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Website: https://www.allmetalshaping.com/showthread.php?p=179105#post179105
About: "That never happened!"

"Yes it did," Lisa said quietly. "When I found you, you’d been dead for several days. I showed your mom how to time-walk and she went back in time and rescued you."

Alicia stared at her naked, evil step-daughter and the cruel images she presented her.

"Why did you abandon us?" Lisa asked in a hurt voice. "You deserted us to go live with the Normals. You could have been a member of our team."

Alicia blinked several times as though she’d been slapped.

"Lay off!" Tanya said, suddenly sitting down between Lisa and her daughter.
"She’s here now, that’s all you need to know. She was trying to recover the life she had before. There’s nothing wrong with that. High powered business and politics is what she’s good at."

"It’s all right," Alicia said, quietly interrupting. "She's right. I abandoned you – all of you. I even had another child while I was there. I left because I don’t want to go to New Eden – that’s no life for me. But, as I found out much too late, I can’t live among the Normals, either. People will always persecute those they believe are different. I can’t change that. I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings by rejecting what you believe is important."

"Nice speech," Lisa murmured, feeling sourer than she’d felt for some time.

"You should talk," Tabatha chimed in cheerfully. "You smell like the whore of Babylon."

"Yes, she does, doesn’t she," Béla added, discovering an opportunity to lighten the mood in the room. "And I should know…"

The others looked at her as she broadcast an image of the ancient city and the wonderful debauchery that those walls had contained.

"Were you the whore of Babylon, Mom?" Lisa had to ask, snickering.

Béla sat silent and proud, not answering.

"Okay, girls," Tabatha interrupted, after allowing Béla her moment. "I brought down a map I drew from watching the army. The closest one is here," she pointed at the center of Colorado, "to the north. They still have a mountain range to cross. Two more are here," she pointed to the new canyon that arched east, then north to the twin Spanish Peaks, "and here." That army was just north of what was now the San Luis Lake, rather than the San Luis Trench, as Jake Hedron had referred to it, earlier.

"Sorry," Lisa said quietly. "I didn’t know that gorge would fill up so fast."

"You must have melted a glacier or broken through to an underground sea or something with one of those blasts," Tanya quipped.

"We have about a quarter of our supplies loaded on the Phoenix," Tabatha continued, ignoring Lisa and Tanya’s chatter, "and we’re beginning to transport personnel aboard as the work load shifts from the surface to the ship."

"How long will we need to get everyone aboard?" Tanya asked.

"That’s not the problem," Tabatha replied. "We need to feed them. It will take at least two weeks, using the Focal Press, to get all the supplies aboard. After that, we could get the people loaded in just a few days."

"How long do we have before the army gets here?" Alicia wanted to know.

"Less than a week," Tabatha said. "Unless we slow them down again."

She looked directly at Lisa when she said that last part. Lisa looked away, feeling guilty about… well, a lot of things.

"We might have to kill some of them," Béla said quietly, knowing that her daughter was biting her tongue not to cheerfully recommend that exact same thing.

If Lisa had said it, the others, no matter that they loved her, would attribute her words to her bloodthirsty attitude. But Lisa hadn’t said it – her mother had. And because Béla said it, it was most likely something that they would not be able to avoid.

"I have a report from Tomlin," Tabatha said, taking over again. "This is data from Lisa’s debriefing after she so spectacularly created those two canyons that kept the Confederates at bay."

Lisa gazed at Tabatha nervously, upset that the Chairman and Tabatha would make a public accusation regarding the loss of her special powers.

"Lisa knows how to create nuclear energy at will," Tabatha continued. "You may think it’s because she’s a phoenix, but it’s really a quite simple trick – one that you all should know how to do."

Closing her eyes, Tabatha displayed a mental image of taking two simple rocks and teleporting one inside the other. The imagined nuclear blast made them all jump unexpectedly – all except Lisa.

‘Thank you, Tabby…’

‘I always have your back, Lizard Breath…’

"Wow!" several girls said. "That’s really… easy!" Alicia said.

Several of the group turned toward Alicia, who took the opportunity to tell them something.

"I know I should have stayed around and learned how to do these things that are so vital to your survival – and mine, as well, as I found out. If I’d not gone off searching for glory and political power, maybe I wouldn’t have attracted so much attention to the rest of you."

"You didn’t do it," Tabatha interrupted. "We’ve been stealing from the Confederacy for as long as it’s been around. We just never thought they’d come after us for it."

"That’s just it," Alicia explained. "They’re not after you for thieving. They want your ship – the Phoenix. And they want what they think is your technology: telepathy and teleportation, to be precise. They have a cube that can detect a telepath. That’s how they caught me. I never bothered to learn how to shield, so I set off every alarm they had."

Tabatha thought for a moment. "All right, then. Now we know they’re not going to go away. We have two things we need to do, now. Steal as much of their supplies that will fit into the ship – teleport directly to the cargo hold – not the warehouse in Solar City like we originally intended. Then, using Lisa’s new trick with the rocks, dig a hole between us and them that they can’t cross!"

Jake Hedron came into the briefing room and stood next to his wife. "Okay, everybody, I want to welcome Alicia to the Femme Fatales. I assume that Tabatha has briefed you all on what we’re doing?"

Several girls nodded.

"Good," The Chairman said. "Then let’s get started. Tanya and Béla will team together and go harass the northern army. Lisa and Tabatha, you get the group in the San Luis Valley. Tanya and Béla, be extra careful in setting off any nuclear explosions – that mountainous area is prone to earthquakes. In addition, if no one told you, there is a new volcano at the far end of the San Luis Trench. We don’t want to kill anyone if we don’t have to. And that includes your teammate."

That last part was directed right at Lisa. ‘Don’t let my wife get herself killed…’

Tabatha kissed Jake goodbye, then vanished her clothes, so she was now as naked as her Femme teammates. Jake grinned, always amazed at the girls’ willingness to display their naked bodies at every opportunity.

"It distracts them so they don’t shoot us," Tabatha explained.

Then she and Lisa vanished. Béla and Tanya, also both naked, vanished a moment later.

"Well, Mom," Jake said to a somewhat embarrassed Alicia, "looks like just you and me…"

"Where are your maps?" Alicia asked.

Jake pulled down a wall map of the state of Colorado. Alicia got up and looked at it closely.

"Okay, here’s where Tabatha is," she said, pointing down near the bottom of the map. "And there’s Béla."

She pointed to an area just north of the Spanish Peaks.

"It feels weird, just sitting here and watching them through their eyes," she explained.

This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories:

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