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About: They moved the tables aside, leaving only a small table with alcohol and glasses. The girls noticed that everyone had already been served - even young Sonya. Lisa thought about telling the men that the girl didn't drink strong alcohol, but at that moment Irene's cheerful voice sounded.

"Well, Sonya, it looks like you're going to have to have a little drink as well!"

The sisters came down last. Their appearance also impressed the dark-skinned males. The males reacted like animals smelling females. And there was a lot to react to. Irene did not support the sporty style of her friends and wore a very light summer dress with a floral print that would have been embarrassing even on the beach. A bra was out of the question - with every movement of the beauty, her pretty little breasts almost jumped out of the neckline. Sonya wore a bright green top with long sleeves that hugged her small breasts tightly, and a very tight black skirt that was obviously a few sizes smaller than necessary. At the same time, the young beauty did not consider it necessary to change her evening makeup for something simple and looked extremely vulgar. And this was proved by the boys' phrase: "Ek betaal vir albei se monde!" (I will pay for the mouths of both!).

Nastya and Lisa laughed when they saw the guys' excitement. Everyone had another drink. The girls didn't realise it, but with each new drink, their view of what was happening changed. Whether it was the alcohol or something else, the beauties did not understand, but what had seemed unthinkable, wild and abnormal before - for example, the presence of five almost unknown handsome men in the same room with them - did not seem unusual now. Anastasia realised that her ex-boyfriend Anton was no match for these stately and powerful dark-skinned handsome men. Elizabeth and Alina regretted that their husbands did not have such attractive bodies and did not react with such passion when their wives, dressed in similar clothes, flashed in front of them. Lisa found herself thinking, not for the first time, that none of the dark-skinned men would have preferred a camping or fishing trip with a friend to a lavish sex session with her. Alina admired the men's muscles and tried to figure out if her husband had a chance to look as powerful. She couldn't even understand when she had become so attracted to muscular male bodies. The blackness of the Africans' skin made their already beautiful figures even more exotic and desirable.

"Lucky the girls they fuck" - Alina thought to herself. And from the look on Lisa's face, the blonde was sure that her friend was thinking the same thing.

And as for the sisters Irene and Sonya, they were simply enjoying the attention they were getting from the men. Irene's thoughts were similar to those of Nastya, Lisa and Alina - none of the guys she knew had such power, such authority and strength that came from the Africans. The girl even thought that if humanity were not bound by the norms of morality and decency, she would easily resemble some animal female and give her body to those hot black men. Even the presence of her very young sister would not have stopped Irene - because Sonya looked at men with the expression of a fully grown woman.

And her whole behaviour said that she might lack in flirting experience and the ability to show off her sexiest features, but she was more than willing to make up for it with the openness and feigned innocence that so attracted all the guys. Although Irene knew that Sonya was not so innocent - there were videos in her browser history that made even the experienced Irina blush. Besides, Sonya was clearly not a virgin. And although her parents and Irene had never seen her with a boyfriend, the older sister couldn't rule out the possibility that her younger sister had lost her virginity, either with a boyfriend or on her own. Maybe she put something a little deeper than she should have?

The dancing started again, and lasted for almost an hour. This time everyone was dancing. Lamar and Nastya remained close and seemed to be able to feel each other's bodies. Jared also tried to get closer to Lisa, but failed for several reasons. First of all, the girl preferred to dance with Alina, singing non-musical to famous pop songs. Secondly, when he put his hands just below Lisa's waist, the girl stubbornly lifted them up, and when they went over her belly - down.

Alina roughly understood what Lisa was feeling because the same emotions were raging in the blonde's soul. When Tyrell, who mostly danced with Irene, turned his attention to her and pressed his powerful, pumped-up body against the petite beauty, Alina wanted more than anything to press herself against him in return. But the reaLisation that she was a woman first, and that her husband was not so far away, stopped her. There was a third reason - despite his attractive looks, Tyrell was still a stranger. Flirting with him went against everything her mother had taught Alina, and what Alina wanted to teach her children. And the young married girl had no doubt that Lisa, her friend in misfortune, was tormented by exactly the same contradictions. They really wanted what the guys were offering - but couldn't afford it.

As for Sonya, she was the center of Simon's attention. At one point it seemed that the girl was kissing a dark-skinned handsome man, but it turned out to be just a play of light - the girl just put her head on his shoulder in the process of dancing.

Another song ended. Nastya asked the guys to help open the windows and air out the room — it was getting very stuffy. While everyone was drinking, not alcohol this time, but something that could refresh them, Prince took Jared aside and talked to him about something, showing him the screen of his phone. Then the two of them approached Lamar, and after a brief dialogue between them, he stepped forward.

"Ladies and friends, may I have your attention, please?" the man spoke in good English, using simple phrases so that even Sonya and Alina could understand him. "I suggest we take a break and play a game."

Nastya groaned unhappily. All games, whether board games or active games, were a waste of time. Alina, Lisa and Irene were not happy either — they all wanted to take a break and continue dancing. Only Sonya shared Lamar's enthusiasm. She sat down on the sofa, showing that she didn't mind relaxing with something less active than dancing.

"Oh, come on! Everyone loves this game. Besides, it's a game that allows us to get to know each other better."

"Which one?" Alina was interested.

"Truth or Dare, of course!" Prince said. He showed his phone and the cable that came out of it.

"Can I connect my phone to this TV, Anastasia?" he asked, pointing to the huge plasma screen on the opposite wall. The girl said yes. A few minutes of manipulation and the name of the game appeared on the TV screen: Truth or Dare 18+, Hot Edition.

"What a name," Irene laughed, but her voice sounded very interested.


"Yes, it's not an easy task, beauties, but we'll start with the easy level and maybe with 'truth' instead of 'dare'. Wouldn't you agree?"

"I can," Nastya said hesitantly. The other girls seemed very interested.

"Who's going to start?" Lisa asked.

"Let the game decide," Prince replied.

It was decided that the game would be played in English, since everyone present more or less knew it, and if someone didn't understand something, it would be translated.

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