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About: ’ Interrupted the reporter.

‘We are aware of the public interest in this case but the gentleman in question wishes to remain onanimous, I mean anonymous.’

‘I see, thank you Chief Inspector, and now back to the studio…’

‘In other news, striking benefits cheats have….’ Darren switched off the television.

‘See. You’re a bloody hero, yous!’

‘Aye.’ Said Gary. Still confused and for some unexplainable reason, embarrassed.

‘What? Why the horses face? Just think of all that nookie that’ll be throwing itself at yer, young Gaz!’

The notion of using his newly won profile for such a purpose appalled him. As Darren looked in astonishment at his brother thoughtfully digesting this new information, Gary went back to his state of mind in the last moments of his memories from what seemed like the previous day. They shocked him too. Samantha Barton was the widow of his late, esteemed commanding officer. How could he have thought of such a thing as try to seduce her!

‘I need a pint!’ Gary confessed.

‘I was ‘opin you’d say that.’ Replied Darren.


The Plough was busy when Darren and Gary walked in, they were met by a loud cheer from the drinkers and a cacophony of friendly chants and greetings. ‘Good lad Gazza!’ Wayne, his mate in the firm, said as he slapped him on the shoulder, ‘No wonder you’ve had t’monk on t’ last few weeks.’

‘Aye, I guess.’ He replied, ashamed of the attention.

Jake the apprentice was there with his new young girlfriend, she appeared to Gary to be a sweet innocent child. He thought of how he would have lusted after her just a short time prior. He shook his head to remove that thought.

‘Bloody ‘ell Gaz, you could ‘ave teld us?’

‘Jakey lad,’ Gary replied. ‘I’m still taking it all in.’ He looked down at Jake’s young girlfriend who peered up at him moon-faced, as though she was in the presence of celebrity.

The pub settled down as a newly vacated table became available and the two filtered away from the limelight. It gave them an opportunity to drink the free beers the landlord provided and have a good natter.

‘So, where’s Trace?’ After asking the question, he suddenly remembered their affair and it showed in his face.

‘Oh,‘ scowled Darren as he sat back, ‘owt wi’ mates. Though you might well ask!’

Gary blushed red as he understood that their illicit relationship had been discovered. ‘How d’yer find out?’ he asked.

‘She teld me.’ His brother replied. ‘On’t drive here from’t airport, in a layby. Bloody good thinkin’ from the lass; I would’a smashed up t’furniture if it were in’t ‘ouse.’

Gary sank to his elbows on the table and held his head in his hands. ‘God, I’m sorry Daz!’

‘I was ‘opin you wouldn’t remember. That would’er been easier.’

‘No, I do..’ He replied. ‘Jeez!’.

‘Got me to think, though, like. I did leave ‘er alone too long. And I got thinkin’ about t’Captain n'all, when he died like.’

‘Oh aye,’ replied Gary, who found himself ashamed at himself for his brother’s calmness. ‘’ow come?’

‘Remember when he went over’t top to get them machine guns, when we was pinned down.’

Gary had repressed the memory. It had been a traumatic part of his life. Of both of their lives. ‘Aye, I were behind yer in’t FST, but I remember.’ He replied.

‘Well, I were with ‘im when it were like desperate and it all looked bad. He said to me, like, not to tells anyone, but I reckon I should, ‘cos it’s important like.’

Gary concurred and Darren continued his tale. ‘Well, he crawled over like, and whispered in me ear, when all’t bullets were whistlin’ and snappin’ and said to me, said like… Colour...Darren, he used me first name. Darren. Never did that before; remember Darren, he says, always forgive the ones you love, because you don’t forgive them for their sakes, you forgive them for your own.’ The grizzled veteran sat back with a mouth as tight as a blade and mused at his brother. ‘Then ‘e went over t’op and went up and at ‘em. Got that medal, got all shot to bits, saved all on us. I’ve spent dark nights thinkin’ about it; who do you think ‘e meant Gaz?’.

Gary felt an unexpected chill at the story, like someone had upset his balance. But he could add nothing to the tale. ‘I don’t know.’ He eventually replied; and he genuinely did not.

‘Well,’ continued Darren, ‘that’s what I’ve done. Forgiven those I love. Coz I’ve only got one o’ yous and I’ve only got one Trace.’

Though Darren’s eyes were tearless, Gary was much affected by what his brother had said and both stared away from each other and gulped back what might have been poorly expressed feelings, and felt better for it.

The brotherly silence was not yet naturally over when two extremely deep cleavages appeared next to them. It was the Soper girls, still on the bobsled ride of their sexual lives, they addressed Gary in a manner they had not the week before, not that he could remember.

‘Ayup Gary. Oh, we’ve ‘eard all ‘bout how brave you’ve bin.‘ said the first, dropping her hands to the table and bending over, causing a jumble of large breasts.

‘o, yeah, an' ain’t he good lookin’ too Tina. We reckons you might like a nice night out.’ Said the other breathing in and almost spilling out her pillowy baps.

‘Aye, wi’ both on us.’

Gary looked at them and understood their availability. But for some strange reason, the notion of sexual relations with the two young nymphs did not appeal to him.

‘Sorry girls. I’m not interested.’ He found himself saying.

Both Darren and the two buxom teenagers were flabbergasted.

‘You what!’ the second said. ‘It’s on a fuckin’ plate!’ Both girls had investigated Gary’s receptiveness to such an approach with others that knew him well in the village and had been quite confident regarding the response they expected to receive. This odd outcome disappointed and humiliated them.

‘He must be a fuckin’ pansy or summat Al, come on, let’s get off in to town.’

The two brothers were left alone as quickly as their solitude had been interrupted. Darren stared open mouthed at Gary and shook his head. ‘Bloody hell, that bang on’ t head’s done summat to yous.’

Gary could not explain his change in temperament. He simply looked down at the table.

‘Those bloody Soper girls,‘ a new voice interrupted the silence, ‘they’re both a right pair of slappers, eh? Well, they’ll probably get VD from all that nobbin'; ayup love!’ this new visitor was not unwelcome, it was Tracey and she greeted Darren with an affectionate peck on his temple. ‘And ayup you too!’ she said to Gary. ‘Back wi’t livin’’

‘I thought you were out wi’ mates?’ Gary asked.

‘Well, a ‘mate’, I ain’t seen her in yonks, so we’ve been chewin’ stuff over in town. She’s at bar.’

‘You never guess what just ‘appened Trace.’ Said Darren.

‘Save that love, we just drove past t’Grange. That Barton woman were being shoved into a police car!’

‘What! Captain’s missus, Never!’ her husband cried, almost standing.

‘Aye, and some skinny bloke were wit’ that little lass of hers. She’s havin’ her comeuppance she is. I’ve heard some right stuff ‘bout her. Ah, here’s our booze.’

Gary looked up and saw a new object looking wide eyed and expectantly at him. It was Jane, white wine in hand. For reasons he could not explain, no emotion ran through his mind. He felt nothing. Nothing, except a fierce societal duty to settle down and begin a new, moral life and to act within all set norms; and to this he needed a corresponding partner. This girl seemed to be as good as any other.

--- The End ---

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