"I told my mom all about my needs and the things I did with lance and the other boys on the football team, and …"
"Whoa, whoa Babby girl, you didn't mention my name, right?", Darnell said.
"No daddy, of course not. You’re my boyfriend and what we do together is like, magic. No, what we do is nobody's business. I’m eighteen and I can do whatever I want", he said. "Anyways, I told my mom how I was going to die if I couldn’t be used by lots of men every day, and she said she was the same way when she was in high school." Johnny's eyes widened to emphasize how important the revelation was.
"Okay baby girl, so that’s how it is. Like mother like daughter, right? So, what are you saying, do you think your mama needs some Lovin too?"
Johnny paused, confused. "No, daddy. What? Do you want to fuck my mom? She’s already married to a guy named Anthony. Anthony Carmichael, and they're constantly going at it. It’s fucking embarrassing sitting at the breakfast table with them. Daddy, listen. My mom said she totally understands how I feel, and she thinks Tony can get me a job in the adult entertainment industry."
They pulled into a parking lot, "Here we are", Darnell said.
They were in front of Paradise Books, an adult bookstore and novelty shop. "Daddy, porn is free. I can see whatever I want on my cell phone, or computer." Johnny said as he opened his door.
A bell sounded as they entered the little store front. As they entered, there was a display of mannequins dressed in the typical women's costumes, French maid, policewoman and dominatrix. On one side of the shop was a wall of dildos, vibrators and bondage gear on the left were two bins of DVDs of various types of pornography for rent or to buy, and directly in front of them in the back was raised counter where an elderly, Asian man sat idly, reading a newspaper. "Darnell, you want the usual?", he said when he saw the couple walk in.
"Hey Sam, yah just five, and can you give me four singles?", Darnell said as he approached the counter with two twenty-dollar bills.
Sam, the Asian guy, handed Darnell a pink, plastic card and his change that included five five-dollar bills. "Remember the rule, only one person per booth", he said as he handed Darnell the money. He glanced over at Johnny, "Is this your fiancé?", he said with a lecherous grin.
Darnell led Johnny through the door behind the counter, and they were in a long hallway with doors along both walls. The doors all had little lights above them, and most were green, some were red. There were men loitering, talking quietly, and some of them recognized Darnell and they gave him a friendly smile. Darnell acknowledged them with a nod, "This way, baby girl", he said as he led Johnny down one side of the long hallway.
At the end of the hallway, a young man was standing against the wall. He was tall, thin and dressed in little shorts, an open flannel shirt with a pink, sequined tube top underneath. He had several bangle bracelets on one wrist, and when they got closer, Johnny noticed that he was wearing makeup. He looked up from his phone and gave Johnny a friendly smile, and went to the other end of the long, narrow room.
They were standing in front of the last door in the row, and the light shone green above it. "Now here is what you do, baby girl", Darnell started. "Just swipe the card like you’re at the store, and the light will go out and the movies will start. Chose whatever you like, turn it up as loud as you like, just remember to lock the door when you get in there so you can have some privacy. If you want to stay in there longer, just put in a five, and you’ll get another twenty minutes to play around. Okay?"
Johnny wasn’t sure of what to say, so he took the four five-dollar bills and the pink card and entered the booth. Inside, facing him, there was a flatscreen TV with the Paradise Books logo on the screen. To his right was a bench to sit on, and in the wall, beside the TV screen were a small shelf with a box of tissues, and, in the wall was a vending machine ***********or keyboard and a money slot to insert the money. He swiped the card in the slot, the lights went out, and on the screen was a porno of two naked men kissing and a third, stroking himself above them.
Johnny realized why he should lock the door, so he turned, threw the latch to give himself some privacy and sat down. He pressed the volume button to turn up the sound so no one would hear him masturbate and tried the channel button to see what was available for viewing. He settled on a couple of very pretty men having noisy sex in the missionary position, and he had just pulled his jeans down to his ankles to masturbate, when he heard a kissing sound come from a hole in the wall to his left, and Darnell’s cock poked through.
Johnny was thrilled to see what the surprise was. This was so naughty, and perverse that his little hard pennis dripped gooey pre cum as he went to his knees. He went down on his lover, and in moments tasted his semen as it ejaculated into his mouth. He was just standing up, when a new cock came peeking through the hole in the wall. Johnny went back to his knees and gently kissed the stranger's cock before taking it between his lips. Again, in only a few short minutes, he was rewarded with a stream of cum, and again a new cock poked through.
After his third bill in the vending machine, and over a dozen blow jobs, the hole yielded no more cocks to be sucked. Johnny waited patiently for another ten minutes, sighed and exited the booth before his last five-dollar bill was used up.
Darnell kissed him as he exited, "How did you enjoy your little surprise, baby girl", He said as they walked together to exit the video arcade.
The men who were loitering earlier were leering at him, lustily, and Johnny’s heart was pounding as he realized he had just sucked off all these total strangers. He felt jittery, but empowered somehow, and he was suddenly horny and needed to be with Darnell in the same, desperate way he was that first time in the baseball dugout. "It was amazing", he said. "I can't believe that we just did that."
"Hey, Dee." It was the young man from earlier. "Did you guys have a good time? Darnell, your girl here wore out the place. Hi, I’m William" he offered his hand to Johnny.
Johnny shook, "Um, hi, I’m Johnny."
"Baby girl, this is Bill Richardson. We went to high school together."
"Go Rangers", Bill grinned and did a little cheer leader thing with his hands. "You guys want to get together some time to party? I’m staying at the super eight down the street, and I got a job at the UPS store, so I should be getting my own place soon."
"Maybe, yah I think that would be fun. What do you think, baby girl?", Darnell put his arm around Johnny’s waist, pulled him closer and patted his bottom.
"I’d like that, maybe we can have, like, makeovers and entertain daddy together. Can I get your phone number?" Johnny pulled out his cell phone and handed it to him.
Bill took the phone, looked at Darnell with a grin and back down at the phone to punch his number in for Johnny. "Daddy?", he chided. "Darnell has struck again", he said while shaking his head. "Sweety, most men are a disappointment after this one has gotten a hold of you, so don’t kick the nice guys to the curb or you’ll be alone for the rest of your life." He handed the phone back to him and addressed Darnell, "Call me when this one comes to her senses, Darnell."
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