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About: "Interesting…green eyes, brown hair…interesting mix of traits for an exotic lover, or perhaps I should say lover’s as in more than one? Hmm, lets see now, the cards indicate that there indeed will be more than one tonight."
She looked at me knowingly, and I blushed deeper than before, the interest building up in myself like a fire in its sheer intensity. "Lucky you, getting laid more than once in a night. Not many women can claim such an achievement even in the states."

Her eyes drifted across my body, as if searching for some kind of hidden message or flaws. Instead of it making me nervous, it felt good for some strange reason. Eyes locked on my face, she declared "I can see you are definitely in the mood tonight Passion."

When I asked her how she could tell, she pointed down at the front o my t-shirt, where the nipples of my breasts are as erect as anything. Not having bothered to wear a bra this night, I was embarrassed by how my body was acting. This set Hopakaia off into major giggling, deepening my own blush that much more.

"Now to the matter at hand, according to the cards, go to your room and wait for the sign, which will be a series of knocks on the door. I don’t know how long of a wait you will have, so be ready when they arrive tonight…and enjoy yourself."


Back at the room, I was finishing a shower, nervous and yet anxious at the same time, when the knock at the door came. Gulping, as it now was as the Americans would say it is "Showtime" for me, I called out to them to come on in and get comfortable. "I’ll be out shortly, just give me a minute or so, and get comfortable if you wish to."

I spruced up my hair and lips, and then wrapped a small towel about myself; I figured any clothing would be quite unneeded this night. Looking over my reflection in the mirror, I steeled myself for the encounter. "Well little girl, in a few minutes, he will be laying on top of and inside of you. So be glad, for when he cums inside of you, then you become a woman indeed."

Stepping out into the room, I started to introduce myself to the lucky gentleman whom will be fucking me tonight. Unfortunately I did not get more than a short "Hi there…" before stuttering to sheer incomprehension in the words. For right there before me stood a sight of rare beauty, chestnut hair, green eyes, well shaped in all regards…but just not a man…it was a young woman!!!

I looked her over as she folded up her dress, laying it atop the coat on the floor. She was wearing a set of sheer white bra and panties. "Seems like this is the right room now, isn't it?"

Fate has just arrived in my presence. I just nodded to her at the question, waiting for the next part to play out. There is to be more than one lover tonight, and they will have the right color of eyes and hair. I gulped a couple of times as she shrugged, removing her bra and panties.

I saw how BIG those breasts were, much fuller and larger than mine indeed. She came over to me, walking with her hips seductively swaying, a light bounce to her step, and a wide smile of passion alight on her face. I could not help but notice the sheer beauty of her body, especially from her breasts downward!!!

For the first time I had ever seen what it meant for a woman to be "shaved" down there, I guess my eyes were locked onto her womanhood for longer than needed, shivering slightly with a mix of trepidation and delight at what was to come.

"Well now, I see that indeed you are a beauty. Let me guess, this is the first time you have ever been with a lady? Now, now, I’ve been around the block a few times, so its easy enough to see for me."

I could not help staring at her nipples, looking like flush silver dollars, with the tits being hardened to the max!!! I had to force myself to raise my eyes up to her lips, full and sweet looking, and flickering with that tongue that I knew was soon to go to work on various parts of my anatomy...(BIG TIME SHIVER OF SHEER DELIGHT!!!)

Her finger softly caressed my lips, while the other hand is rubbing my neck. I just went into a complete shuddering at the feel, a touch sensitive but commanding at the same time. Then both hands moved slowly down my shoulders and arms with the lightest of feather touches...I accidently dropped my towel to the floor, and wound up blushed as she looked me over with an eye of experience...and sheer, unmidigated LUST!!!

My nipples became flushed and erect as the hands continued caressing me, working their way slowly to my breasts, cupping them softly; her fingers played upon my nipples so well that a fiery burning came with the giggling that parted my mouth. She teased me with a quick nibble on them, pressing lightly with her lips and circling her tongue over each in turn. My hands found their way to her head, and held her there.

Part of my brain screamed to stop, but my body overuled it, telling it to let it continue and happen, for this is what it was made for!!! I could feel my very breath become flustered and shallow, while my heart started pounding so hard I feared it would burst. I could not see at all, so hard of desire was flowing through my body, that they were shut TIGHT from the feeling.

She released my nipples from her mouth, giving me a brief moment of respite until her lushious lips met mine. Not exactly knowing what was going on, I did what she did as we kissed and tongued each other. Hands went down my backside, clutching me on the butt, holding it firmly yet gently, a mix of the fist of iron covered with a velvet glove at the same time.

My hands seemed to move of their own violation, carefully and nervously at first, taking the time to explore those huge breasts via touch. She let me examine them in their fullest of womanly glories, nipples erect like the great cedars of lebanon. Hot to the touch, and covered with a soft sheen of sweat garnered with the anticipation of coming passion, I realized she was getting as excited or more so than I was at the time.

It was to begin now, I understood. The union ordained by fate, set right before me at this time. Our bodies began to flow in time, synchronized by the feeling of touch, alive with the heat of lust, and linked by the fulfillment of desired passions.

As she gently moved me towards the bed, we were intertwined with kissing, touching, and feelings, both bodies shaking for an union of flesh to flesh, lips to lips, and the desire for release of rapturous delight!!! Then she laid me down, her soft body on top of me, feeling like an extention of myself; as I imagined I was an extention of her. For some unknown amount of time we lay there, linked by the fires within, building up in me via her touch, her look, and desires, bringing me to an edge of ectasy then letting up briefly only to bring me back again.

Easing downward, she kissed my breasts, chest, and stomach slwoly as she went, often nibbling lightly and playfully with her teeth. As she approached my womanhood, she eased my legs apart, and stroked softly my pussy, teasing me with more touches and light blowing of her breath on it. Finally I felt I could stand it no more, she spread apart my skin with her fingers, and extended out her tongue...ready to initiate me into the arts of woman-woman lovemaking...

Just in time for the damn knock on the door.

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