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Website: https://videoinceste.net/fr/category/8912997/mom/popular/1
About: I was just in time, the guards were aproaching so I slipped away towards my fathers house. I stopped part way, found a puddle to use as a mirror and carefully shaved away as much of my beard as I could with my dagger. Finally I went home.

I need not have worried.

Ten guards had approached the Bierhaus. They hammered on the locked door and when they were let in demanded to know about the bearded stranger and the princess. They did not make any connection between the naked spunk covered whore being shafted up the ass by Wolfgang Bentlemauser and their Princess and while their captain and three guards searched the Bierhaus and checked upstairs the others queued to fuck her ass "On der Haus" at the Barmans invitation.

They left, but only after the other three had fucked her, I cannot think why they didn’t pull the gag from her mouth but maybe they knew who she was and hated her enough not to care.

For myself I greeted mother and father at the forge, "Uncle Hans," my cousin Werner, announced as he strode in, "Oh hi Willi," he said after not seeing me for a fortnight, "They have a new whore at the Bierhaus, can you lend me ten Schillings?"

"Dumbkopf, she will have cock rot you fool," I cautioned.

"Yes but Herr Bierhausmeister allows assfuckings, not cuntfucking and you cannot get cock rot from the asshole." he explained.

"Of course you can, to be safe you should wank up her ass crack or tits dry hump her and shoot up her belly," I suggested.

"Is no fun," he said sadly, and then asked, "How was de war Willi?"

I told them about the war, the good bits, not the rats and the good friends who didn’t come back.

It was two hours later after I had a good wash when we went to the Bierhaus.

The whore was nowhere to be seen, "Where is the Whore?" Werner asked.

"Out back, we put the bitch in the dog pen, she says she is Princess Caroline!" he laughed.

We went out, she was out of the doghaus with Herr Castlemeiner fucking her mouth and Herr Grainger fucking her ass while Frau Hilter held the leash I had put around the whore’s neck.

"Five Schilings for to fuck her ass, Fifty Pfennigs for her mouth, twenty to wank over her," Frau Hilter laughed, "She says she is Princess Caroline."

"And to fuck you Frau Hilter?" I asked.

She grinned, she was mother’s age or more, "For you Willi, I pay you!"

I saw the sign on the dog pen "Princes Cariline," some fool had made, I wondered how they had not realised it really was her.

"I think I will have a meat pie or some Knackwurst instead," I apologised.

"You would rather eat knackwurst than give me a length of your knackwurst?" she enquired and laughed.

I sneaked away again, I was beginning to feel sorry for the Princess, only beginning, so after a good supper I went home to sleep in my own bed for the first time in over two years.

Morning came and went, the sun was way past the noon time by the time I rose.

"Such a lazy bones," Mother said, "You missed all the excitement, they arrested everyone in the Bierhaus last night, they had Princess Caroline there all the time tied up!"

"I saw they had a filthy whore," I agreed.

"A stranger brought her and sold her to the Bierhausman for ten pieces of silver," she laughed, "Just think the bitch Princess Carolin being fucked by all those men, maybe there is justice in the world!"

My father came to my room, "Willi, Werner has been arrested, he was in the Bierhaus when the guards found Princess Caroline, will you speak up for him?"

"Yes, when?" I asked

"Now at the Palace," he explained, "They are to be executed."

I grabbed my clothes and followed father up the winding road to the cliff top Castle we called the Palace.

The courtyard was full of people, the gallows ready erected.

A proclamation was read. Werner was in the queue for the gallows. I had a duty.

They sat in a line, all the pompous fools, King, Queen, Prince Oswald, Princess Caroline who looked rather different with clothes on, the Burgomeister, Town Crier, Hangenmeister.

"Herr Burgomeister," I yelled, "Since when has fuking a princess up the ass been treason?"

"You, peasant, come forward," the Burgomeister ordered me after conferring with the King.

I pushed my way to the front. "How dare you criticise your betters." he challenged.

"All men are equal in the sight of Gott," I reminded him, "Where is it written fucking a Princess up the ass is treason."

"It is called sexual harrassment Herr Peasant, we are not savages." he replied.

"Not rape?" I enquired, "At least one of them Fucked her up her cunt."

The Burgomeister looked at Princess Caroline who stared at the ground her cheeks redenning.

"Is it true?" he asked.

She nodded with the tiniest of nods. "How do you know?" he asked.

"Because I fucked her," I explained, "And she loved it!"

"Do you know the penalty for rape?" the Burgomeister demanded.

"Death, or ask the wench for her hand in marriage, it is on page 44 of the Wuttenberg law book," I informed him, "War is boring, I only had a law book for company."

The King intervened, "So which do you choose?" he asked, "Think carefully."

"Will you marry me Princess," I asked.

"Are you serious?" he asked.

"The one who fucked me had a beard," the princess insisted.

"I shaved it off," I agreed.

"Then how shall I tell it was you?" she asked.

"By this," I exclaimed showing her my dagger, "And this!" I dropped my lederhosen to show my cock was ready and waiting.

"Ah that is him," the Princess agreed, "Hang him!"

"Good, that’s settled," the King announced, "I now pronounce you man and wife, and the rest of you case dismissed go home."

"No hang him!" the Princess demanded.

"Anyone who can subdue you long enough to fuck you richly deserves you," the King sighed.

"We want to see a hanging!" the peasants demanded.

"How about a rape?" I asked.

"Rape, Rape, Rape!" the crowd chanted.

"Guards, take my whore of a daughter and strip her before Herr Peasant cuts her clothes off again!" the King sighed, "And try to put up at least a token resistance," he suggested to her.

She did better than a token, she kicked and screamed, "Be still wife!" I commanded, "Now lay for me or I shall have you whipped!"

The guards pulled the robes over her head leaving her naked. I knelt before her and started to suck her left breast. Her teat stiffened. I rose and aimed my cock between her pussy lips. He slid in easily.

"Bastard!" she cursed but she was well and truly fucked. I kicked off my Lederhosen and whispered to her to wrap her legs around me and then I fuckwalked her around the courtyard so everyone could feel her tits and grope her ass. Finally |I shot my load.

"Go home I shall fuck you again tomorrow," I ordered.

The king had other ideas, "She is your wife you provide for her," he ordered, "I don’t want her back until she is fat with a lusty child, I need an heir, its not as if Prince Oswald will oblige me."

I must have looked confused.

"My brother likes men, or men’s cocks up his ass to be precise," the Princess explained, "Anyway father I shall get a child quicker if we sleep in my own bed rather than under a tree with this peasant."

"Very well," he agreed.

"And it will be much easier to slit your throat," she whispered and she laughed. She looked quite pretty when she laughed. "Next time you take me to the BierHaus I want to have a man up my cunt and one up my ass and one sucking each boobie," she cooed.

"Well I want you all to myself," I countered and I kissed her

The End?

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