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Turning I saw a large well dressed African American: "No, no, its completely empty, I’m here by myself."

"Good." He said, sliding on to the seat. Perhaps accidental his leg brushed my thigh as he sat down. "You from around here?"

"Originally, I live down south now." I replied.

"Just wondered you look familiar." He grinned.

"Bet you say that to all the girls don’t you." Such witty repartee.

We introduced ourselves. He turned out to be a graduate assistant at the college.

"What are you working on? I asked.

"English lit." He relied.

"Scholarship, or fellowship I guess is the proper term graduate assistants."

"No had the GI bill for my undergraduate degree and now its catch as catch can. I want to teach, but to get a job need that PhD."

"Heck if I would have guessed would have thought you were a football player, what are you 6’2" and 240?"

"Nah, no natural athletic ability, just big." His hand rested on my thigh.

"Are you big all over?" I asked.

"No complaints so far." His hand rode up a little higher.

Looking up at the long deceased animals on the wall I said: "Wonder who stuffed and mounted all of them."

"Don’t have the foggiest notion, but speaking of ‘stuffing and mounting’ would you like to come back to my place for a beer?"

Being mounted and stuffed was high on my list of things I wanted to do that evening so quickly agreed. We finished our beers and walked outside. "My place is only two blocks from here, short blocks at that, if you don’t mind walking, there is no place to park over there."

Have spent a lifetime walking distances that were inaccurate estimations, this turned out not to be the case. It really was two blocks. He had the bottom half of a two family; it consisted of a small kitchen, living room, bath, and a bedroom. Inside it was what you would expect a graduate assistant in English Lit. To look like. Books everywhere, and where there were no books there were stacks of papers. The only clear space was on the floor.

"Sorry about the mess. Mid-terms coming, papers to grade all of that."

"Doesn’t bother me I like messes."

"Let me get us a beer, you can put you coat on the rack, but going to have to sit on the floor. Sort of Indian style."

Have to admit I curious. Am sure he had plenty of white lovers, but I had never had a black one before and wondered what it would be like. He came back in with two beers and hand me one and slipped the cap off his.

Now at this point we both knew what we wanted and what was going to happen so there was no use in prolonging the suspense. I got up on my knees in front of him, unbuckled his trousers and slid them down he wasn’t wearing shorts. That’s a sure sign he was out for fun tonight. I kissed the head of his dick and began to lick and suck the head.

"Oh my, you are good aren’t you." He said.

Talking my mouth off his cock I said: "You’re the one that promised to stuff and mount me." Then I went back to sucking him. Cupping his ass with my hands I pulled him into me and sucked him until he started to thrust back as he was about to cum. I teased him a bit pulling back just licking the end with my tongue until his leg started to shake. I gripped his balls and pulled him in and sucked until he gave me his load.

"Wow, that was something. I think I better sit down too." He sat down on the floor next to me. Took a couple of swigs of beer and exhale long and loud. I proceeded to completely undress. His breathing had returned to normal.

Leaning over I whispered: "You don’t mind do you?" Then I kissed him, he could probably taste himself in my mouth. His hand stole into my crotch and began to fondle my cock. I did the same to him; we necked like that for a while. Then he proceeded to get completely undressed. We kissed again long and deep then he started down my body, licking, sucking my nipples until he found my cock. He licked and sucked me for a couple of minutes, then moved down and sucked my balls. I was beginning to moan from the tension. He lifted my legs so I was spread wide and preceded to eat me out. I was feeling all open and soft from his tongue in me.

 He pushed my legs back around my waist and proceeded to enter me with his cock. I wiggled and thrust up getting him in as deep as possible. When was in as deep as possible I wrapped my legs around his waist he leaned forward and we locked lips. That mounting and stuffing went very well. We got a rhythm going and the harder he thrust in the harder I thrust back. I had deliberately sucked him off first so he would last longer, and he did. I was bowlegged for a week after he was done with me.

After he shot off, he leaned back and stoked my cock, he only had to touch it once and I came. He withdrew I rolled over stuck my ass in the air as an invitation and he mounted me from behind and we were off again. Being young means quick recovery.

After that we were pretty much spent. I had drained everything he had, and he had done and excellent job of mounting and stuffing me. In retrospect, he was one of the better lovers I have had, and probably more considerate than most. What if boils down to is cocks are cocks regardless of their color. If you like to suck them and be fucked it doesn’t matter they all do the job.


You know the old joke: What color was the ground when the Indian’s were dispatching Gen. Custer and his men at the little big horn? Answer later.

Seems to be a lot of concern over the size of penis these days. At least ten emails a day advising me to take this or that to increase size without effort. It is of course not real. But the discussion of size continues, so will give you my view. Doesn’t Matter. Well why do you say that. Because anything over a mouthful is useless and wasted. On top of which lots of individuals with large units feel all they have to do is show up, and not make any effort. You are supposed to be overcome by their size.

Now if this seems a bit redundant, remember there are only so many ways to skin a cat. It was spring in the Mid Atlantic area and a very nice evening. I got picked-up by an older man, say in his mid thirties, to my twenties at the time. He took me to his place in an expensive neighborhood. He was married but his wife was out of town, as I recall he told me she was in Europe visiting relatives. He was European also. After some conversation we got to the point of the evening. His cock was average size, average being 5.5", I know this because I was sucking it and it fit very nicely in my mouth. His balls on the other hand were gigantic, the size of large hen’s eggs or small lemons. The vas felt like hoses as I sucked his groin. We were in a sixty-nine so I had a good chance to observe all these items close up and personal. Of course this was after the act when I analyzed the evening. At the time all that interested me was the sex, my sucking him, and him sucking me.

Of course the answer to the little joke at the beginning of this section is ‘white.’ Because those Indians kept cuming and cuming and cuming. Well when my European friend started cuming, he filled my mouth two or three times, his balls really produced a lot. Perhaps this was some characteristic of his country, average prick but large balls. After our initial encounter, he recovered sufficiently to fuck me. I rode home in a puddle of his cum when leaked out.

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