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About: We went at it for about five minutes until I came, and she came right after me.

Connie had just finished dressing when the pilot announced we would be landing in ten minutes. "So baby, how far is your house from the airport?"

"About a thousand feet from the back corner," I replied.

We taxied up to the hanger that was about a mile from the house. So I asked the pilot why, "Jeff, why didn’t you take us to the house?"

"Mrs. Donner has forbidden a taxi to the house after dark. There should be a van next to the hanger for you to drive up to the house."

We stepped off the plane, and I helped the girls down the steps. I had just helped the last, Rachel, down the steps. I turned to hear a scream, I saw a flash of blond hair, and I was almost taken off my feet when my sister Melony jumped into my arms.

"Hey, it’s Smelly Melly," I said.

"Oh, you big poop, I’m not smelly," Melly admonished.

"Well, I have to admit, you smell good, not your usual Chanel, but you still smell, sis."

"Mom and I went to Paris last month, and she took me to visit the Le Nez. He spent a week smelling me with different scents on me and chose the perfect personal scents for me. My daily wear is now Joy, but if I plan to sweat or have… sex. Then I wear Chanel Grand Extrait."

"SEX, You can’t be having sex, you’re just a little girl," I extolled.

"Oh, you jerk, I’m just two years younger than you. RACHEL, you came back finally," shouted Melony.

"Hi, sweetie, it’s so good to see you again," said Rachel as they hug each other. "You’ve grown since the last time I saw you."

"Well, two years will do that. Who do we have here?" Melony asked, looking at Connie, Sue, and Heather.

"Sis, allow me to introduce my best friends and girlfriends, Connie, Sue, and Heather."

"Girlfriends is it," Melony said. "Hi, I’m Melly, and I’m a hugger."

Melony gave each of the girls a hug, and we got the bags loaded into the van. The trip to the house took just a few minutes, and we were greeted at the front door by my mom. She greeted Rachel like an old friend but seemed a bit apprehensive with the others.

"Melony, would you give the girls a quick tour and show them their rooms. I need to speak with your brother for a moment."

Melony gathered the girls, and mom pulled me into the parlor. "Jason Thomas Donner, what in the world is going on with all these women? I’m glad to see Rachel again, but who are these other girls?" Asked mom.

"Mom, Rachel, Connie, Heather, and Sue have been my best and closest friends for three years. And… since you’re going to give them the third degree and find out anyway; they have recently all become my lovers."

"Lovers, you’re kidding me, you’re sleeping with all four of those girls?" responded mom.

"Yes, mom, we all love one another, and the closeness we developed as friends has translated into very loving relationships."

"Jason, did your last foray with multiple girls not teach you anything?" mom replied.

"Mom, I learned a lot from Ally, Crystal, & Tiffany. I learned not to buy my friendships; if people don’t like me for me, I don’t need them. I also learned to be more careful in who I choose as friends. Rachel, Connie, Heather, and Susan did nothing for the last three years but give me love, respect, and friendship. They are before anything else, my best, and I mean my best friends."

"So why the recent jump from best friends to lovers?" mom asked.

"Well… it just kind of happened one night; Rachel had a bad date, and I was there to console her, one thing led to another, and we had sex."

"Let me get this straight," mom asked, "you’re telling me that for the past three years you’ve had a platonic relationship with those four girls. Then all of a sudden, a month ago, you started having sex with all four of them? That’s the story you’re trying to spin?"

"Yeah, mom, that’s pretty much it."

"Jason Thomas Donner, you are not telling me the whole truth. I did not ascend to my current position in life by being stupid; now spill it this instant young man!"

"Mom," I started to respond, and she gave me ‘the look’ that only a mother can give. The one that bores into your soul, and says you had better not lie to me. "So… funny story, I have told you the truth, but may have left out the part where they all thought I was… gay. But, I want to make it clear that I never tried to deceive them. When I first met Rachel, she may have gotten the impression I was a closet gay and told the others."

"Exactly how did Rachel get the impression you were a closet gay?"

"I guess she was sending me signals that I didn’t get, but she liked being around me, so we just became friends. It was all a big misunderstanding, but everything is okay. We are still friends; they just sleep with me from time to time."

"You understand I’m going to talk with these girls, right?"

"Yes, mom, and they nor I have a problem with that."

"One more question," asked mom, "how much money have you spent on them over the years?"

"Before I took each of them on a private date last month, not a dime, oh except for Heather, but I got every penny of it back."

"Okay, son," mom gave me a peck on the lips, "go catch up with your sister and your… girlfriends. I need time to process, but we’ll talk again before you leave."

I caught up to the girls in the media room just before Mellony was going to show them their rooms. We walked up the stairs and down a short hall to what was known as the guest wing. The guest wing had four suites, each with its own bathroom, and the wing had a large room with a kitchen, dining area, and a lounge.

"So where is your bedroom baby?" asked Connie

"Oh, if you go back through the double doors and hand a right," responded Mellony, "there are three doors at the end of that hall. The one on the right is Jay’s, and mine is in the middle."

"Wait," I responded, "That’s Adam’s room."

"Not any more bro, I’ve got the big room now."

"No fair, I was supposed to get that room when Adam moved out."

"You’re away at college, so mom gave it to me, naaa." And she stuck her tongue out at me.

"How big is this room?" asked Sue.

"All the rooms are big," I respond, "but that one has a nice sitting area and a bigger bathroom with a tub."

We all went to see Melony's and my bedrooms. Everyone but Heather seemed to be impressed by Melly’s room and said my room was enormous too. The bedrooms were all twenty by twenty, but Melly’s room had a separate twelve by twelve sitting room and a couple of extra feet in the bathroom. My room still had everything right where I left it, but unlike most boys' rooms, my posters were all in professional frames.

Melly and I got the girls settled in their rooms and then returned to our own rooms. I was about to tell her good night when she pushed me through my bedroom door and closed it behind her.

"What the holy fuck bro, I thought you would never have a relationship with a girl again, and now you bring four home. You know mom and I are going to grill them all weekend, and we had better not find anything off."

"Oh, well, we are heading back Friday morning, so maybe next time," I responded.

My sister gave me a wicked little laugh and said, "Think again, bro, mom gave the pilot time off, and he won’t be back until Sunday. So you just get comfortable." She gave me a peck on the lips and started to leave the room. She opens the door and turns to me, "Oh, and bro, no sex this weekend." She winks at me and closes the door.

This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories:

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