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John continued to lie upon the ground under the dim light of the eclipse while the pain in his arm assaulted his senses. As the felling of wet, hot fur brushed across his shoulder he looked up to see the wolf. She was standing over him, protecting his body with hers as she stood with teeth bared and growling at the last remaining man; the man who seemed to control those feral creatures that attacked him. The man attacked suddenly, closing the distance faster than a blink and swinging his fist down at the wolf. She moved quickly out of the way of his fist but jolted John’s injured arm causing him to scream in pain. When she looked at John the man backhanded her in the side throwing her into a tree at the edge of the clearing causing her to whine as John heard the sound of breaking bones. The man turned to grab John from the ground and was reaching for him when the wolf landed on his back and bit down onto the back of his neck. This time she was unable to bite through as she’d done with the first attacker. As they struggled John was kicked in the ribs by the man moving to shake the wolf off of his back. Again the pain and sounds of breaking bones tore through his body, but he was unable to scream as breathing suddenly became very difficult to do.


Erica forced herself to stay in that cave for the next several nights; not daring to walk among people in order to keep from killing anyone. After about a week in the cave she was ravenous, her thirst burned not only in her throat but in her head and stomach. She felt as though she was dying but still kept rigid control during the night when her instincts told her to run and to hunt. She was able to control the desire by thinking of her sister lying dead from Erica’s actions or at least she was in control until she heard the sounds of people at the lake after the sun had set. Pulled by her thirst towards the voices she heard Erica ran in seconds from deep within the cave to the tree line nearest them. There were four of them near the water’s edge. They were dressed as trappers and looked to be heading out toward the mountains from the equipment loaded onto the horses and pack mules staked near her. The wind shifted to flow through the trees towards where the horses were tied and the animals reacted like they would to any other predator, the panicked. The horse closest to the stake reared up, yanking the stake that held them in place from the ground and raced away from the scent and into the dark forest leading the other animals with it as they had been tied together. Three of the trappers chased after them into the surrounding dark of the night leaving only one man at the camp. The predator inside of her salivated at her sense of vulnerable prey and began to stalk along inside of the tree line as it moved her towards the lone man. She had gotten close to him when her turned away to look across the water and the predator struck. Taking the trapper from behind it forced him to his knees, pulled his head back up and to the side in order to expose his carotid artery. She stared at the pulse under his skin, listened to the rhythm as his heart sped up its beating and then she struck. She sunk her sharp teeth into his neck and drew deeply on his life’s blood. That was the third time she killed and hated herself for doing it. She escaped into the night before his friends returned to find the body.

It took her two years to learn that she could feed from a mortal without killing them; she had only needed to learn control. During that same time she’d started to discover the changes that happened to her empathic abilities as well. She had the blood of innocents on her hands and knew that she had been a monster during the beginning of her new life. She fought free on the memories of her distant past and looked more closely at the pictures before her. Turning the page again she’d found another picture that had him looking in his early teens. He seemed younger than her did from the one on the previous page; he had a haunted look in his eyes, a cast on his arm and various scrapes, cuts and bruises on his face and body. He was lying in bed under a window through which the forest could be seen. It struck something in her memory that she hadn’t thought about…..


The man was finally able to grab a hold of the wolf and ripped her from his back. He threw her across the clearing where she impacted the tree against which his body rested from being kicked. The wolf fell to land atop John, her blood flowing from several wounds along her body and a puncture in her front left shoulder where a small branch punctured it and snapped off the tree when she fell. Her blood flowed into his mouth as she rested atop him. The man laughed and it was a sound like grating glass, as he approached them across the clearing. At that moment an angel burst into the clearing from the surrounding forest and tore into the man. She was small, not much larger than John was himself and she was beautiful. She fought the man off as John slipped into darkness. He knew he wasn’t going to live but was thankful for the angel rescuing him from anything worse than death. It should have scared him to know he was dying at the age of thirteen but her felt a sense of peace as his eyes closed.

A few minutes must have past when he opened his eyes again. The angel stood over him felling around the injuries he’d suffered. She moved her hands across his broken arm and he passed out again from the sharp pain. He awoke again as he tasted the coppery flavor as warm blood flowed into his mouth. He attempted to spit it out but his mouth was covered by the source of the blood and his nose was being held. All he could see was a hand holding his nose when he opened his eyes to look before he fainted again. The next time he opened his eyes the angel was gone, he was still in pain but alive. He looked around quickly and his head swam. When the wave of nausea and dizziness passed he spotted the wolf; she was sitting there in the clearing next to him and stared at his face again. She looked as though she hadn’t been injured at all but John had known otherwise. The eclipse was over and the sin still shined down into the clearing but it had to have been at least a couple of hours since the noon sun and been above him. John attempted stand, placing his hand on the ground in order to assist him in gaining his feet. That was a painful error as the broken arm was unable to support him. The pain once again caused him to faint.

When he next opened his eyes it was only momentary and to the sensation of being dragged through the forest by the collar of his shirt. He could feel the furry muzzle of the wolf against the back of his neck as she pulled him toward her destination and he drifted off again because of the pain. When he woke next it was on the cabin’s porch with the wolf standing above him. She looked down into his face and licked it all over; she then released a powerful yet beautifully sorrowful howl from her throat and ran to disappear into the trees. His parent’s opened the door and saw John immediately…..

John snapped awake. He hadn’t remembered that event before but he did so now. The face of the angel was in his mind as well as the look of the wolf that had protected him as though he were her cub. He was grateful for the aid both had provided to him that day.

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