I opened my eyes and I stood in a white space. Nothing was around me. A vast and mighty emptiness. Linda was gone. The golden room. The Most High and Lucifer. They were all gone. I was all alone except...
I saw myself. A reflection. Naked like I was, a look of paternal care on my features. I frowned and lifted my arm. It was no reflection. It breathed. It lived, but it wasn't me. Confusion rippled through my soul. I didn't understand.
"What is going on?" I asked.
"You made the right choice," I answered. Only it wasn't me. The voice was mine, but the power behind it was immense. "That's what I had hoped for. I created your world to see if it could happen."
"Happen?" I shook my head, staring at the Most High wearing my flesh.
"The choices have always been wrong," the Most High said. "Selfish. Most rarely made it as far as you. They lost sight of what they wanted, just indulging in their own desires until they had twisted the world into something nightmarish. Something that forced me to act and reset everything. Not even my Divine Council or the Infernal Court could remember it all. Could see the entire plan. They couldn't know, for they were a part of it."
"I'm not following," I said, struggling to comprehend this. "You created the universe so that one person could stand in front of you and... uninstall the app?"
"To give up the power. You kept wanting to make the world a better place even as you indulged in your desires."
"But I made a selfish choice," I said. "I refused to give my wife up and refused to give Lucifer any control. A world with Linda in it is a better place than without it. We could still work to make it better without the app."
The Most High nodded. "Exactly. A singular choice. That is how things are truly made better. That's why I allowed things to progress. I could have stopped you from editing Sandalphon. Could have stopped your wife from ever receiving Lucifer's bastardized app. I wanted to see how you would choose."
"You're God. Didn't you know?"
"I can never see the choices that are truly made by free will."
"But Anael told me that we are all slaves to causality when she gave me the app. That no human has free will and that I was lucky. You were giving it to me with the app."
"True," the Most High said. "Most people never exercise free will. Most choices you make are reflexive, without thought. They are the ones that you are just reacting to the stimuli. A true choice, one that can overcome the pressures of your experiences, your culture, your peer pressure, and your biology is so very rare. Most humans never even make a single one in their entire life. You shouldn't have chosen to save your wife. Not truly. You knew in your heart that you would never remake the world in your image if you gave up your power, but you loved your wife. You chose not to destroy her and yourself. You made a choice and defied all the pressures upon you.
"You broke the chain of cause and effect." The Most High smiled. "It's because humans are spiritual beings that they can do this. Think of all those moments of enlightenment and change that have happened throughout human history. Someone changing society in a small way. Ending repugnant customs, a trend towards more and more care and freedom. It's incremental. Small. They come through pain and suffering as other humans react out of instinct to stop the world from changing. Without true thought and care. Even with those I give the freedom to 'edit' have trouble breaking from it. You were free from one set of pressures, but others found you. Manipulated you."
"Anael," I muttered.
"Your wife. Your friends. Your upbringing. But when it mattered, you did it. You made the one choice to give it all up. I've waited a long, long time for that to happen. 4.5 billion years or so. Give or take a day."
He chuckled. I frowned at God laughing at his own joke.
"It wasn't that bad," he said then sighed. "No, no, you are still reeling from everything."
"I guess," I said. "So now what?"
"Now it's yours," he said. "The rule of my creation has always been the stakes. Lucifer winning was one of the outcomes of this game, but your wife wasn't selfish enough to ensure his victory. If she had edited you only a little differently, you wouldn't have been able to make your choice. You couldn't have brought yourself to erase her. You wouldn't have had that command driving you. You would have chosen her and the world and he would have won."
"So my wife helped," I said.
"No one wins alone. No one ever does it alone, even if it feels like that. There's a chain around you, a webbing that extends from you to everyone you know and from them to others and others. All your life, people have helped you. But, in this instance, your wife blocked Lucifer and gave you the chance to make your choice. You've won. The world, this universe, is yours. I'll make others. I'm sure you will one day, too."
"Other universes?" I asked. "You created this world as a game? Just to see if someone could rise above selfishness to such an extent." It hit me. Why humans were so petty and vicious. Why we could so easily hurt each other in pursuit of our wants. "You made us this way just to see if someone could overcome it?"
"I did," he said. "I've made many universes for many different reasons. I'll make more. Creation is an act of sublime delight, but if it doesn't have a purpose, then it lacks soul. All good art is meant to provoke thought, to be a thorn planted in the mind. Otherwise, it's just banal. Your son understands this. You will, too. I am sure you will find your reasons to make your own universes as did I."
"It's so petty," I said in disgust. "How many billions of people suffered so that you could play a game with... with whom?"
"Myself. I made a wager with this universe. Glad to see that I won." He smiled. "At least you're not alone, are you? Maybe it'll be a wager you make with Linda that provokes the first universe you create."
I snorted. "I wouldn't be so cruel."
"That's up to you to decide. Be well, Steven Davies, I entrust my creation into your hands. Do with this universe as you will. It's yours now to remake in your own way. I am departing off to another. I have ideas that I wish to explore. I shall leave two of my servants behind, though the rest I am taking with me, even Lucifer. He has his uses from time to time depending on the game."
I didn't know what to say. And then I was alone.
There was the white around me and I could feel... something. Eternity. I shuddered as suddenly screens appeared around me. Thousands of them. They were all covered in data, my mind manifesting the reality that I could edit upon it. A need surged through me to take possession of my gift, to staff it with my servants.
They rippled into being. All those hundreds of Anime girls my son had drawn. Creatures not born through natural means, but wrought through the act of true creation. They were taking their places, each of them adopting a role that was vacant. Anael and Jophiel appeared next, my angels kneeling, and then I pulled others.
Living creatures.
Linda appeared at my side, sobbing as she threw her arms around me. Then my children. Last, my concubines. I brought them up into Heaven. Then I realized that this blank whiteness was the golden room, only vacant of any ideas. I was free to make of this what I wanted. It was my canvas to splash my will upon.
I took a deep breath as I stared down at my universe.
To be concluded...
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