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Website: https://blog.b92.net/user/243641/succotash/
About: His wolf companion was registered as his familiar, while unconventional she was originally an animal thus by way of loop hole her presence was permitted within the Magi Sanctuary. She was also given more suitable clothing to wear, while in human form.

Upon arriving at his private quarters, he was told that he would be tested and assigned to a class befitting his talents. He was also informed that his name would be changed to one granted by the Archmagis, such was customary with the magi, the life before was to be cast away and forgotten. "Rest now young apprentice, fore on the marrow your test begins. The trials you face will determine your skill and worth to our collective, I pray the gods find you useful." With that said the guide took her leave.

Opening the door, he found his quarters to me only slightly larger than the room at his family’s home. "Well I didn’t expect much. At least it isn’t a broom closet, like the rumours claimed." He said with a slight chuckle. "Well what do you think? Will it suit your needs my dear companion?" he asked while scratching Lucina’s left ear.

"Tis smaller than I would have envisioned for us, but it shall do for the time being. Mayhap once these foolish mages see your true skill, they will give us more suitable accommodations."

Hearing her thoughts no longer felt foreign to him, in fact it felt as natural as breathing. "Best get some sleep, I doubt the trials will be a simple matter."

As the light of dawn filtered through the window, the youth and his companion were ready to start the day. His apprentice attire was not what he had originally expected. What he thought would be large stuffy wool robes, was instead a sleeveless cloth shirt-vest with leather padding sown on the chest. It had lacings on the side for adjustment. It was a dark blue colour nearly black. The trousers were like those of the common folk, his new boots were made of leather and covered most of his shins. He was also given a pair of forearm bracers. In truth he looked more like a knight’s squire than a mage.

"Judging from this attire, learning how to cast spells and master new ones is only a portion of what is taught here. Perhaps there is also physical training that is required of a mage." He said after stretching to see how the clothes responded to his movements.

A knock at the door announced the presence of the escort. He and Lucina were led deep into the lower levels, the further down they traveled the more the walls and stairs seemed to change. He could feel ancient magic emanating from the old stones. What awaited them at the bottom was no mere test, but a daunting task that he doubted many had passed.

Upon reaching the final floor his eyes scanned the room. It was quite large, perhaps bigger than the courtyard he had seen while ascending the tower to his quarters. He found several patterns on the walls and floor, magic circles or perhaps seals. Now matter their origin or purpose he assumed that they would play a part in his trials. Which begged the question, what was his trial to be?

"Welcome young mage, welcome to your trial. If your skills prove you worthy, then we will be allowed entrance to our collective and undergo training to become a true mage. However, know that should your skills falter here there is a chance you will die." The voice of the Archmagis called out from across the room. "There are six stages to this trial, each will be more difficult than the last. But the trial itself is in a sense simple. You must defeat the summoned creatures. You will be judged on what magic you use and how long it takes you to defeat each creature. Now stand in the center most circle and your trial shall begin." The old mage said as several hooded figures stepped out from the shadows to stand around the largest circle. "Oh, and one more thing, your companion will not be allowed to help you. She will bound if tries to interfere with this test"

"Giving you a handicap would not be a fair test of your power anyway, but I can wish you luck." Lucina stated as she moved to stand in front of the youth. Her form quickly shifting from wolf to human, a very naked human. With a mischievous smile she pressed her body against his and gave him a deep and passionate kiss. She smiled hearing the faint gasps and murmurs from the hooded mages. Pulling away she gave him a wink. "Have fun and do put on a good show my Aryn."

"You always have to make a scene, don’t you? Once I learn how I’m making you clothes that shift with your form." Aryn said as he shook his head and made his way toward the center of the designated circle. "Now then, shall we begin?" he asked while looking from the hooded mages to the Archmagis.

The first stage had Aryn fight a pair of goblins. Short ugly creatures with primitive weapons and no clothing. At first, they were confused as to why they were in the cavern but, the moment they spotted Aryn they charged at him with raised weapons. He took a breath to clear his mind before igniting his hands with red flames. With a wave of his left hand a trail of flames erupted from the ground, one of the goblins dived to the side while the other was engulfed in fire. It died screaming in agony.

Aryn let the survivor get in close; after leaping away from its swinging axe he created a pillar of flames where it stood.

"Well those were kind of easy to deal with. Maybe a horde would cause a huge problem, but a couple is easy enough to deal with." Returning his attention to the matter at hand he turned to look upon the Archmagi. "I’m ready for the next stage of this test. Unless there happens to be an issue that needs to be addressed."

"Continue with the trial! Our young mage desires to prove himself!" Upon the Archmagi’s order the trial resumed.

As the hooded mages began to chant their summoning spells, Aryn scattered several dozen runic traps around his testing ground. Once he was satisfied with the amount and their locations, he gave a smirk and cast one more spell. Holding out his hand palm facing the ground he focused solely on one point. From the ground rose a war-axe made of dark stone, once it was in his hand, he returned his attention the chanting mages. Just in time to see their summoned creatures appear.

He watched with a cocked head as what he assumed were undead bandits rise from the edge of the circle. "well that’s interesting. Going with numbers to overwhelm me? Now I’m glad I prepared for this round." He said with a smirk. Slowly he turned in a circle counting each undead that had risen. "thirty eh? Alright, this should be a challenge."

When the undead noticed Aryn they rushed toward him. being of simple minds their only desire was to kill the lone human inside the barrier. This was their undoing. The closer they came to Aryn more traps would be triggered, thus in a few moments their numbers had dwindled down to five. Before any of the survivors came within swinging distance, he imbued the war-axe with flame magic. One by one he cut down his foes, taking care not to get surrounded or mortally wounded. That said he did receive a few lashes and several cuts on his arms and chest.

With sweat dripping down his body and his new attire a ragged mess, he turned to face the Archmagi again. "Next stage or do I get a small break after that round?" Aryn asked while wiping his brow with his arm.

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