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About: Vey pulled him against her and let him put his arms around her. She kissed him, smiling.

"You've outdone yourself, Vey," Zei chuckled.

Vey grinned. "I got the essence from that thing we fought in Zangarmarsh. I only used a tiny bit of it though. I've still got human skin and human sensations, and my tentacles can't ejaculate."

"And you couldn't resist springing it on me like that, could you." Zei said.

"Could you have?" Vey asked him.

Zei laughed. "Probably not."

He felt himself start to grow hard again. Vey was in his arms afterall and her tentacles were still absently massaging him pretty much everywhere.

"Oh and there's one more neat thing this body can do," Vey said, idly wrapping a tentacle around Zei's rehardening cock.

She held him away from her so he could see. She looked down and her clit tentacle bowed upwards with the head pointing down, while her vaginal-tube tentacle bowed down and pointed its opening up. Vey thrust her clit into her own vagina and in mere moments was gasping in the throws of an orgasm. Zei wobbled in the air, her grip wavering.

Zei watched the bizzare sight with fascination. Vey looked at him and grinned, pulling her clit out of herself. It dripped with her juices.

"Okay, you've officially just blown my mind," Zei teased.

Vey laughed and pulled him against her again so she could kiss him. He was still almost completely covered by her winding limbs. From his neck to his shins her tentacles slithered in spirals around his body, holding, supporting, caressing.

It was wierd, no doubt, but it felt amazing. And it was Vey. How could he not like Vey touching him? Inconceivable.

"I love you," Zei murmured against her lips.

"I love you too," Vey murmered back and then broke the kiss with a smirk. "And I'm going to make you cum like you've never cum before."

A tentacle covered his eyes again and Zei chuckled.

Vey moved him to a sort of reclined sitting position with his legs raised slightly and spread wide apart, but not so much that it was uncomfortable. The tentacles that held him were constantly moving so it was hard to tell when Vey shifted her grip but she appeared behind him, her breath on his ear.

Something hot, wet, and meaty touched his cheeks--probably her vaginal tentical--and then proceeded to writh all over him, coating his whole body and her other tentacles with her juices. The full-body massage her tentacles were giving him became slippery.

Zei sighed with pleasure. "You're amazing, Vey."

"Shush," Vey replied, and Zei felt something hard and wet probe at his lips.

He kissed it and started to lick it, and judging from the way Vey gasped and shuddered, it was her clit tentacle. Zei let it wriggle into his mouth and suckled on it, enjoying the sounds it was causing Vey to make.

She shifted her grip again and was infront of him once more. Vey slipped her limb-tentacle off his cock and it bobbed in the air for a moment before Zei felt the familiar sensations of his shaft sliding into Vey's molten pussy.

Zei moaned around her clit, his head falling back against the support of Vey's limbs. The tentacles that supported his bottom wiggled his asscheeks around, pulling them apart so the outside of Vey's vaginal tentacle could rub against his balls and ass, getting them extra wet, while the end bent in an upside-down 'U' to consume his cock.

The inside of the vaginal tentacle squeezed and stroked, moving as if Vey were riding him in human form. She cried out in another orgasm as Zei sucked a little harder on her clit, timing it with her strokes on his cock.

Zei felt one of her tentacles prod at his tight pucker and made a noise that even he wasn't quite sure was of protest or anticipation. Either way, it only supurred Vey on. There was too much wetness down there and the tentacle wriggled its way inside him.

It didn't exactly hurt, but it took a few moments for him to relax and the sudden invasion to start feeling good. When it did, though, Zei couldn't help a groan of pleasure as he was overwhelmed by sensations.

Vey worked him over, slick tentacles winding over every inch of him and massaging him with sensual motions, her clit shoved into his mouth, a random tentacle wriggling in his ass, and her tube of vaginal flesh engulfing his cock. Zei was in a haze of bliss.

Preorgasmic waves of pleasure radiated throughout his body, but somehow Vey managed not to push him over the edge just yet. Her rhythm held him at the precipice, nudging him closer and closer. Time seemed to drag on. Vey probably could have stopped completely and Zei would still have cum after several moments, but she didn't stop, so it just built and built.

Zei's body jumped with each heartbeat, his breath coming in gasps. He writhed in Vey's hold, the sensations taking over him completely.

Everything went hot.

Zei convulsed, crying out as orgasm thundered through him with mind-shattering intensity. Vey's prehensile limbs squeezed ecstacy from every inch of his body as his cock geysered glob after glob of cum into Vey's tube. It lasted almost a full minute before Zei let out a long breath and went limp. His spent body swayed in Vey's tentacles. She slowed and stopped as he went soft, lowering them both to the bedroll and pulling him close as she retracted her loins.

Zei was still dizzy and sighed with gratitude and love when Vey pillowed his head on her big, jiggly breasts. His body was cradled in a nest of tentacles that held him lovingly and touched him the way Vey's hands would have if she'd had hands at the moment.

Zei rolled his head a little to look up at Vey and smile. She was watching him with a soft little smile of her own. She hugged him closer and Zei reached up to touch her face. A tentacle idly stroked his hair, brushing strands off his face and petting his head.

"You're as good as your word," Zei said with a smirk, still slightly breathless.

Vey grinned at him.

They cuddled for a while longer, but eventually Vey's unnatural body heat and the rising sun had Zei sweating and feeling a bit thirsty. With a sigh, Zei pushed himself up and conjured a skin of cold water for himself.

Vey's form shimmered, turning dark and translucent, and her skin lost its texture. The tentacles melted and reformed into arms and legs. With another shimmer, Vey resolidified and was human again. She sat up and Zei pulled her into his arms and kissed her.

"I'm so going to keep the tentacle body," Vey mused. "That was just way to much fun."

"I am so in favor of that you have no idea," Zei laughed, handing her the waterskin.

Vey took a swig. "Concentrating enough to keep track of all those limbs is exhausing, though, and look at you, you might actually make it a whole hour without getting horny again," she teased.

Zei laughed at that. "We'll save tentacle sex for special occasions then, I guess."

Vey nodded and leaned over to kiss him again. They were both sitting cross-legged, facing opposite directions with their left thighs touching.

They got up and packed their camp. Zei dressed and then slung their rolled blankets onto his back.

Vey stood, nude and radiant in the morning sunlight, before shimmering darkly and resuming her true form.

Zei hopped onto her back and she spread her wings, throwing them into the air with flourish. Together, elf and drake soared over the land, following nothing but the wind and their whims.

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