Eragon groaned uncomfortable as Shurikan lent a little more of his weight onto the young Rider.
Shurikan threw his head back and growled in pleasure as he shot his seed deep into his unwilling recipient. Saphira could feel the warmth from his juices spread inside of her, attempting to fertilize her egg. She tried to close her legs but the powerful dragon forced them to stay open. Shurikan grunted happily as he felt his own semen inside of her.
There was just so much, if anything his orgasms seemed to be increasing in size. Saphira was quickly filled, every inch of her stuffed with dragon cum. It made her belly look extremely full because the pressure was so great. Jizz sprayed out of her entrance around his cock, forced out of her due to the lack of room inside of her.
Eragon looked down at her, seeing the seemingly endless river of cum that was flowing out of his dragon. He hoped with every inch of his being that it wasn't the sperm that was going to make Saphira a mother, and so did she. Shurikan was hoping for the direct opposite, however, keeping his cock lodged firmly inside of her walls until he was utterly spent.
Saphira's head fell limply to the ground, she had given up.
"No, Saphira, hang on," Eragon ordered her, scared that she had passed out or even worse, been killed by Shurikan.
"Stay... stay with me... Eragon," she whispered weakly.
"I will never leave," Eragon replied. That was enough for Saphira, who hung on desperately to consciousness.
Shurikan's emissions eventually ceased after a few minutes. Eragon had no idea how anything could put out so much fluid in one orgasm, let alone three. The satisfied black dragon pulled his softening cock out of Saphira with a large sloshing noise, content that he had impregnated her. A gush of fluids ran out of Saphira's gaping entrance, streaming onto the ground.
Shurikan stepped away from Saphira, his dripping organ slowly retreating back into it's slit.
"You see, young Dragon Rider," Galbatorix proclaimed, "that's what happens when you disobey the Empire." With that he cast a spell to clean Shurikan's body of fluids before he turned around.
"We'll be back for the egg," Galbatorix laughed as Shurikan took off into the air to begin the journey back to the castle. With a powerful stroke of his wings the massive dragon sped off, leaving Eragon and Saphira to deal with the aftermath. All of a sudden, Eragon found he could move again.
He slowly tried to stand, his whole body bruised and sore from the battle and the rape. He tried to dismount Saphira but slipped on Saphira's scales and fell to the ground. He crawled over to Saphira's head and she looked at him with her large eyes half-closed.
"Eragon... are you... alright?" she asked him weakly. Eragon put a hand on her head.
"Saphira," Eragon replied, "I'm the one who should be asking that." He shook his head, unable to comprehend entirely what had just occurred. Saphira, much to Eragon's concern, rolled onto her back so she could get her neck up to look at the damage. She was shocked by what she saw.
Eragon was covered from head to toe in Shurikan's thick, sticky seed, and so was she. She looked at her soaked entrance and groaned weakly, the damned dragon had got her good. She winced as her she turned her neck, feeling the punctures that had been bitten into her. Eragon was concerned, but he didn't have the energy to fix them.
Saphira knew if she didn't act fast she would have no chance at all of stopping the fertilization.
"Eragon," she asked, a little more composed now, "please help me." Eragon knew exactly what she wanted, so he walked around to her until her opening was staring him in the face. He was shocked by what he saw.
Shurikan had raped her terribly hard. Her entrance was wide open, spilling Shurikan's mating fluids onto the ground. He could see right into her, she had been spread that far. He stared inside of her, unable to tell just how far the evil dragon had gone. Her walls were coated white and smelt strongly, as scent which made Eragon enticed and disgusted at the same time.
Acting quickly, he formed the magic words together to clean her insides out completely. However, he didn't know the word for semen in the ancient language, so his attempt were quickly brought to nothing.
"Can't you do anything to get it out, Eragon?" pleaded Saphira. He shook his head, and then an idea came to mind. He shared it with Saphira.
"Can you do it?" she asked uncertainly. Eragon thought about it, repulsed.
"For you," he replied simply. He approached her entrance and tried to figure out how he would proceed. He wouldn't need to keep her spread open, her pussy was already gaping for him. Shelving his pride he brought his head forward, ready to begin.
Looking at her internally, he didn't know how far in Shurikan had fired his load, so he would have to find out. Saphira and Eragon both knew very little about dragon anatomy, so Eragon assumed he could clean the egg by hand. Neither of the pair knew that was not how it worked, so they tried, thinking that the egg was reachable.
Eragon put his hand into Saphira's awaiting opening, entering easily due to the previous occupant. He slid down to the elbow, causing Saphira to gasp out loud as he worked his fingers into her soft flesh. He probed for a while, unable to see anything as he felt for the egg. Saphira's walls began to massage Eragon's arm instinctively, and he pulled out of her. His arm was coated with cum, sticky and still very warm.
"I can't find anything, Saphira, I need to see." With her permission he lowered his head to her spread lips and began to lick her vagina clean of Shurikan's thick seed. He didn't mind the taste, but it repulsed him knowing where the source came from. Saphira moaned in pleasure as Eragon worked away at her wet entrance with his skillful tongue.
He licked her insides clean as well, sliding his tongue over her fleshy walls and lapping up every last bit of cum he could reach. When he was done he felt very full; looking back into her to see if he could find anything. Swearing, he brought his head back, still unable to sight anything in her.
"Sorry," he said to Saphira sadly. She shook her head.
"Eragon, I just remembered," Saphira added, raising her head to look at him, "remember what Arya said? There was a chance you got me pregnant. If that is the case, then Shurikan wouldn't be able to impregnate me as well, correct?" Eragon though about it, agreeing.
"We must go find Arya. She has a test, a test to tell if you are pregnant or not. Maybe she'll be able to tell who the father is as well." Eragon smiled at his own brilliance. Saphira got to her feet shakily, spilling fluids everywhere. Eragon walked over to her and rubbed her neck where she had been bitten.
Eragon stated, "We'll head back, find a lake to wash off and locate Arya. We should only be about three or four kilometers from the main battle." Saphira looked at him.
"We'll have to walk, I don't think I have the energy to fly," said Saphira unhappily.
The pair started to walk back slowly through the forest, wondering just what to tell Arya about what had happened. Saphira felt almost suicidal, she was so violated and humiliated. Eragon sensed her uncertainty and merged his mind with hers.
"It'll all be alright, Saphira, I'll be with you the whole way."
"Thank you, Eragon, I love you."
"And I you."
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