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Website: https://freeporniq.com/en/category/69/Nipples/popular/1/
About: "Your the only friend I’ve had in so long. Your secret is safe with me."

Arthur smiled back, happy that Flynn thought of him as a friend too. During their time in the Tharfield castle, Arthur had made sure to keep Flynn company, and in the process, had managed to establish a close friendship with the other thirteen year old boy. In truth, Arthur had not had a friend since he left his village, and other than his companionship with Sir Javid, Arthur had been terribly lonely. Befriending Flynn was the best thing that had happened to the boy since he had become a squire.

But surely Arthur’s loneliness was nothing compared to what Flynn was feeling. Arthur looked his friend up and down. Flynn was laying on the bed under the blankets, as he had been for the past days. Other than Arthur’s visits, Flynn had only doctors and the four walls of his room for company. And before this, Flynn had even had to watch as his knight was killed, and was taken prisoner by bandits for weeks. Arthur had listened in on the conversation between some of the doctors after they had just arrived, and heard them talking about some damage to his private areas, inflicted on him by the bandits.

Arthur felt sorry for him. He couldn’t imagine how defeated and tired Flynn must’ve felt, and even now after everything, how depressing it must be to be confined into a bed. Arthur laid down on the bed beside Flynn, and turned over to look at his friend. Flynn was staring up blankly at the ceiling, thinking about something. Arthur guessed that being alone so often made one more introspective, and so he let the silence hang over them.

But as the two laid there in silence, Arthur began to let his eyes and mind wander. Flynn was about the average height for their age, which was slightly shorter than Arthur. His body was also slim and his skin was smooth and mostly hairless, with only a few thin strands of blonde hair growing from his arms and legs. Arthur wondered suddenly if he had any hair down in his private parts. He knew that it was at about this age that boys would begin to grow hair, but he also knew that some boys were slower while others were faster. Arthur, while he was physically more developed than other boys in terms of height, did not seem to be able to grow much pubic hair yet, however.


Looking back up at Flynn, Arthur saw the sadness on the boy’s face, and decided that he would finally do something nice for his friend. He had been doing it for so long to Sir Javid to keep him happy, why wouldn’t he do the same for a friend?

Shooting closer to Flynn so that their elbows were touching, Arthur put a finger on his lips as Flynn looked to him and gave him a curious look. Arthur knew that servants often passed by Flynn’s doors in case he needed anything, and he did not want them hearing anything.

Slipping his hand under the blanket, Arthur placed a hand on his friend’s chest. And then he slid his hand down and pulled up Flynn’s tunic so that it was up to his arms and chest, and began to feel his friend’s bare skin. Flynn’s eyes went wide as Arthur began to caress his smooth chest and belly, letting out a soft gasp as those fingers began to slide in circular motions around his navel.

Arthur grinned at seeing his friend react this way. He had remembered first seeing Flynn naked when they had just met, and remembered his embarrassment at being naked once they were alone together in the carriage. It seemed to Arthur that Flynn had not yet begun to experiment with his sexuality much as of yet, and so Arthur just knew that he had to do this.

Letting his hand slide down further across his belly, Arthur let his fingers slip under Flynn’s pants and loincloth, and found his friend’s hardening member. To his pleasant surprise, Arthur found that Flynn did indeed have a small bush of pubic hair at the base of his cock, and he allowed his fingers to play with the hairs for several moments.

Soon, Flynn’s cock eventually grew to its full four inches as Arthur continued to play, tease, and stroke it with his fingertips. Arthur was becoming quite the expert in giving pleasure to penises, and while he normally felt a little disgusted about doing it for a man, he had no qualms about doing this for a good friend like Flynn. With his other hand, Arthur began to play with the rest of Flynn’s now exposed body under the blankets, letting his fingertips circle his nipples and caressing his inner thighs and balls as he continued to stroke.

For his part Flynn could only close his eyes and enjoy the new sensations of pleasure that was washing over him. His breaths were getting more ragged and his grunts became more audible. Arthur knew that if he had been less shy, Flynn would have smiled happily along with Arthur as he pleasured him.

After several more minutes of stroking, Arthur began to allow his other hand to hover at the tip of Flynn’s small cock. Flynn began to moan louder as Arthur started to circle his foreskin with the other hand as he kept up a continuous pace of stroking, and soon Flynn’s body began to trash against the bed.

Arthur knew that he had to be close now, and remembering what Sir Javid had liked, began to stroke at Flynn’s perineum with a finger.

"U-Uh Arty..." Flynn barely managed to say between his whimpering of pleasure. "I... I-Ah!"

Flynn’s body spasmed as he reached orgasm, and Arthur felt wetness form around his fingers as his friend spurred his semen. But Arthur continued to stroke his cumming cock, milking every last drop of cum from his friend’s cock and sliding the foreskin up and down quickly over the sensitive head.

After several more seconds, Flynn’s orgasm subsided, and Arthur stopped stroking the now softening cock. He grinned at his friend, and for the first time Flynn looked to Arthur, unable to meet his eyes as he blushed madly.

"My blanket..." Flynn said. "I-I messes up my blanket."

Arthur chuckled and pulled his hand out from under the blanket, showing Flynn the cum on his fingers.

"I know," he said. "And you got my fingers too."

Flynn’s face reddened even more. "Oh... I’m sorry."

"It’s not a problem really." Arthur laughed. His friend’s sexual naivety was too funny. "It was something I wanted to do, specially for you. Did you like it?"

"Yeah." Flynn grinned sheepishly. It wasn’t something I’ve done in a while, and I’ve never had anyone else touch me like that before. It felt nice."

Flynn was reluctant to say more, but Arthur didn’t need him to. They were both young, with raging hormones and discovering their sexuality. Neither of them could possibly resist the urges of masturbation, nor would they give up the opportunity for more sexual adventures together. But Flynn seemed to be feeling a little awkward, as the orgasmic euphoria subsided, and Arthur wondered if he had perhaps been too abrupt.

"You’d better get it cleaned up then." Arthur said, referring to the blanket, as he pulled his friend’s shirt back down and his pants up. "And I’d better leave now. I think one of your doctors should be coming soon, right?"

"Oh, y-yeah." Flynn said, still slightly flustered.

Arthur simply smiled at his friend, and turned to leave. As he got to the door however, he heard Flynn calling after him, and paused to turn back to him.

"I-I really enjoyed what you did." Flynn said, tripping over his words. "It felt nice, and, uh, I hope we can do it again sometime."

Smiling, Arthur winked at Flynn. "You can bet we will."

And with that, he left.

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