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About: I climbed up to a ledge about six feet above the water level, and waved to everyone below. Then I walked behind the water fall out of their sight. Several minutes passed before Joey finally joined me, followed by Tracy, Jen, Mick, and Scooter. The noise from the waterfall made speech impossible, not that I needed it. I thought to Mick and Joey, "I'd call this a pretty good kissing spot, wouldn't you?" I motioned to Scooter to follow me out to the other side.

When we emerged from behind the waterfall, I pointed out the rope swings on the other side of the pool, then gently pushed Scooter off the ledge. He made a satisfying splash, then a minute later, I followed him. Scooter and I played on the rope swings for around twenty minutes before the pairs finally joined us one by one. No one had suspected that Paul and Gina had been fucking while standing in the water kissing. The other three pairs had stuck to just kissing. After spending two hours there, I announced we had to get back. Paul and Gina had wandered out of sight into the bushes. I reached out and found them fucking like rabbits again, which naturally gave me an obvious hardon. Scooter guessed what was up, and got a hard on too. We managed to hide it from the others by disappearing into the bushes ourselves. "Shit. Now I'm really horny," Scooter said rubbing his meat. I looked at him, then check Paul's and Gina's current state. I inserted blocks to their rising orgasms, then started to increase Scooter's arousal too. I contacted Joey and informed him to take the others back. We would follow later. I led the way towards Paul and Gina, telling Scooter how good it felt to fuck ass.

By the time we reached the two lovers, Scooter was ready to fuck any ass he could get his pecker into. Paul was lying on top Gina resting, having run out of energy in his attempts to climax. Gina was still in a lust filled state, writhing underneath him. She was so desperate to orgasm, she didn't object to my suggestions. I inserted a different kind of block in all three of them, preventing their arousal to diminish. I took control of all them temporarily. After Paul rolled off Gina, all four of us took a shit in the bushes and quick dip in the water to scrub each other's asses. I laid down on a grassy spot, had Paul and Scooter get lubed with Gina's juices before she mounted me and fucked for a minute.

All four of us were filled with fuck lust by then, prompting me to forgo the natural experience. I forced Gina's ass to relax and open, then pushed her shitting muscles while Paul inserted himself. I blocked her pain and while holding Paul still. Scooter's entry went just as smoothly, and I started to work their bodies to a rhythm before releasing control of their bodies to them. They immediately sped up, and it took several minutes before they found a rhythm again. We fucked for at least ten minutes straight before their combined weights got to me. Finally I released the blocks, and in seconds all three of them came. I managed to link with Scooter as he came, which brought my own orgasm to a climax. It was cut short however when Scooter, then Paul collapsed on top of us. I forced everyone to roll to our sides before allowing the brothers to pass out.

Gina recovered her senses, finding my head still inside her. She rolled back on top of me, slipping me back inside her and said, "If I fuck you like a mad woman in heat, would you do what you did before to keep me horny when I cum?" "You mean make your orgasm last for ten minutes or so? No. If I did, you probably would never have another orgasm without my help. You wouldn't want that, would you?" "I guess not." "But I can offer you something else. How would you like to share your orgasms every night with the rest of the guys? You would feel theirs too. I promise you'll like it. I'll share mine with you if you fuck me like a mad woman right now." "What do you mean by sharing it?" I formed a two way with her, giving her full access to my body's sensory inputs.

In moments she began her humping, attempting to fulfill her end of the bargain. Her energy gave out before she could bring us to a peak. "Sorry. Just give me a minute," she said panting. "That's okay. Just relax while I try something." I closed my eyes and began feeling her body with her mind. I began to manipulate her senses to feel a mouth kissing her neck, then another stimulating her left nipple. By the time I finished, Gina was completely limp, feeling fifteen mouths massaging her body, arousing her without prompting her to do any work. Apart from the gasps and the twitches inside her love hole, Gina was completely motionless. While her body recovered from her exertions and her mind sunk lower into a mist of lust, I became aware of Scooter getting dressed. Once he finished, he sat down and waited to watch the action. I didn't really want an audience, so I made Scooter drowsy. He was fast asleep by the time Gina was done charging her batteries, and I made sure Paul would stay under as well.

I began moving each mouth sensation to her crotch, making sure I covered her entire body by the time the last mouth finished. Gina was completely subdued. I could have asked her to do anything, and she would have happily complied. Feeling a bit restless, I rolled us so I was on top, and proceeded to slowly drill for oil. I teased her lips with my tongue, finding her more desperate to capture me in her mouth with each try. Her hands searched my body for my pleasure spots, then went limp as I began to increase my speed.

I reestablished the two way which pushed my own arousal way up. I reached and maintained my full speed for several minutes, Gina moaning and grunting as she began to meet my thrusts with her own. My sweat was pouring off me and onto her, mixing with her own, lubricating our bodies as they struggled to reach a climax. My lust overwhelmed my senses, flooding my brain with desire, pushing my thrusts to a violent speed. I covered her mouth with mine, our tongues raping each other's mouths. Our hands began to clasp and pinch each other's skin, leaving marks on both of us. We were completely oblivious to the primitive violent actions we were doing, only aware of the lust flowing through our minds and bodies. We had both lost control.

Gina triggered our orgasm buy digging her nails in to my back and scraping them forward. I retaliated with a mad bout of incredibly strong thrusts, pumping my seed into her deepest reaches. The welts on my back formed while we both screamed into each other's mouths at the top of our lungs as we both experienced an orgasm of pain and pleasure. My mind cleared of its fog, finding myself sore like I never had felt before. The taste of blood in my mouth and the stinging of the welts on my back sent a bolt of shock through me. I jerked myself off Gina, finding my dick red with blood. I checked Gina's condition, finding her to be in better shape than I was. The blood in my mouth was from my lip from which ever one of us had bitten. The blood on my dick was hers, but she didn't appear to be experiencing pain, and I decided it may have been just a woman thing.

I washed myself off in the cool water, and found Gina asleep from exhaustion when I finished. I woke up Scooter as I drank from the waterfall, then woke Paul to help Gina into the water. We all drank our fill of the clean water, then the four of us got out, dressed, and returned to camp in time for dinner.

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