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About: ." I began but was interrupted..

"Damn it, he’s back, I’m going to get off the phone now.. look for me later on Night Friends.. Good night Jim." Barb whispered hurriedly and then the phone line disconnected. Hearing the dial tone in the receiver I hung up the phone and ran my hands through my hair and stretched. "Damn!" I moaned. Just hearing Barb’s voice stirs thoughts and desires in me that aren’t easily set aside. I could almost smell her perfume and taste her on my lips. Noting the time on the microwave as nine thirty in the evening, I called in an order for a small pizza from the Domino’s around the corner. Grabbing a can of coke out of the fridge I went into my bedroom and sat at my desk and fired up the computer. I dialed up and connected to Night Friends to see who was online and kill some time.




I typed in my password and hit enter, my screen filled up with notifications of email and message requests from a few regulars who were online at the time. I took a few minutes to go through the email and respond, and then dropped down into the trivia game that was running to join several friends playing. I’d been playing and chatting for a few minutes when I saw Barb sign on and within a moment or two I got a private message from her.

Wildone:"Hi there lover…"

Frodov:"Hello beautiful. You doing okay babe?" I asked knowing that she was feeling frustrated and caged in with her estranged husband home for the weekend.

Wildone:" I’m wishing I were there with you.. I could really use some strong warm arms to hold me right now. Jess is such an ass." She lamented

Frodov:" I’d love to help you out, you know that." I typed and then heard my doorbell ring."Be right back, my pizza is here." I added before grabbing my wallet and heading to the door. I paid for my pizza and spent a minute or two flirting with the delivery girl, Cindy. We had worked together down at the Campus store for a while last year when I was still working for Domino’s. I continued to work for them part time for a while after I had got hired on out at the plant, not having much of a social life to worry about and bills that needed paying a part time job still worked pretty well for a while. I don’t work for them much anymore but technically I’m still an employee, if only an occasional one now. Cindy was looking pretty good tonight and she hinted that we should get together sometime and catch up. She was on the clock tonight and had to get back to the shop but she got my number and gave me hers as well. My my my, the possibilities there. Cindy was a tomboyish college girl with an in your face attitude about most things but always seemed a little shy I thought about things like personal attention. I don’t think she dated much if any really. I know I questioned in my mind several times as to her orientation sexually but she seemed to treat everyone the same way and not really playing favorites to either male or female companionship. Cindy grew up on a farm and was definitely not a girly girl, most would be generous to say she was "rough around the edges". Blunt was the word I would of have used and did, to her face on more than one occasion and I didn’t back down when she squared off with me to see what I meant. I think that honesty without judgment or hostility earned me a grudging acceptance if not outright friendship from her. That and perhaps that I had never blatantly hit on her or suggested anything sexually. Anyway, it was nice to see her even if only briefly. I had a feeling I’d be hearing from her again soon or maybe I would call her, it was her suggestion after all.

I set my pizza on the counter in the kitchen and grabbed a couple of slices with a couple of paper towels and went back to my computer and picked up the conversation with Barb where I had left off.

Frodov: "I’m back.. miss me?" I asked as I stuffed pizza into my face.

Wildone:" I was beginning to wonder if you had gotten lost or something.." Barb quipped.

Frodov:" The delivery driver was an old friend from when I worked at the campus store.. she had to catch up a bit." I sent with a shrug action.

Wildone:" She?" Barb left hanging waiting for an explanation..

Frodov:"Yes,"she." I sent with a laugh. "I do know some other women, you know that.. you jealous?" I asked

Wildone:" Maybe… especially when I’d rather be the one there with your right now." Barb sent with a pout.

Frodov:" I wish it were you here as well, but I’m all alone anyway. Cindy, her name by the way, is working and she just happened to get my order to deliver. As far as being jealous…"I sent with a laugh. "Nothing to worry about there, even if you really were jealous, I’ve never even held this girls hand or kissed her, we’re just friends, co-workers. In fact, I’ve often thought that she might be playing for the other team so to speak. " I sent with a blush.

Wildone:" Oh I’m not jealous, well of that anyway… I’ve got no claims on you or anyone else. I will be jealous of other girls spending time with you in a way though, not angry, just wishing it was me that’s all."

Frodov:"I don’t know if I could play favorites to be honest. I don’t want to hurt anyone, I know what it feels like to put your heart, your all, into one person and then have it broken. I would rather do my damndest to make someone feel good than to lead them and make promises I don’t think I can keep. It hurts too much…." I sent and sat back considering just how much I should open up to Barb at this point. There was so much she didn’t know about me yet. So much that I didn’t know if I wanted to share with anyone yet. Life is so complicated sometimes.

Wildone:"I’m sorry Jim… I didn’t mean to sound harsh or bitchy… I’ve had the idea that you’ve been hurt, deeply, by someone. I guess it takes one to know one huh?" She sent with a sad smile.

Frodov:"Yeah, birds of a feather and all that. I didn’t mean to bring you down Barb, I know you have a lot on your plate right now. I should be making you feel better, not worse." I sent with a blush.

Wildone:" Don’t worry about me lover, I’m okay. So have you decided whether or not to go down to Todd and Anne’s for movie night tomorrow?" Barb asked as if to change the subject. An odd choice of topics considering what we were just talking about I thought.

Frodov:" No I haven’t decided yet but I should call them in the morning and let them know one way or the other. I’ll have to make a decision before then I guess." I admitted, but thought to myself that I would like as not decline the invitation again knowing I was just a little too uncomfortable yet for mixed playtime with them.

Barb and I continued chatting in private for a while longer until she had to sign off and go to bed, she’d been up all day whereas I’d only been up and awake since around five o’clock this evening. I hung around and played trivia with a few other regulars on Night Friends for another hour or so and signed off myself around midnight. I moved to the living room and flipped on the tv and surfed the cable channels for another hour or so then said to hell with it and went to bed myself. As I closed my eyes to drift off to sleep my mind was a merry go round of faces and body parts of the girls that have been going in and out of my life of late Anne, Barb, Gail, Susan… Cindy…. Cindy? I thought… I’ve never been with Cindy, why is she coming to mind I wondered as I slipped into the veil of sleep….. Maybe?...

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