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About: "Can you let my hands go? Your hurting me." Vilen let the girls hands go and sighed. She was getting anger. She couldn't cast the spell. Now what? She sat on the girls waist not caring for her protests to get off. "How do i get him to show so i can cast the spell?" she asked the girl. who was squirming under her. She stopped squirming momentarily to answer her. "You need to
> trick someone good into casting it for you." She said. her squirming wasn't getting her free so she disided to have this turned into a traid. "Since i gave you info you need to pay the price." She said with a smile. She grabbed vilens hands and pulled her down to her. "And you know what the price to pay is, right?" She said, knowing very well vilen knew what it was. Vilen smiled and let the girl pull her down. "Yes. I know very well what the price is." she said smiling. She kissed the girl long and hard. Accepting that she pay the price. After all it was only fair she pay for something she needed to know, especially from a sorceress. The girl smiled and kissed her back hard reciving her payment a few minutes later.
>Vilen mounted her horse and started back to her cottage. "I need Someone to trick." She muttered to herself. How the hell would she do that? There was no one else in the forest for miles. She was shore she had a spell to somehow help her. All she had to do was get the ingredients and cast it at the meadow tonight and hopefuly it would work. the ride went by fast and as she put her horse in the stable she got an idea. She would make a person. That way she had total control, was able to make her do as she comanded! It was perfect. She smiled as she went inside eager to start the spell. She grabbed one of the books and started to look for the spelll she needed. But that was easier said then done. It took most of the night for her to find the spell and by then she was to tired to read anymore. She placed a bookmarker on the page and sat it down on the black chair and went to bed. 'Tomorrow i will cast the spell. For now i will sleep.' She thought climbing
> into bed with the same outfit. She was to tired to care what she wore to bed. She pulled back the cover and laid on her soft bed. Closing her eyes she fell asleep. But her dreams where anything but pleasent.
>She stood in the forest. It was a winter morning, everything covered in snow making it look more of a winter wonderland then a forest. She smiled. it was cold and lonley here in the forest, like a little snow was going to bother her. She took a step forward and found the snow was very deep. So deep she almost vanished in the snow, like quicksand. She couldn't climb out, everytime she would try she'd just fall back in. She sighed. She felt trapped. As if the forest didn't want her to leave its cold grasp. She staied there for what seemed like hours, until she finaly just gave up and let the world eat her. Letting the ground swallow her up. But it didn't. Instead she found herself back at the sorceress's house. She lifted her hand to knock but the door opened for her, and she walked in. She looked around and saw no one. "Hello?" She said, but was echoed back at her. She made her way slowly through the house. She made her way to the bed rooom seeing it had
> someone on it covered in a brown cloak. She stepped closer and the person turnned. She smiled and walked torwards the sorceress. "Having a good dream?" The sorceress asked. Vilen couldn't speak. was this real? No. It was a dream. Nothing was real here. The sorceress smiled and stod up making the brown cloak around her fall to the floor reveling her underwear. Vilen gasped and turned to leave but the sorceress was there blocking her way. "Where do you think your going? There’s nothing out there. Just a blank world, lost in white snow." She looked at her hands as she lifted her hands to vilens waist. looking back up she smiled and pulled vilen close. "Stay here. ITs nice and warm in her. compared to outside, its much better in here." She slid her hands up vilens shirt smiling as she grabbed her breasts. Vilen tried to move but found the bed at her back. She was trapped. Great. she thought. She turned and climbed on the bed and was about to climb of the
> side and escape when the sorceress grabbed vilens shoulder and pulled her to her. Vilen gasped as the sorceress laid her down and climbed on top of her, grabbed her hands and held them above her. Vilen tried to escape but couldn't. She looked at the sorceress. "What the hell are you doing?" she asked. But the soceress did not answer instead she started to take vilens clothes off. Untieing the corset with her teeth, and using her other hand to pull her clothes away, tossing them on the floor somewhere. Vilen couldn't move or get the sorceress off her, so she let her have her fun. Soon her clothes where off, but then the sorceress did something vilen wasn't expecting. She grabbed a vile with some strange green liquid in it and poured it on vilens naked stomach. Vilen screamed in pain as it ate away at here stomach, making the sorceress laugh hard and loud. 'Acid!' She thought. Her screams started to stop as her skin burned away leaving nothing left of
> her.
>Vilen screamed and sat in her bed. She didn't know what to make of her dream but she was definetly scared to move. Was she still dreaming? Or was she actually awake? She pinched her arm and It hurt. 'Thank hell, i'm alive!' She thought getting out of bed. It was early morning. The sun had already rose and was sitting happily in the sky. Vilen frwon angerly and closed the curtains blocking out the sun. She went to retreave her book and went to the page she had marked the spell to be on. She read the ingreadients and frown deeper. She didn't have them all. She needed to go out and find them today if she was to cast the spell. 'Easy.' She thought. she only needed to find a few plants and then she was good.
>A few minutes later she had changed and set out to find the plants she needed, all the while thinking of the dream. what did it mean? If it meant something. But what? Was it just all strees that gave her the dream? One minutes she was in a snowy meadow about to be eaten by the snow then she's in the sorceress's home. Finding her way to see her and then the sorceress starts to strip her and then pours asid on her, like some crazy bitch from hell. 'She didn't want to fuck me? Why?' She thought picking a plant the spell called for. The sorceress always takes sex as a paymeant. Never anything else. 'So why--in the dream--did she kill me? Wait. Its a dream anything could happen.' She thought. she sighed and found the last of the ingreadients and headed back to the house. Putting the ingreadients on the table naxt to the book she sat in the chair. She was working continuesly and it was making her tire more often then she'd like. She closed her eyes for a bit
> and rested. not knowing of the dangers to soon come. She thought of who the spell would make. and if they'd be good or evil. She hoped they'd be good or else her plan would fail. But would it be a man or woman? This made her think. she would do better with a man since they do whatever women say and are usuale to stupid to figure anything out. A woman on the other hand would be more of a challange. There smart and hard to predict, and would be hard to dominate. If it was a woman she would have to find a mind controling spell to keep the girl from overruling her. She fell asleep and slept lightly.

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