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About: Some days they came in less. But at the same time, there were days when he’d be visited five times.

Getting up to his feet, Flynn began to pace the room, as he normally did when he was bored, limping terribly. The nasty blow the huge bandit had struck at his knees had almost healed until just yesterday, when one of the bandits forced him into a kneeling position and stomped on his calf. Flynn had initially thought the small bones in his leg had been snapped in two, but he bandits continued on and ignored his screaming until they came. Only after that did they check his leg to make sure nothing was broken.

As Flynn paced the floor, there was suddenly a loud explosion in the distance, followed by sounds of fighting and men screaming. Was this it? Would Flynn finally been rescued? The boy allowed his hopes to rise as thoughts of leaving this wretched cell came to mind.

The sounds of footsteps brought Flynn back to reality, however, as he reminded himself that he would have to be smart if he wanted to escape. Laying on the floor, Flynn pretended to be asleep as the footsteps approached and stopped at the door.

Flynn had expected it to be one of the bandits, making sure Flynn was still in the cell. Nobody came through, however, as the boy heard only a click at the door, and the footsteps rushing away.

Curious, Flynn slowly got up and checked the door, pressing his ear against it. He heard nothing but the sound of metal against metal as the bandits fought against the King’s soldiers. Giving the door a light push, Flynn was pleasantly surprised to find it unlocked.

The door swung open slowly and Flynn stepped out, seeing the outside of his prison for the first time in what has been weeks. He was in a cavern alright, a confusing network of tunnels snaked about in front of him. Limping out, Flynn made his way through the tunnels, trying his best to avoid the fighting by heading the other way when the sounds of battle grew too loud.

Making his way around a corner, Flynn barely suppressed a shocked gasp, as he saw a familiar face. Ducking behind a large stone, Flynn watched as the huge bandit and the bowman from the group that had killed Sir Egan stand over a body of a slain bandit. The boy’s eyes widened as he realized that it was the bandit leader, killed in battle with the King’s soldiers.

The bowman and the huge bandit stood over their friend’s body for several seconds without saying a word, the large man especially visibly angered at the death. He placed a hand on the dead body’s chest and muttered to himself, barely audible for Flynn to hear.

"Don’t worry friend, your death will not go unavenged."

Afraid of what the large bandit might do to him if he found him here, Flynn began to turn back and sneak away. However, the boy had made the mistake of putting too much weight on his injured leg, and yelped in pain as he came crashing to the ground noisily.

Immediately, the bandits began yelling, and before Flynn could get away, he felt the butt of the big bandit’s sword slam into the back of his head. All he could see was stars as he was turned over to his back, and the big man was yelling.

"You want to make a run for it, huh boy?" He screamed at Flynn, who was still disoriented from the strike to his head.

Flynn felt someone place a boot on his leg, and as he began to yell for the man to stop, the boot began pressing down slowly.

"Ah!" Flynn screamed, and the large bandit laughed.

"We may not be able to defeat the King’s army, but we will still have a victory today." The big man spat, as he continued pressing down on Flynn’s legs slowly and painfully. "If we die today, you die with us."

Flynn watched as the bowman remained silent, standing behind the huge bandit. He did nothing just as he did the last time, and watched as the large man raise his great sword and prepare to strike down at Flynn. Even though his mind still spun, Flynn knew that there was no escape from this. He closed his eyes and awaited his fate.

But just as the bandit was about to bring his sword down, a gasp escaped his lips as an arrow was fired, and after several seconds, the big man collapsed, falling on Flynn, with an arrow sticking out of his back.

Flynn looked up to the bowman to see him putting away his bow and arrow, and realized that the bowman had saved him.

"Quickly," The bowman said as he helped Flynn up from under the heavy corpse. "Leave before more bandits come, find the soldiers. Tell them who you are and what happened you your knight, and you will be safe with them."

"B-But, what about you?" Flynn stammered, still shocked at what had happened. "If the soldiers catch you they’ll kill you!"

"Perhaps." The bowman agreed. "But the fight is not over. Our group may fall today, but the people still rise up against the Prince. I will continue to fight for our freedom, but you go now, find the soldiers."

Giving the boy a cloak to cover himself with, the bowman nodded and clasped Flynn’s shoulders. And with that, he left, disappearing into the dark tunnels, making his escape. Flynn wasted no time either in turning to leave, limping through the caves.

After what seemed like an eternity, Flynn finally saw the sun again, and he shuddered as he felt its warmth touch on his face, emerging from the caves bloodied and limping with only a cloak to cover his small body.

The soldiers were just rounding up the surviving bandits to wheel away to the nearest castle for trial, but they stopped when they saw him and several soldiers surrounded him as they bombarded Flynn with questions.

Eventually, one man, who wore the armor of a knight, pushed through the crowd to see what was happening.

"Are you alright, boy?" The knight asked.

Flynn nodded. "Yes, Sir..."

"No need for that now." He said, waving a hand as he urged several soldiers to bring his carriage here. "You’re hurt, and you need help."

"Yes... Sir, I’ve been a prisoner of the bandits for weeks." Flynn squeaked softly. "I was a squire for a knight called Sir Egan, but they killed him and took me. My name is Flynn."

"So that’s what happened to Sir Egan’s squire." The knight said. "We’ve been looking for you. But we didn’t expect you here of all places."

Beckoning him to follow, the knight brought Flynn through the crowd of soldiers and to a carriage that was stopped nearby.

"Come, wait here Flynn. We will bring you to the nearest castle for you to recuperate, and for me to write my report on our successful assault here."

Motioning for him to enter the carriage, the wagon doors opened as a boy’s head popped out. The boy looked to be about Flynn’s age, with messy dark hair and green eyes.

"Arthur will give you a towel to clean yourself up with and a change of clothes."

The dark haired boy, Arthur, shot him a friendly smile and waved him in.

"Come, come." He said as Flynn entered and sat in the carriage beside the boy. "I’m Sir Javid’s squire, But you can just call me Arty. What’s your name?"

"Flynn." He replied, pulling the cloak tighter around him, suddenly conscious of his nakedness as he sat alone with another boy his age.

"Well Flynn, I hope you don’t mind talking a lot." Arty said as he grabbed a towel from a bucket and handed it to Flynn. "Because the nearest castle is a whole day away, and I haven’t talked with someone else my age for weeks."

Flynn smiled as he took the towel. Maybe he’d found a new friend in this boy.

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