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Website: https://www.forum-macchine.it/forum/macchine-edili-industriali/sos-officina-mmt-macchine-edili/1293158-stralis-310-ee
About: About five minutes later, Jennifer Smith walked in and placed an order. Jennifer was Destin Thibodaux’s girlfriend and I had heard they were engaged to be married. She finished with her order and turned towards the booth area when she saw me.

"Hey Jennifer, how are you?", I stated, greeting her.

"Oh, hey Chris.", she replied, with a deer in the headlights look.

She sat at the booth directly across from me doing everything in her power not to look at me. Since, I might not have this opportunity in the near future, so I decided to take a chance.

"Jennifer, I am pretty sure after talking to Chrissy that I know what happened.", I commented.

She looked over at me with both hands folded on her lap. She looked confused maybe, but I wanted to continue with the questions.

"About what? What did Chrissy tell you?", she asked.

"What happened to my mom….", I stated, looking her dead in the eye.

As soon as I finished my sentence and the words struck her it further convinced me that those nine people who had harassed me for so long knew something about what happened to my mother.

"I’m have no idea what you mean….", she stuttered.

"Yes, you do…… but it’s ok. Tell them when I’m sure…. I’m coming for them.", I replied, getting up and going to the counter.

I took my order and paid for it then walked outside and got into my car. One look through the window confirmed that Jennifer was already on the phone in a serious conversation. I had no clue as to why they would want to harm my mother, but their reactions told me they knew something about it. I pulled out and drove back to my house where I had dinner with Lynda. Since it was Friday night, I decided to make myself seen out on the town.

Lynda wanted to watch a movie so I told her I would be back in a few hours. She told me she would be ready and winked at me. There were only four clubs in town that Jennifer and her crew hung at on the weekends. It was either Moe’s Pizza, Comeback Inn, Smiley’s or the Chug-a-Lug. They had a reputation for catering to the football players and looking the other way when they drank beer. I passed Moe’s but it was dead, so I continued down the expressway until I looked into the parking lot of the Chug-a-Lug. There were several cars I recognized so I pulled into the parking lot. It seemed like this was the place to be tonight by the number of cars in the parking lot. I got out and walked around to the front door and made my way inside.

I immediately spotted the crew at a large table in the back, so I took a small table in the corner near the front door. The waitress came over and I ordered a beer handing her a five-dollar bill. As long as you tipped well most of the time, they would ask no questions.

I could see the table every now and then through the people milling around the bar. I was well hidden, so I knew I would not be noticed unless one of them came to the front door. About forty-five minutes later, I noticed a few of the guys getting up and putting their jackets on. I got up quickly and went to the side room with the pool tables in it. Several minutes later, I took my seat at the table again.

Jennifer Smith, Chrissy Haynes, Maggie Miller, Darren Miller and Haley Mills were still at the table. From what I had heard around town, the only couple not having problems were Jennifer and Destin. Most of the other were on again then off again. I wanted to try and get the girls alone, but it didn’t seem like Darren and Haley were leaving anytime soon. It also did not appear the girls were in real good shape from the drinking. Chrissy’s head was on the table as Haley rubbed her back.

I looked at my watch and it was almost eleven o’clock. I finished my second beer and called it a night. I walked out and to the side parking lot when I unlocked my car. I had just opened the door when I heard a female voice over my shoulder. I turned to see Maggie Miller about fifty feet away.

"Hey Chris, wait up…….", she shouted and wobbled her way over to me.

She was not as bad as Chrissy was the night Cassie brought her home, but she was well on the way. She stopped just a few feet away from me.

Maggie Miller was a former cheerleader like the rest although not quite as pretty as Jennifer, Haley and Chrissy. But she had a great body and all the boys loved her. She was wearing tight blue jeans and a white button-down blouse.

"Hey, Uh Chris…… any chance I can catch a ride with you?", she asked.

Now, I thought quickly…. very quickly. This could be one of two things. Perhaps this was what it appeared to be……. Maggie just needed a ride home. Or maybe they had seen me and decided on this approach to perhaps see how much I knew or what I was insinuating. I decided to take a chance because after all it was hard getting the girls away from the guys.

Maggie and Ted Savoie had been dating for close to three years, I think. They had broken up and gotten back together so many times everyone lost track. They were both fond of cheating on each other and it happened regularly. We were pulling out of the parking lot when Maggie first spoke up.

"Fucking Ted is a douche bag………, he’s fucking that slut, Teresa Hernandez.", she protested.

"Sorry to hear that Maggie, but I mean it’s not like the first time.", I laughed.

"Yea, I know. The sad thing is……. He’s not even a good fuck.", she giggled.

"Sorry to hear that too.", I replied.

Maggie reach down into her large tote bag and pulled out two bottles of beer. She twisted the top of one and offered me the other.

"No thanks Maggie…I’m driving.", I said, declining.

She shrugged her shoulders and put the bottle back in her tote as she drank on the one, she had opened. I knew about where Maggie lived but not the exact location. As she drove in the general direction of her home, she turned to me put her hand on my shoulder.

"Let’s stop at Crossway Park and fool around.", she said, with a bit of a slur.

I had to think quickly here before I might miss an opportunity. On one hand, fooling around with Ted Savoie’s girl was not going to help my cause with the crew at all. On the other hand, maybe, I could get her worked up sexually where she might let something slip. The alcohol was working in my favor as well.

But in the end, I decided against going to the park. I knew, really knew many secrets that were kept, and I hated secrets.

"Thanks, but I am just going to bring you home.", I replied.

"You have a girlfriend or something.", she asked, annoyed.

"Something like that," I replied.

"What’s her name," Maggie asked.

"Cassie Wilkerson," I answered.

"Yea, I know her," she replied.

Maggie gave me the final directions to her home, and I was about a block away when I decided to try and trip her up.

"Maggie were you there the night my mom got hurt," I asked.

I was hoping since we had been casually talking and a bit drunk that she would answer the questions without thinking. It worked perfectly.

"No, I was home that….", she started before she realized what she said.

"Uh, what are you talking about?", she asked, acting confused.

"Just tell them all, I know now. Tell them to look over their shoulder. I’m coming for them.", I promised, pulling up in front of her house.

She got out of the car quickly and ran up the steps to her house disappearing behind the front door quickly. I sat there for a moment debating when I told the police what I felt I knew or handle the matter on my own.

This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories:

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