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About: Using the tether her father had made for her, she aided in moving some of the smaller crates through the opening in the bottom of the ship. Then, because she was the only winged person on the project, Béla was given the task of retrieving cargo pods that were starting to float away before they were strapped to their landing platforms.

Béla spent an exhausting hour and a half retrieving her first runaway pod just using her tether and her own wing power. Most of that time was spent straining on the tether, flapping her wings as hard she could, just getting the six-ton pod to stop floating away and go where she wanted it to. After she managed to secure her wayward catch to a landing platform, she mentally contacted the overseer and gently suggested a different scenario for her to work in.

Image: Using one of the smaller landing platforms to aid her, Béla flies to the runaway cargo pod and attaches a line from the platform. The runaway pod is then winced in by the landing platform and secured to its deck. Then, using the POWERED landing platform, the cargo pod is taken to its destination, or secured until the next landing platform going to the surface was ready to load.

As she broadcast her images to the overseer, she picked up from him that he had actually sent her on a snipe hunt to get her out of the way of the unloading project. The crew assigned to the project was so concerned with their princess’ continued safety as she flitted around and between the huge floating cargo pods, that their work effort was being hampered. Aside from the fact that everyone there loved her, Béla was the Regent’s favorite daughter, and her continued safety was of paramount concern to them all.

Fuming, but not wanting to appear ungrateful for their concern, she again requested a small landing platform for retrieving runaway cargo. Privately, she also sent the overseer’s concerns about her ‘safety’ to Elaine, Beth and several others whom she knew would feel the same about being so ‘protected’.

The overseer assigned a powered platform to her and an operator to run it. It only took twenty minutes to catch and retrieve the second cargo pod that had floated away. Béla rode the platform back, holding on to the outside railing that protected the operator.

As they returned, Béla could see a dozen tiny flying figures darting in and out amongst the cargo pods floating beneath the great ship. She laughed as she felt the exhilaration being broadcast by her sisters as they tried out their wings for the very first time.

Work on the unloading project had halted completely for fear of accidentally squishing one of the fragile, winged princesses between two floating cargo pods. The work crew watched them flit about, sharing the elation the flying princesses were broadcasting. They were naked and free and outside the ship for the very first time. Béla mentally connected herself to everyone in the cargo bay area.

'My sisters are flying around above the great ship and using the weak artificial gravity that leaks through its hull to lie on its surface and bathe in the sunlight from the giant crystal sun. The work crew is unloading cargo to send to the surface.'

The idea seemed to occur to everyone at once. The flutter of naked, winged figures and female laughter traveled from beneath the cargo bay and disappeared in several directions. Elaine, recognizing the source of the ‘idea’, flew out to meet her roommate and cheerfully rode back to the cargo bay, hanging onto the platform railing with her.

"I notice you’re feeling better!" Elaine shouted as she hung on against the wild wind caused mostly by the giant propellers.

"I just needed something to do," Béla yelled back, realizing that what she said was true – she was having fun, now.

By the time they arrived, the work of unloading cargo had resumed. Elaine wanted to stay and help, so Béla convinced the overseer to assign Elaine a platform and an operator. Between them, they retrieved sixteen more cargo pods over the next three hours. Then the overseer informed the princesses that all the pods were accounted for. The two sisters flew inside and headed for the communal baths, exhausted and sweating, but happy.

They were too sweaty and dirty to wear anything, so they simply walked, naked and carrying their clothing, to their destination. Béla invited her sister to share the private shower stall her father had installed for her, as they didn’t want to get the bath water dirty that everyone used. Also, it was a lot more private and had its own thought dampening field generator.

"It smells so wonderful out there!" Elaine was saying excitedly, as Béla turned on the water spray. "I’d forgotten what ‘green’ smells like. I just wanted to spread my wings and sail through that wonderful smell all the way to the edge of the world!"

"That’s what you would have found, too," Béla told her. "The edge of that world is traveling hundreds of miles an hour. The fierce winds between here and there would tear your wings off."

"Miles?" Elaine asked, confused.

'1.6666666666666666666-to-infinity kilometers, Darling,' Béla thought at her, grinning.

'Oh. Is that a lot?' Elaine thought back to her sister.

Béla pulled Elaine into the cold spray surrounding her, laughing. Elaine shrieked in shocked surprise, then hopped out from underneath the icy spray. Béla stood with her arms folded, forcing her body to look relaxed and comfortable as the cold water rained down on her head.

"What?" Béla asked, innocently. "You don’t like my shower?"

Bracing herself against the cold water, Elaine stepped back underneath the spray and rinsed herself off, her jaw clenched and her shoulders hunched against the frigid assault on her senses. Then, Béla turned the water off and they both jumped into the warm waters of the communal baths, shivering.

Béla stretched out in the warm water, letting the bubbles coming up from the bottom caress her sore arms and aching back. She expanded her awareness into the great ship to see if anything interesting was happening. She didn’t consider it eavesdropping to pick up stray thoughts that others were broadcasting. With a telepathic race, if one didn’t want something known, one didn’t broadcast it.

Elaine followed Béla’s example of floating in the bubbling water. Béla suddenly emitted a burst of mirth, then quickly suppressed it. The thought dampeners didn’t allow the burst to be emitted beyond the communal baths, but Elaine felt it. She looked at Béla, wondering what was so funny.

Béla sent her the image she saw.

'There are at least twenty naked bodies piled on top of each other having sex above the ship. Father is really annoyed at the commotion they’re broadcasting. He just finished aiming two thought dampeners at them and is getting ready to turn them on.

'Okay, now, they’re on. Poor father, all my horny little sisters are in physical contact with each other. They didn’t even notice the psychic interference. But at least, the inside of the ship is quieter, now.'

'Okay! We’re clean! Let’s go outside and play!' Elaine broadcast, joyfully.

They hopped out of the bath, and ran, wet, naked, screaming and laughing, all the way back to the cargo bay. Forming their wings, they dived out into the vast expanse of New Eden, their aches and pains forgotten as they joined their sisters in their celebration above the great ship.

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