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Michael’s mind did the math and he realized she didn’t sleep with Jason till after that night he got out of control. Considering what happened, he actually understood why she did what she did and looking at it that way, she had not really cheated at all. Considering what he did to her that night in the dungeon, he was lucky she was here in his bed now at all so he told her so, "Silk about that night when I got out of control," He started, "After what I did to you, I want you to know I don’t think of you being with Jason as cheating or a betrayal. What I did that night was totally wrong and I’m lucky to still have you."

Silk felt the love and remorse in his voice. She wanted to reassure him, "Michael all is forgiven. I am sorry too for all that I did to provoke you." Then being reminded of her second question, "That reminds me. Baron spoke of a punishment for what you did. Will he really punish you?"

Michael gave her a sad smile, "Yes he will."

Silk gasped, the very thought of Michael being punished as she would be made her uneasy, "Why," She asked first, the added, "How?"

Michael sighed, "I will be punished by Baron because of what I did to you. I should never have played with you so out of control and hurt you like I did. I crossed your limits and you were screaming red. I should have stopped. No, that’s not right, I should have never started," He told her, "As to how, that has yet to be seen."

Silk had to know, "Will it be like a whipping or something?"

"No I don’t think so or if it is, that will not be all. What I did is very wrong. I’m sure the punishment he has in mind will hurt me more then just a simple whipping," He told her gravely.

As they lay there Silk thought about Michael being punished. Finally she said softly, "I don’t want you to be punished."

With a finger under her chin, Michael lifted her face up to meet his, seeing tears in her eyes struck his heart stings, "Oh little one, don’t cry. I did wrong and I have to pay the piper."

"But it was partly my fault too. Shouldn’t I be punished also," She cried.

Michael was touched deeply by her thoughtfulness, "Silk I am touched that you would share in this with me, but understand, first off you have been punished already. Next, what I did to cause this has nothing to do with you. I knew better. No matter what you did I should have never done what I did. Do you understand this?"

Silk did understand but didn’t like it. She dropped her head for a moment then looked back up at him, "All because you lost control?" She questioned.

"Yes because I was drinking and lost control. Had I not been drinking I wouldn’t have lost control. See something you don’t know about me is that I used to be very out of control. When I started switch training, I was treated more as a Dom, then a slave. I let this go to my head and at this time I was also drinking quite a bit. One time I got into a pretty big mess with a slave and ending up in jail. Baron bailed me out because he knew I couldn’t call my parents. After that he took over my training and I made a promise to him that it would never happen again. He promised me the consequences would be ugly it if did. Now it has and I will pay the penalty," He explained.

Silk was sick at the thought still, "But I didn’t get hurt and no one went to jail. All I ended up with were bruises," she argued.

Michael sighed, "Silk it doesn’t matter how bad it was. What matters is that it happened again. I made a promise and I broke it. End of story. I will take whatever punishment Baron sees fit to dole out."

Silk still didn’t like it but she knew she could do little to change it. Deep in her heart, she hoped Baron would forget. This in mind she settled back in to cuddling with Michael and soon fell asleep.

Michael watched her wrestle with the idea of his being punished. While he didn’t like it either, he knew he deserved it. What he did to Silk was horrid. He could have hurt her seriously and every time he thought of it, he felt sick. He would be glad to take any punishment Baron would offer.

Once Silk fell asleep, Michael got up and called Baron. It wasn’t late so he knew Baron would be up.

When Baron answered, Michael explained his reason for calling, "Silk and I were talking over everything and she brought up your promise to punish me."

"Ah trying to get out of it are we Michael," Baron laughed.

"No Sir, actually I was calling to remind you of it. What I did was wrong and I deserve whatever you have in mind. I was only calling to tell you that Silk is just sick over the idea," Michael explained.

Baron thought on this and then said, "So what are you saying here Michael? Do you want me to administer it privately?"

It was Michael’s turn to think, "No I am not asking that. I think that she needs to see this, to understand that I did wrong and am taking responsibility for my actions. What I am asking is what you have in mind for said punishment."

"Well I honestly think it should be two-fold," Baron said thinking on it, "I think you should be whipped and not just in front of Silk but a whole party. My reason for this is two-fold also. I think it will do Silk good to see that you have to be held accountable for your actions and I think that other Doms need to see it also so they know everyone is accountable for what they do."

Michael swallowed hard understanding completely, "And the second part?"

Baron gave an evil laugh that, "That part should be something that hits home to you in such a way to leave a lasting impression that a whipping lacks. What is it exactly that caused this fight between you and Silk," Baron asked knowing the answer.

Michael sighed, "I thought she cheated on me, that she shared what was mine."

"And this made you drink and loose control? This made you break your promise to me and your vow to your slave?" Baron prompted.

"Yes Sir," was all Michael said.

Baron thought hard about this and soon he had the answer, "So I think the second part of this punishment is that you will share Silk."

"What do you mean by this?" Michael asked not understanding.

"I have a feeling that now you would not share her. Am I right?" At Michael’s yes, he went on. "One night you will allow her to spend with me. You can trust me so you know she’s safe and you don’t risk losing her. We will cover the ground rules later and when this will happen, but now you know what your punishment will be."

Michael was glad to know but didn’t like the second part. Here he had just mended things with Silk. He hadn’t planned on sharing her with anyone ever again. This included Alec. From this point on, except for oral, no one would ever touch Silk again. She was his and he wouldn’t share, but now he would have to once more. While he accepted his punishment knowing he deserved it totally, he didn’t like it.

Michael finally spoke, "As you request Sir," not trusting himself to say more. He respected Baron too much to argue knowing he deserved it in spades.

He and Baron talked a bit more and then rang off. Michael went back to bed with a heavy heart. Pulling Silk close to cuddle, he thought to himself, never. Never will I share you again. With this thought in his mind, he fell asleep also.

Keep checking in for the rest of this story and check back to for Michael's punishment... I promise you'll love it...

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