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About: Talis lay before them in her own world hearing their flesh slapping together in the throes of passion. Her eyes focus for a moment as she lay there recovering from the orgasm he gave her. Then almost timidly she let her eyes meet Dasha’s. Seeing the lust and passion coursing thru those hot green orbs made her wet all over again. Her pussy lay open like a dew covered flower only a few inches from Dasha’s face. The feelings she got just then made her feel so dirty and hot. Talis didn’t understand why but she scooted down closer to Dasha. From this range her slit was just within reach of the others lips. Loud moans of pleasure sounded from both girls almost in the same moment as Dasha’s lips found Talis’s pussy.
 Leit loved this his cock buried to the hilt in dasha, while she began to feast on his newest pet. Growling as he watched talis wither in pleasure from what dasha did to her. He knew that tongue well for he had trained it to give maximum pleasure. His hands caught dasha’s hips holding her tightly as he rammed his cock in and out of her. Her velvet walls were like a vice that he never wanted to leave. She was so tight, wet, and hot for him letting him know she was his to use. Every stroke pushed him deeper into this madness of pleasure. Growling softly his hips rocketed back and forth as his balls slapped dasha on the clit. He could feel her flexing in time with his thrusts giving him the best fuck she had ever given him. This was no untrained slut she knew her place in life and gave him all she was. He could feel her hold nothing back from him as he took his pleasure. Sooner then he would have liked his cock began to swell inside that tight pussy. He growled as he released his seed branding her his once more. He could feel how close she was knowing she deserved to cum for pleasing him so well.
 The feel of Dasha’s lips was too much for Talis she began to moan from the start. Shuddering she could feel dasha’s tongue snake out to slide between her silken lips. She had never felt anything like this before the silken tongue of dasha made her crazy with lust. She couldn’t control herself anymore it was like someone else was in her body. With each silken stroke of that tongue her hips bucked and roiled in need. She could feel another orgasm coming on her body couldn’t hold back the lust she felt. Talis’s eyes opened as she looked up she could see Leit her Master behind dasha. Moaning she could not look away her body was tight as a bow string now. Each thrust of Leit in her sister caused more of Dasha’s tongue press deeper into her slit. Before she even realized it she was screaming out her orgasm once more this time the words were indescribable just a whimpering moan of pleasure.
 Dasha was going insane she could feel every thrust of his cock in her tight confines. She moaned as she held her place letting him rape her. Her sounds came out garbled for when she saw talis’s red swollen slit she could not resist. Lowering her face she began to feast on the overheated pussy before her. Hearing her Master growling his pleasure and Talis whimpering was pushing her over the edge. She was surprised when her core began to contract on his cock trying to strangle him within her. She screamed in pleasure into Talis’s pussy as she began to orgasm for him. She could feel him begin to cum in her this only pushed her further over the edge. She had felt this before but not in a long time. Her body started cumming and wouldn’t stop it kept convulsing even after he finished filling her. She continued to feed on the juices that Talis offered her as she continued to cum. Her whole body was shaking and shuddering with her orgasm soon she could no long lick talis or even remain on her knees.
 Dasha was the first to fall apart her orgasm was unlike Talis’s. She had been trained to cum and cum hard for a Master. His teasing of her earlier as well as the added delight of Talis’s pussy finally made her lose control. Talis on the other hand was lost in her own world of pleasure. The feeling of Dasha’s mouth was awesome on her sore pussy. She lay there spent before them her mind lost in a glow of pleasure. Leit on the other hand was still on his knees but seeing the girls so spent he decided to let them rest. His cock now hung unsheathed from Dasha covered in a sheen of cum and her nectar. He was panting covered in a light sheen of sweat as he knelt there over the two well spent girls. Slowly on shaky legs he rose up and moved to the table where the water lay.
 Picking up the bottles for the girls he set them on the floor near the girls. He then moved back to the wall finding a chain with two shackles he picked it up. Walking back to the girls he found Talis’s ankle then locked it into the cuff. Moving around to Dasha he repeated the action locking her into the cuff on the other end. Now only five foot of chain kept the girls together. He moved back to the table picking up his drink he headed up stairs. He didn’t say nothing to them knowing they were both lost in their own worlds. He slipped out the door the girls heard it open then shut behind him clicking as he locked it.
 Now they were alone Talis barely awake moved slowly so she was next to Dasha. Without a sound she slid her arms about the shuddering girl. She didn’t understand any of this but the feeling she felt was strange. Holding Dasha she felt it was right to be like this right now. She was no longer scared seeing dasha so happy she couldn’t see any reason she could not be. She remembered the look Leit had given her when she came for dasha. It was one of approval one of happiness. She smiled to herself and kissed dasha’s shoulder as she held her. She still did not like being humiliated but somehow it wasn’t so bad. The freedom she felt cumming like that for them hid the shame she thought would resurface. Picking up the bottle she opened it then carefully placed it to dasha’s lips. Sighing softly she let her drink then drank a small bit herself. In a few moments she was dosing off she could feel a lazy kind of glow moving thru her as she fell asleep.
 Dasha lay there knowing that she had pleased Leit. Her body was like an electric current sparking up and down her entire frame. She was still shivering from the pleasure small aftershocks coursing thru her. She felt the chain then felt Talis holding her this caused her to moan in pleasure. When the bottle was pressed to her lips she drank gratefully. She felt Talis kiss her but was too exhausted to react. She managed to roll over so she could snuggle with Talis. Then she too was sleeping in sheer bliss hoping they would do this again.
 Leit moved about upstairs slowly he was still naked but didn’t care. His body was spent but mentally he was thinking of what should come next. He walked to the video system switching on the record feature with a grin. He looked in seeing the girls cuddling he smiled and sipped his water. His cock began to harden seeing them laying so. He shut it off knowing it would do no good to wear them out totally. Shaking his head he walked over to the kitchen picking up an apple he took a large bite from it. As he chewed on the bite he turned heading to his room where he would sleep for a time. Turning on the alarm he slid under his sheets and dosed off thinking how much fun they had been.
To Be Continued.......

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