered to her, implanting my suggestion forever I thought.
  My penis was throbbing and begging for relief. Judy lay sprawled out panting, on her bed; both of us sweaty and overheated, Judy’s musk filled my senses inflaming me more. Every breath smelled of her, Judy’s wetness dampening my upper lip and lingering on my taste buds. "My man-juice makes you sexy," my voice was echoing in my own head as I said these words into Judy’s ear, "drink it and you will be mine."
  I stopped and looked at Judy a moment. She lay with her mouth agape, practically gasping for breath after nearly hyperventilating a moment ago. The glistening, sweet slit between her legs beaconed irresistibly. She was either a very good pretender or a really deep sleeper but at that point it didn’t make much difference to me. My penis and my lust would not be denied. I leaned in closely and breathed the words to her, "do you want to taste me?"
  After a moment, Judy rocked her head, yes, she wanted to taste me so I brought the swollen head of my cock close to her pillow. The bed sagged slightly when I knelt next to her face touching and rubbing Judy’s lips with a drip of pre-cum clinging to the mushroom-headed flesh I held in my hands. Her tongue darted out to swipe the sticky stuff from her mouth and gather it back, tasting my stuff, rolling it against her palate before she swallows. My cock is about to burst and I am pinching the base tightly, trying to hold back the dam about to break loose and I tell her, whispering harshly, "open your mouth!"
  Judy’s mouth opens wide and she turns towards the source of heat next to her face, my penis, throbbing and purple on the brink of no return. "Open your mouth and swallow, " I say and get the tip of my cock just between her lips when I feel her tongue flick against the sensitive underside and it sets off my cock spasming and spitting. Using one hand to hold my spewing penis tightly inside Judy’s hot sucking orifice and the other to keep Judy’s head from pulling away, I’m seeing stars and can hear gulping and sucking noises from Judy desperately swallowing and sucking to keep up, nearly choking with so much hot fluid suddenly running down her throat and filling her cheeks.
  After a moment, my world stops spinning and I can breathe normally again. Judy let my penis slip from her mouth and a thin string of goo spans the gap until it breaks and falls against her cheek wetly. She’s licking her lips, swallowing, eyes closed.
  Bending to kiss Judy good night I whisper, "You are so sexy. " And then I slipped back into my room, climbed atop my bed, and passed into slumberland.
  Mom had pulled out of the driveway and onto the main drag when I stopped reading the paper and turned to Judy, looking at her. She put down her spoon and looked back at me, a small enigmatic smile on her face.
"Judy," I said, "You look really pretty today. There’s something about you very different."
  She giggled and got real pink sitting there. "Come here," I asked, "let me take a look at you." And I turned my chair to face her as Judy got up and came to stand next to me. Putting my left arm around her, I had Judy stand between my legs and I slowly got closer and closer to her face, until our lips touched and we were kissing. Judy’s eyes were open and I was looking into the deep brown of them while our tongues tangled and tickled. It seemed like not so many hours ago we were doing this, and more. "You are a very good kisser," I complimented her. "You must have done this before."
  She giggled cutely and set herself on my lap, making out with me in the kitchen. Though she was flat as a board, my fingertips traced the hard BB of her nipple, eliciting sighs and wiggles from Judy with every pinch and pull. I took her hand and placed it over the hard hot lump of my cock and squeezed it, her grip hot and firm as she held me. I rubbed her ass and legs, she was rubbing my cock inside my shorts and I said, "see what you did to me?"

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