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About: "Let’s do it."

‘Ember – I’m sending them to you…’ Amber thought to her twin sister at the other end of the ship.

Lisa and Tabatha teleported back to Engineering. It was a half-mile swim in free-fall, otherwise.

"We should try one outside the ship, first," Ember, the Engineering Officer, told them, "especially if we’re working with nuclear energy."

"It’s not radioactive," Lisa assured her. "Shouldn’t be that much of a problem."

"What if the shield doesn’t hold?" Ember replied and sent Lisa an image of her precious rosin ship gutted by a nuclear blast.

Tabatha almost laughed watching Lisa frown and smile at the same time.

"Let’s test the shield first," Lisa said, remembering her only encounter with it when she’d tried to eradicate the mutant spiders.

"Okay," Tabatha replied. Closing her eyes, she created a round sphere of energy outside the hull. "You see that?"

"Yeah," Lisa replied. "I see it."

Concentrating harder than normal, she teleported inside it.

‘Well, I can get in and out of it, anyway,’ she thought back at Tabatha and Ember. ‘Let’s try putting some energy in here.’

‘I’ll have to fake this part,’ she realized, shielding her mind from the others.

Dreamwalking earthward, she found a rock and teleported it into the sphere where her body was. Realizing she needed two, she teleported a second one up as well. Teleporting outside into naked space, Lisa looked into the sphere. Grasping one rock into her mind, she teleported it into the other. The sphere turned blinding white like a tiny sun, but the shield held, releasing only a fraction of the heat being created inside. Lisa grinned with pleasure as the intense heat from it warmed her freezing body.

‘At least, my hair isn’t freezing wet this time…’ she thought to herself, remembering her first, almost virginal attempt to exist in the vacuum of space.

‘Can you feel that?’ Lisa asked, mentally calling out to Tabatha.

‘Wow! That’s incredible!’ Tabatha replied, completely awestruck. ‘I about had an orgasm when you did that! How can you have that much power inside your head and not go insane?’

Lisa didn’t respond. She teleported back inside the ship.

"There’s no radioactivity coming from the sphere," Ember informed them. "Just heat and light."

"How can you use that to power the ship’s drive?" Tabatha wanted to know.

"Shouldn’t you be concentrating on holding that shield?" Lisa snapped at Tabatha.

"I don’t need to," Tabatha replied haughtily. "It will stay in place so long as there’s energy to feed it. Your mind power inside it will probably keep it going for thousands of years. Do you have to keep concentrating on your output?"

"No," Lisa said, covering up. "It’s not part of me, now. It’s a separate, physical thing."

"Neat!" Tabatha replied, grinning. "So is that shield!"

"Okay," Ember said, sighed with some trepidation. "We have a power source. Any idea how to utilize it? Or get it inside the ship?"

"It was your idea to put it outside," Lisa reminded the engineering officer.

"That was for a test," Ember replied, getting a little testy. "I didn’t know you two were creating something that would last a thousand years."

"Neither did we," Tabatha said, equally defensive. "This is our first time experimenting with our powers like this!"

"I think we could dreamwalk it inside," Lisa suggested. "Especially if Tabby here encloses the sphere with a time-shield so we can handle it."

"Good idea," Tabatha agreed, then smiled wickedly at Lisa. "It’s a good thing I like you – I hate being called ‘Tabby Here’…"

"Sorry," Lisa replied. "That’s a hold-over from my nasty days…"

"I have to sleep to dreamwalk," Tabatha said, returning to the task at hand.

"I don’t," Lisa replied. "You make the time shield; I’ll move it inside."

Both girls concentrated on the little ball of pure energy outside the hull of the resin ship. Lisa suddenly noticed that the ball had ceased to generate heat or light.

"What happened?" she asked anyone who could hear her.

"I put a time shield around it," Tabatha replied. "Hurry up! It’s starting to get super-hot in there!"

"Hey, Doc," Lisa asked Ember as the sphere floated through the hull of the ship. "Where d’ya want this thing?"

The Engineering Section was suddenly bathed in gleaming white light as the time-shield was released.

In the next hour or so, the Engineering crew (all six of them, with Lisa and Tabatha) had the sphere contained and inline with the dormant engine. As soon as the electrician hooked it up, it would be ready to test. Later, a circulation system would be designed around the sphere so that it would also help to heat the ship, since it wouldn’t always be this close to the sun. The two girls took a break.

"The food here is incredible," Tabatha was saying as they floated along a passageway toward the mess hall.

"That’s great," Lisa replied, "because I’m starving."

They were each on their second plateful when Tabatha started playing ‘Macario’. At least, that’s how Lisa thought of it…

"So… How come you’re having trouble with energy drains now?" Tabatha wanted to know. "You haven’t had any problems like that since you were a little kid, have you?"

"What do you mean?" asked Lisa, knowing exactly what Tabby was talking about.

"Well, I couldn’t help but notice," Tabatha replied, smiling at her friend, "that you pulled a real energy-drainer last night. Half the city felt it – at least us girls did. But you were able to blow a mile-wide hole clear across the San Luis Valley to cut off the Confederate advance without breaking a sweat.

"I know you’ve got that nuclear thing in your head," Tabatha continued, "but you’ve changed! You’re not consistent. I’m worried about you."

Lisa smiled at her pesky companion, but before she could reply, the ship’s speakers blared out a shrill whistle. Then the bridge commander spoke.

"Secure quarters and prepare to launch! Launch time in one minute and counting!"

"What about my food?" Tabatha asked, anxious to keep her half-finished plateful of the best mush she’d had in several months.

"Let’s take it planetside," Lisa suggested.

Both girls and their servings of food disappeared. A few seconds later, they reappeared in Engineering, their hands empty.

"Room for two more?" Lisa quipped.

"Sure," Ember replied and sent them an image of a buffer bench built into the rear bulkhead and the mechanism that releases it.

Both girls quickly found it and secured themselves.

"Launch in five, four, three, two, one…"

Lisa and Tabatha, along with everyone else, were suddenly pressed back against their buffer pads. The ship was accelerating at maximum speed – six gees. After several minutes of the intense acceleration, the gee-force was reduced. The buffer they had been lying on retracted as they got up. The wall that had been the rear bulkhead was now the floor.

"We have gravity!" Tabatha exclaimed.

"Wow! No shit!" Lisa echoed.

"Ladies and gentlemen, passengers and crew – We have escaped earth orbit and are now in free orbit around the sun! Our speed is one hundred, seventy thousand kph and accelerating! We did it! Congratulations to you all!"

There was cheering all over the ship. The Phoenix III was, after twenty-six years of trial and error, taking its first interplanetary test flight. The electro-magnetic space drive, with Lisa and Tabatha’s new power source, was finally a success.

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