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About: It made him feel giddy.

Elizabeth emitted a devious chuckle as she began sawing her incomparable penis in and out of his desecrated rectum. She plowed in a little further with each sloppy insertion, her prodigious pre-cum lubricating the way for her full insertion. "Admit it, you little bitch! You're enjoying this!"

"NNNRRMMMMMMM!!!!" Joseph shook his head from side to side. He'd found some tiny scrap of pride left at the bottom of his tarnished soul. He clung to it, stubbornly, even though it was too late. There was no denying she was right.

"Pffft... I may consort with demons, but at least I'm not a liar. Now you have another sin to confess!"


She belted his ass with the palm of her hand before increasing the pace of her plowing. She railed him fast and hard as air and pockets of pre-cum escaped from his stretched pucker. Her cock dove deeper with every thrust until her massive balls slapped against the hay. Elizabeth had drilled all the way in and her climax was fast approaching.

Joseph sputtered into his gag as the pain faded into pleasant reaming. A strange sensation flooded him with queer pleasure as his prostate hummed for the first time in his life. Elizabeth grunted and moaned blissfully as she rutted like an animal. She fucked him mercilessly, plowing through his tight, spongy entrance with every thrust of her hips.

As her cries of ecstasy grew louder, black horns sprouted from her temple and dark wings erupted from her back. A tail formed from the base of her spine, the end widening into a black spade. The unholy appendages stretched from her body as she pounded her newest slave. Each of her demonic features grew larger and longer than the last time she'd claimed a man's anal virginity. Her thrusting became needy and frenzied as her hips and scrotum slammed into Joseph's bottom painfully.


An ocean of hot, corrupting jizzum hosed into Joseph's insides as she hilted herself in his body and pushed him into the hay. She convulsed over and over, wailing in pleasure as hot, silky gunk flowed from her glans and flooded his packed depths. Joseph could only groan into his gag as his stiff penis shot its load, firing thick ribbons of cum all over the hay and the muddy ground below.

Long after Joseph's forced orgasm ended, Elizabeth continued to moan and mutter as her balls emptied in her cum-dumpster slave. With nowhere else to go, creamy nut splattered from the seal of her pulsing cock and his stretched pucker. Strings of sticky white filth spat all over her body, decorating her shiny black thigh-highs and drizzling to the bottom of her gunked up boots.

When her climax finally ended, Elizabeth withdrew herself with a wet slurch. Thick ropes of pungent seed connected her glans to his gaping hole. A steady stream of warm, glue-like spunk dribbled from Joseph's blown-out bottom as he lay, locked in bondage, and groaned.

Delighted to see that her demonic adornments had grown once again, the temptress laughed wickedly and seized a horse whip from the side of the stall.


The thick leather ripped into Joseph's cum-caked cheeks. Elizabeth cackled and enjoyed the afterglow of a powerful climax with yet more domination. Flecks and strands of cum flew everywhere as she beat his ass. White filth coated the whip and splattered from Joseph's jolting lower body with each forceful flaying. The reddening streaks across his ass grew deeper each time his flesh was kissed with the sensual touch of raw hide.

Joseph's eyes bulged, half from the pain and half from the realization that he was somehow enjoying this treatment. He knew, in that moment, that he would beg for more if not for the phlegm-drenched bit holding down his tongue. His hands twisted in the thick ropes pinning his arms behind him. He secretly wished she would never untie them.

When his ass was lashed to brutal, inflamed redness and Elizabeth was satisfied, she tossed the whip on the ground with a dull thud. She placed one cum-strewn, muddied boot on his back as she leaned down and began unstrapping the horse harness from his bound head.

"First, you're going to clean the filth from my cock with that slutty mouth of yours. Once you've tasted the second helping of my seed, you will lick my boots until they shine! Understood, slave?"

Joseph drew a deep breath as the bit was pulled from his mouth. The words that followed were perhaps the most heartfelt he'd spoken since his wedding day.

"Thank you, Mistress!"

* * * * *

Father Raymond sat in the confessional, deep in meditation. It had been a long service for All Saint's Day, but he was happy to stay longer and provide much needed assistance to his flock. He waited in the dark, patiently, until the sound of footsteps reverberated through the hall. He peeked out into the chapel and smiled. Joseph had returned and looked no worse for wear.

He waited until the man stepped into the opposite booth and the curtain rattled closed. Neither of them said anything at first and Raymond attempted to gauge his disposition. He was most likely confused by his experience, but Father had talked many men through this tribulation before.

"You've returned."

"I have, Father."

"Did the harlot find you in the night?"

"She did."

"So, now you've known true wickedness. You've felt the cruel flaying of unholy lust upon your flesh. You've seen the truth of carnal sin."

"I have."

"And you slept well last night, did you not?"

"Better than I have in weeks."

"There are no more visions? No more terrors in the day or night?"

"None, Father."

"All infernal temptation has been purged from your heart?"

"Yes" he lied.

"Lord God and all the Saints above, preserve us all as you have sheltered Joseph in his time of need! Bless and keep your son as he has kept faith in you! Forgive his sins and let him move forward, basking in the truth, the light and the love of the holy Trinity. Amen!"


"Go home, Joseph, and kiss your wife without apprehension. Your lips are pure once more."

"Thank you, Father."

The curtain shot open and Joseph stomped out of the booth. Swift footfalls echoed off the far walls and vaulted ceiling as he made a hasty exit.

Father Raymond watched him leave; a broad grin spreading across his face. His eyes twinkled in the dark seclusion of the confessional.

Elizabeth had chosen well. Joseph was a pillar of the community, but not for much longer. He would never be the same after this. He would always crave another unholy coupling. Always long for more. And Elizabeth would provide it, for now. She was quickly becoming an officer of merit in the dark lord's army. A succubus that loved her work and relished her power over men.

The corruption of the town was proceeding apace. When Father Raymond had gathered all the required materials and the moon was in its proper phase, the ritual would be performed again. Another woman would be transformed and a new succubus would be born. Cordelia would be next.

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