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About: "Dudley, would a bit of incentive help?"

"Probably, why?"

"Because Dud, Bella here is from an old Wizarding family. If you want lessons in manners, proper etiquette, that kind of thing, it could be arranged. I’ll make you a deal Dud; if you can lose ten pounds before I leave this year, I’ll give you Bella for an hour."


"Quite down Dud; the sisters will do whatever I tell them to. Now you won’t be allowed to shag her, but anything else. Also, if she chooses to teach you in her spare time, then, that’s up to her. I’ll be up in my room; I need to do some studying."

Harry walks up to his room, leaving Bella talking with Dudley. When he walks in, Hedwig starts hooting at him. "Oh yeah, I should probably write Ron and Hermione."

Harry sits down at his desk and quickly scratches out,

   Hi guys,

    Sorry this can’t be too long, but I’ve had an interesting couple of days.

I can’t go into details right now, but I’ll fill you in when I get to Grimmauld Place.


Not entirely satisfied with the letter, Harry hesitantly attaches it to Hedwig’s leg and sends her off. He then gets into his trunk and digs out his DADA book from last year. As Harry starts to get into what he *should* have learned last year, the door to his room opens. He turns towards the door just in time to be tackled. Raven hair obscures his vision and soft flesh is pressed against his chest as his lips are covered and he’s engaged in a very intense kiss. After he manages to break the kiss, he says, "I missed you too, Bella."

Bellatrix’s hands sneak under Harry and get a firm grip on his bum. "Master, that fat pig wants me to help teach him etiquette and manners. I want to tell him no, just because of his behavior towards you; but he was so emphatic. I think he truly wants to change."

Harry asks, "So, what do you plan to do," as he roughly grabs a hold of Bella’s arse.

Bella reluctantly rolls off Harry and stands up, helping her master to his feet as well, "I plan on teaching him what he wants to know. I was hoping that you’d also be willing to attend." At Harry’s arched eyebrow, "Master, good manners are always useful, especially dealing with those morons at the ministry."

Harry nods his head, "I’ll think about it."

"Please do master. So, what would you like me to do?"

The mental images seriously test Harry’s resolve, but he says, "I was just about to do some studying."

Disappointment shows rather clearly on Bellatrix’s face as she says, "Very well master. Would you like some assistance?"

"I’d appreciate it Bella."

They spend the next several hours working on the Dark Arts. As expected, Bella repeatedly offers keen insight on the best way to deal with each section of the Dark Arts.

At about six, there’s a timid knock on the door before Narcissa sticks her head in the door. "Master, your aunt wished for me to tell you that supper will be done shortly."

"Thank you Cissa, we’ll be down shortly," Harry replies.

Harry quickly puts his books away as Bella dons her robes. He looks at the raven haired woman, "We’re going to have to get you some muggle clothing, if just for when you’re interacting with my family."

"What would you recommend master?"

"Well, I’d like to see you in a pink t-shirt and blue jeans."

No sooner are the words are out of Harry’s mouth then Bella’s wand is in motion. She quickly transfigures her robes into a bright pink shirt that’s reminiscent of Tonks’s hair and about three sizes too small, at least in the chest and a pair of denim hip huggers that she fills out in ways that should almost be illegal. Harry’s eyes almost bug out when Bella bends over to pick up something when she’s got he back turned to him.

When she turns around, Bella says, "Are you alright Master?"

Harry roughly shakes himself out of the daze, "Yes, but I’m starting to get think about punishing you for tempting me to break your punishment from earlier."

Bella’s face instantly goes from seductive to outright contrite. "My apologies master. Should we go down now?"

Harry stands up and leads the way down to the kitchen where he’s greeted by one of the biggest surprises of his life. His aunt is standing at the stove cooking. Nothing unusual in that, but the fact that she’s whistling merrily unnerves Harry. When he sits down, she turns around and greets him very cheerfully, "Hello Harry, how was your day?"

Harry gives his aunt a very queer look, "Alright, and yours?"

"It was very enjoyable Harry thank you for asking." With that, Petunia goes back to preparing the food.

Narcissa gets her wand out to help, but is instantly stopped by a glare from Harry, "Is there a problem master?"

"Yes, Narcissa, there is. We’re in the middle of a muggle neighborhood. It’s one thing to use magic upstairs where there’s little chance of it being noticed, but down here, anyone could look in and see you. Then we’ve got a mess on our hands."

Narcissa’s face is a study as she contemplates Harry’s words. She reluctantly puts her wand away and sets the table by hand.

Not long after Dudley strolls into the kitchen. Where he actually holds Narcissa’s chair for her as she sits down and helps his mum layout dinner. He helps Petunia sit before sitting down himself.

Dinner that night is odd; polite, but odd. Dudley actually attempts to hold a civil conversation with Bella and Petunia is actually very nice to Harry.

After the dishes are cleared away, Petunia tells Harry she’ll take care of things and to go enjoy an evening with his friends.

Once all three are safely in Harry’s room, the sisters instantly strip down to the maids’ uniforms. "Cissa, did you use the Imperius on my aunt?"

"No I didn’t master; is there a problem?"

"It’s just that she’s been acting too nice since you’re session with her earlier."

Narcissa chuckles quietly, "Master there was no spell directly involved with your aunt’s improved mood. As I said, she’s simply been without any from of release, except her own hand, for quite some time. She gave me the whole story after I’d help to… relax her. According to your aunt, she hasn’t gotten laid in over ten years." At Harry’s shocked expression she continues, "It would seem that she only married Vernon because of your cousin and the only reason they shared a bed was because of a lot of whiskey on both of their parts. You see Harry, you’re uncle is seeking for the other team."

"You mean uncle Vernon’s a…" Harry cringes and his butt automatically tenses up at the thought.

"Yes, he’s a poof."

"Merlin I did not need to know that. I’m going to go shower, alone, then I’m hitting the sack. Oh, and Bellatrix, remember your punishment."

Bellatrix is glaring at the floor as Harry leaves for the shower. Half an hour later, Harry’s making his way to his room with his hair still damp. When he enters his room, he finds a most interesting scene. Narcissa’s sitting on his bed, naked and playing with herself; while Bellatrix is bound to her bed.

He quietly shuts the door, "What’s going on here?"

Narcissa grins merrily, "I’m just enjoying torturing my sister, master."

Harry gently massages his temples, "Narcissa, I will deal with you in the morning. For now, untie your sister and get some sleep."

The blonde’s face is mournful as she climbs off the bed and walks over to her sister.

Harry climbs onto his bed and is asleep within seconds, unaware of the sisters’ plan.

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