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About: Placing her hand on the panel to open the door she waited for it slide open. Once inside the cabin she was impessed at how nice and comfortable it was. The bed was large enough for three people to sleep comfortably on it and six or seven if they were really friendly. There was a door way that she assumed was the bathroom and sperating the bedroom from the kitchen was a half wall that came up to her chestand there was a book case that took up an entire wall. Azriel began to stir in her arms opening his eyes he looked up into her face and smiled angelically and began to babble up at her as if he was having a conversation with her. She smiled down at him and stroked his head, he grabbed her hand as it passed by his face and began sucking on her finger hungrily while his teeth bit down hard enough to cause her to wince.

    "Ow, I'm not food that hurts," she said down to him. He immediatley stopped biting down looked up at her as his eyes began to water.

    "Shhh baby thats ok I'm not mad at you. Your a good boy," she said trying to head off the tears and wailing that Michael's daughter had always burst into whenever chastised. Avriel had never been around any other toddlers except little Sidney. Azriel's eyes cleared and he began sucking on the finger again but he didn't bite down. She was almost certain he had understood exactly what she said. Going into the food storage unit she found some ingrediants to make meat pies and vanilla nutrition smoothies. Supposedly you could live off the smoothies but they never did fill her and the meat pies where high in iron so it would help with the nanite production. A thought occuring to her she asked the ship.

    "Sidney with the nanites in my body consuming all the unused protien will I be able to gain weight?"

    "No captain, the nanites will keep you in peek condition. Your body will get everything it needs then the nanites will use what they need and dispose of the rest."

    After cooking dinner she sat and ate feeding Azriel one of the smoothies and most of a meatpie before he drifted off back to sleep. She took him to the bathroom and changed his diaper then took him back out to the room and layed him in the center of the bed.

    "Sidney inform me if Azriel wakes, I want to take a shower," she said as she turned back to the bathroom.

    Turning on the shower Avriel removed her belt and sword placing them on the counter beside the sink. She undid the buttons going down her front and let the stiff blood soaked dress fall to the floor. Catching movement out of the corner of her eye she spun hand reaching for her sword but she stopped when she saw a full length mirror on the wall. There she stood five feet, five inches tall. Her breast were big enough to over flow even her husbands large hand and even at three hundred and twelve years old they didn't sag a centimeter. Her toned body was smooth and soft down the skin of her back and arms. Her body completely unmarred except for the wound in her side. Her fifteen foot wingspan, the tips brushing the opposite walls when outspread, was pure white. Her legs and ass tight and muscled. Her small delicate frame deceptively hid her strength and speed. More then one of her enemies had fallen mistaking her beauty as innocence and they found that she was as deadly with her sword as she was beautiful. Her long golden blonde hair hanging to her waist and her haunted blue eyes were pained and bloodshot. Turning she got into the shower and let the steaming hot water wash away her memories for a little while.


    Avriel sat at the command console and looked out the view port at Rayne their new home until Azriel was old enough to lead the assault to reatake their world. Maybe if they were lucky they could enlist the help of the locals. Though aggressive they were said to be honorable. She began scanning the planet and sat back thinking.

    "Sidney once on the planet how faraway could you detect incoming ships, or long distance fighters like pirates use?"

    "From on planet I could give you maybe a half and hour to an hour warning at best captain the atmosphere will hamper my scanners."

    "What if you created three relay becons and we placed one on each of the planet's moons?"

    "With relay becons we would have a three to four hour warning unless they jumped into the solar system closer to the planet then that. However I don't have any extra raw material to use to make the becons I could reassimilate the cargo bay since it is of almost no use as it is and that should give me more then enough for the becons."

    "Do it," Avriel said cradling a sleeping Azriel to her chest. Five minutes later the becons were launched and ten after that they were in place and online.

    "The becons are inplace captain. We have a three to five light year sweep, depending on the positions of the moons, in every direction from the planet. There are currently no detected ships aside from us in the range of the becons. Where would you like to make landfall captain?"

    "Hmmm," Avriel said absentmindly as she looked at the read out she got from the scan of the planet. On the side of the planet they were on there some small metal deposits and twelve rudimentary towns she was unable to tell if they were Lios and Lupos without going very close. Turning the display she saw there were massive viens of iron and copper with smaller silver and gold viens all converging in one spot. Precious stones were also detected though due to the interference of the ore they could not be accurately identified.

    "There, that is were we are going to land so you can assimilate as much of those minerals as you can and we can began building a fleet to retake Paradise. Set course for that mineral convergance. Any news from the universal information net?"

    "Captain the info net does not reach this planet the only news that you dont know is that Hell's queen which Lucifer and her generals imprisoned has escaped with the help of loyalists. The generals on planet have been captured and executed and all ships in the system siezed. This will mean war between Lucifer and the Hellions remaining loyal to the queen they have the means to hold out for several decades if not for a century if they are wise in the use of their resources."

    Gritting her teeth she sat and waited for them to approach the landing site. As they neared it a more accurate scan show there was a cave the mouth was wide enough for the ship to enter but the interior wasn't big enough for it to turn so they had to back in and set down. Avriel had the ship make a harness to carry Azriel on her chest and she found the switch on the bookcase and trieved some light body armor and an energy rifle. She slipped on the armor then buckled on her belt and sword on. She slipped into the harness and slung the rifle over her shoulder. Strapping Azriel snuggly into the harness as he cooed at her and gripped her hair. Lastly she strapped on the scanner/comunicator Sidney had made her. It covered her arm from her wrist to three inches before her elbow. Behind her trailed a knee high robot meant mainly to carry things if she found anything edible. Their stock of food would last a year or two if they lived only on that but it was best to save it for emergencies since it would not spoil.

    She slapped her hand against the door panel and disembarked for the first time onto the Planet of Rayne.

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