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Website: https://www.fishingmagic.com/forums/threads/the-winter-blues.390487/
About: Where going camping remember Oh shit I forgot lets get our gear I'll grab sue bags and mine your bringing condoms?
What for well the girls may need a good well you know o yea packed already well looks like Brenda and Maria here .
Alright lets hit the road we all load in the van and get ready to go April and sue sit in the first seat Brenda next to me .

Maria in the back we ready girls yeah lets go I can't believe Brenda about an hour into the trip I look over at her .
she's trying to hid her self masturbating from me Brenda are you that hot I ask her? Shit you caught me Yes I did.
Well the girl say that you can make them pass out when you make love I was just thinking that I like you try that on me .

Well I'm not sure if I can I don't know you or maria that well why done you like my 36d tits she flips up her bra and tee shirt .
Dam girl put those away your going to cause an accident she laugh well you like them don’t ya? Wait until we get to camp .
The after dark you all can run naked inside the trailer if you want to hey I like that idea can we fuck you too ? Well I um .
Hey well they said we could try it what are you girls studding me out now no were not daddy April and sue say your hot .

Alright we can have a little fun Yippee lets cheer girls Yeah Yeah were gonna get laid were gonna fuck all night yeah Tony .
Maria show him your boobies flips her bra and shirt 38 D wholly shit !! ha ha you got him hard Brenda tells maria your first .
We arrive at camp later than usual it's late and I'm tired we had a flat tire must get it fixed in the morning at the local garage .
 I’m going to turn in I'll take a bunk out here No take the back bed room oh alright need we say why nope I know already .

I fall asleep and I awake with whispering in my bed hey wake up sleep head I want a little fun its two am Saturday morning .
Who is it any way It's me Maria can we talk sure why does everyone call you daddy? I don't know sweetheart well can I also? .
Why not everyone else does you know why I wanted to come camping don’t you yes because you love the ocean that's one reason .
There is other things also such as I'm not sexually active I been bragging a lot I been with a few guys that's all wrong .

I'm still virgin look see, she lifted her nightie and spread her lags oh yes I do see your hymen so your telling me Maria yes I do.
I want you to make love to me not fuck me hard but tenderly make love to me here I even brought a towel so I’ll not stain the bed .
Shall I lay now so you can lick me? Yes pleas spread wide like this yes mm you shaved yeas I did it so their be no problem .
 I then placed my tongue between her moist pink folds searing when I for her nub she then began Letting out a soft moan .
My tongue tip slips between her her folds then curling my tongue upward against the underside of her clitoris .
I began gently stroking past her slit then worked my tongue in to her vagina swirling my tongue as deep as I could go.
I could see all of her juices she became very wet pink inside and out her body began to shake and she cried out aah .
I withdraw then I began suckling her nice pink folds placing my tongue directly on her slit ooh she moaned out .

Yes Daddy I love the feel of your tongue in my pussy yes lick my slit Oh I'm gonna cum soon ooh my pussy is getting wet .
I'm gonna cum on your face daddy ah I'm ready I'm Cumming aah yes I'm ready you want me my hard dick in yes do it .
I lifted her legs back she held them open for me I took my hard shaft in hand rubbed it on her wet pink folds that's it yes .
I grabbed my cock in my hand and rubbed the head against are you ready Maria ? yes Daddy Yes, fuck my pussy hard .
I stopped for a second I must be pushing against her hymen, I pulled back,then began sliding my hard cock into her deeper .
I feel Your rod going into my pussy, Ooh Daddy I love feeling it feels so good aah yes I'm gonna cum Daddy! Aah yes .

Daddy I'm cumming ooh Gawd aah I'm cumming all over your hard cock fuck yes pound my pussy feels so good aah yes .
 Please don't cum in me no I can't help it Maria I can't pull out baby your much too tight Your pussy got a good grip on me.
It's cumming oh shit here it cums baby I feel it now ! I'm cumming I'm cumming Do it to me ooh gawd!! Squirt it deep .
 Daddy Ah Fuck I'm felling it inside me y it feels so hot Daddy I'm gonna cum again Ah h fuck me daddy fuck me .
 I' can't hold my legs any longer I’m cramping up aah Please pull out please oh my legs aah fuck I'm getting a cramps .

I pulled out I carried her to the shower I grabbed a douche bottle spread your legs I squeezed in side her as best as I could .
Suddenly all the cum began flowing out of her pussy onto the shower stall and down the drain dam baby y’all filled me good .
We showered cleaned up dried off went back to my bed look at the time honey it's almost three in the morning .
 Good morning Brenda ,April ,Sue, hello there Maria you two really got into it early this morning yeah we did I was horny .
I hope we did not keep you all awake nope .Hey there yes sue I got a text message from my mom and dad good news.
Well bad for tony Mom and dad are moving me out there I'm sorry April I have to go they want me and the baby there.
They purchased a nice four bedroom house one for my sister shes coming to puck me up and take me home too .
I am happy for you we will sure miss you don't be sad besides aren’t you and April getting married some day ? .

I'm still deciding I have not decided yet to marry unless my mom really wants me out so I've not decide yet .
Well lets just enjoy this weekend shall we alright lets go to the beach no I rater get going home can we yes I think it's best .
I will tell you what we can do how about we finish off this weekend because it maybe our last one here OK with you girls ?
Well all right there all sad about sue leaving and maybe April moving me also I just can't believe I may loose out also .

I do not mind missing out on the sex it's the companionship that I will miss most of all I love having these girls around .
Girls go enjoy your self I am going to read today and relax alright tony see you later on then alright have fun girls .
I will be right back I need to ask him something alight will be down on the beach see you soon yeah alright Brenda .
The door opens I am laying down on the couch reading Tony may I talk to you it is very important sure Brenda .

Do you like my tits ? do you think their too big for my eighteen year old body? No why well I think so sometimes .
What I really wanted to talk to you about is I know your sad I do not want you to be , I am not sad you sure your not ? .
Yes just a little I known April scene she was young why sue I've known through April for a long time also I sure will miss them .
We will still be here all of us I been hearing roomers in the girls locker room at school you make the girls pass out during sex .

Who told you all this I over heard some girls that’s all , well It could only be one of thee April Sue or Jan I had sex with them .
Alright yes I admit it yes it was them I overheard it is not my fault well will you fuck me too as good this evening why not now?
Now alright let's go lay on the bed I am going to you first then we can do it alright but be very gentle I am a virgin alright .
To Be continued

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