"If you want to be whipped ask nicely, but don't be rude." the Master advised, "But are you all right,"
He went to kneel beside her, "Does it hurt," he asked anxiously as he inserted three fingers in her vagina.
"Not now Master, it feels." she paused, his thumb was working, gently antagonising her clit, until her whole being was focused on her clit.
"Does it feel right Penny?" he asked.
"Ahhh," she said helplessly.
"Ah Master," he suggested, "Do you like that?"
"Yes Master," she said.
"Isn't that nicer than being pushed up against a wall for a few seconds while some drunken oaf uses you?" he asked.
"Yes Master," she husked.
"Good, you're a very special girl Penny," the Master said, "And I promise that we will find out exactly what," he broke off, she wasn't listening, her breath was in short gasps her eyes glazed and suddenly he just sighed as the waves of relief swept over her.
He let her lie on her side and resigned himself to getting his own croissants.
Penny stretched deliciously on the cold stone floor, everything seemed at peace, she felt warm and she felt loved and content and then the smell of coffee made her look up as the Master entered the cellar carrying a tray with coffee and croissants.
"Mrs Hastings," he called but she just lay there her as her more than ample bosom heaved with her heavy breathing.
"Master," Penny replied, "I'm sorry Master I should have done that!"
"Not at all my dear, " he agreed, "Now pour the coffee, four sugars no milk for Mrs Hastings, black and one spoon for myself please."
Mrs Hastings began to snore and as soon as Penny had eaten and finished her coffee he asked "Have you finished," she smiled so he suggested "There's a maid's outfit in there if you would like to try it on.
Penny stepped over Mrs Hastings and put the obscenely short and revealing black latex maids uniform with white latex apron on, "That's better," The Master complimented her
"Shall we go up?" he asked and he followed as she climbed the stairs and found not a private house but some kind of clinic or institution, there were a few people about, but no one took any notice as they walked the long corridors to the stairs to what she imagined were the Master's quarters, but he showed her into a modern well appointed kitchen/ breakfast room.
"I think you're doing extraordinarily well," the Master praised her, "You came beautifully."
Penny suddenly thought, "But Master, you didn't cum!"
"No, sadly I was forgotten." he said.
"Master," Penny said as she took her nipple clamps and vaginal lip clamps off, "Master I would be honoured."
"You're so kind Penny, just hop up in the worktop," he suggested.
"But Master I thought your bed," she suggested, "Nice and soft and warm."
"Not the back seat of a Ford or an alleyway?" the Master enquired.
"No, the Master deserves the best," she said.
"Very well then," he agreed, shall we, my room is up the stairs first on the left." again Penny led the way and she took the Masters hand and led him away to the bedroom, she turned the wrong way twice bit soon they were in the Master's bedroom and as the Master dashed into his bathroom Penny lay as seductively as she knew across the bed.
"Now you can't come to my bed looking like a two dollar tart" he said suddenly, "Somewhere around her is a very expensive negligee, yes in that cupboard, over there," he pointed, "Put it on would you?" he asked.
Penny found an astonishingly sheer nightdress, it sent shivers down her spine as she caressed it, "Put it on and then we shall make love," he ordered, and she quickly disposed of the maid's uniform and slipped the negligee on.
He emerged in just a bathrobe with a bath towel preserving his modesty.
"Love me Master, please." Penny asked and he gently raised the hem of her negligee worked himself between her legs and gently but firmly claimed her with his erection.
Penny felt elated, excited, and thrilled as if she had won some exotic prize.
"Never, never, ever fuck without a Condom Penny," he whispered, "Your lover might be diseased, but this time we are both clear and I do find it feels that bit more intimate."
"Master," Penny suggested, "Shut up and kiss me."
He needed no further encouragement, he devoured her, raping her mouth with his tongue taking the last secret part of her for his own and then as she in turn invaded his mouth as her bullet hard nipples dug into his chest so the bubbling steaming cauldron of his balls started to leak the first drops of what became an absolute torrent of creamy cum which pervaded every part of her vagina and womb.
"That, my dear was making love." the Master said as his penis shrank inside her, "Expensive negligee suggests expensive girl, cheap clothes cheap tart." he explained.
Penny lay back possessed but secure in the knowledge that she could be a great lover.
"Well my dear, it seems we have finished your course a week early." he said when he had finally shrunk back to insignificance.
"Course?" she queried.
"Oh yes, we picked you up drunk and about to be used by a group of your friends, your parents booked you in for a fortnight," he explained.
"God, they know?" she asked.
"Oh yes, they contacted us at the clinic, but you do seem to be a long way ahead of schedule," he suggested, "Perhaps if you are to stay until next weekend you could assist me?"
"Yes, Master , but Clinic?" she asked, "Parents?"
"Yes I'm afraid you were about to have sex in the alleyway behind the club when we found you, don't you remember?"
"No," she confessed.
"Two coloured gentlemen," the Master reminded her, "They were referring to you as a bitch and hoe, I'm afraid I took a dim view of that, so we brought you into the clinic and let you cool off in the swing collar."
"God, I thought I would die." she exclaimed.
"No," he agreed," You can't fall far enough to jerk your neck sufficiently to break it but it is extremely painful or so I am told, and of course humilliating."
"So what now?" Penny asked.
"Morning after pill," he replied, "And then you must come and see the rest of the facility, Mr Edmund Grace is here, I believe you know him?"
"Oh yes," she agreed, "He, he." she stopped as she remembered the hurt when he just ignored her at the nightclub.
"I gather he didn't reciprocate your drunken advances?" the Master enquired.
"Oh, was I drunk?" she asked.
"Very," he replied, "Hence the two coloured gentlemen in the alley." he paused, "Actually they are downstairs, would you like to see them?"
"No!" she declared.
"But we all have to do distasteful things Penny," he said, "And Mr Mbele and Mr Desoto's parents have paid a considerable sum on the understanding that you won't press charges for attempted rape."
"What are they here for." she asked innocently.
"To have some of the arrogance beaten out of them and that Penny, is where you could be of great service to me." he said and smiled enigmatically.
Penny listened incredulously, the Master wanted her to whip and humiliate the black guys.
"What do you say?" he asked, but Penny's rock hard nipples had given him an answer already, "Shall we?" he asked.
"Master," she said softly, "Make love to me again, please!"
"My pleasure," he agreed, as he rolled back on top of her mounted her and took her to the land that is ecstasy once more.
To be continued?
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