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About: Something horrible had happened to them both, but it was far worse for Beth. A movement in the room attracted her attention. There was someone sitting up in her bed, staring at the strange-looking intruders with disbelief.

‘Praetor, report!’ Béla called out. ‘What’s happened since I contacted you the other day?’

‘Princess Béla!’ the Praetor replied.

If possible, it actually sounded startled. There was a moment of silence.

‘Your father wishes a personal conference with you,’ the Praetor finally continued.

‘Have him come here!’ Béla insisted. ‘Beth can’t be moved. Bring a medic!’

She turned her attention to her sister. "Beth, it’s alright, Darling," Béla crooned to her, "It’s me. You’ll be all right, now."

Béla didn’t see how anything would ever be all right. Beth was an old woman, shriveled and dried up, her youth lost. She’d evidently spent an entire lifetime, probably thousands of years, trapped between…

Béla burst into tears, embracing her sister, gently. She could feel the energy in Beth’s mind growing weaker and knew her sister was dying. She couldn’t imagine the loneliness, nothing to see, nothing to do, nothing to…


Béla suddenly knew what was wrong with her sister!

‘Come on, Darling!’ Béla called into her sister’s mind, ‘It’s feeding time…’

She helped her sister straighten out. Beth whimpered weakly in protest. It was painful for her to even move her wretched, dried-up joints. Béla managed to curl up on the floor, her sister’s head cradled between her own shoulder and head. She pressed her neck against Beth’s rotten teeth.

‘Now bite down, Darling! Feed! You’ll feel better in a little while, I promise!’

Béla kept coaxing her sister in her mind. After a moment, she felt Beth’s teeth on her neck. She was too weak to even bite down at break the skin. Béla turned her attention to the other occupant in the room.

‘Bring me an eating utensil, a knife or something, will you please?’ Béla asked.

Spurred into motion, the man, a crewmember of her father’s race, moved across the room and brought her a common fork. Béla took it, ignoring how her own wrinkled hand looked, and stabbed herself in the throat with it. Then she leaned down, letting her sister taste the blood on her neck. As more blood passed her sister’s pallid lips, Beth became eager for more, sucking weakly on the puncture wounds in Béla's neck as they healed.

As the blood supply dried up, Béla felt her sister searching for a new source, then Beth’s teeth bit into her neck; stronger, this time. Her sister greedily sucked in the fresh flow of blood.

Her father and the Medic rushed into the room.

‘Father! Please wait until she’s fed,’ Béla thought anxiously into his mind.

The medic heard her, too, and waited. Béla put together a set of images of the time she was in the ‘between spaces’ area and broadcast it to her father and the Praetor. She included the present physical conditions of both her and her sister. Beth’s mind was still closed down. They would have to wait to find out what had happened to her.

Béla was beginning to feel light-headed, most likely from the lack of blood to her brain, so she gently pulled away from Beth, who protested weakly and passed out, already looking better.

Béla looked over at her bed table. It was unoccupied, now. Béla, too weak to physically move her sister, simply teleported her limp form onto the bed. The secret was out. But she suspected her father already knew she could teleport.

‘Yes, I did,’ Sibilius confirmed as he waited patiently for Béla to finish ministering to her sister.

Béla staggered to her feet. Her father rushed forward to help up rise.

‘I feel… creaky!’ Béla thought to him. ‘That place sucks everything out of you!’

She looked at her father. He was looking at her strangely. She looked into his mind to see what was wrong. It was her image.

‘My God! I’m old, too!’ Béla suddenly realized. ‘Time evidently passes at a different rate when space doesn’t get in the way…’

"She’s regenerating, Sir," the medic said from across the room. He was examining Beth, now that Béla had teleported her onto the bed table. "I don’t know how much of her youth she’ll regain, if any, but there is improvement on a cellular level."

"Now, Princess, let’s look at you," the medic said. "Hmm. You’re severely dehydrated, like your sister. I would recommend lots of liquids, perhaps some raspberry lemonade…"

As if on queue, an orderly showed up with a tray. The pitcher on it contained her favorite beverage. The crewmember that Béla had surprised in her quarters the (day?) before, when she had teleported in from the arborium, followed him. He had a basket of food to resupply her cooler, now that the princesses had returned.

"Why is everyone acting like I’ve been gone awhile? Béla asked. "Why is someone sleeping in my quarters?"

"I apologize, Princess," the guilty culprit said, "I decided to quarter here in case you returned. After several weeks, I simply moved in. It was easier than constantly checking the room to see if you had returned to us." He bowed respectfully and stepped back.

"Weeks?" she asked. Béla looked at her father, her eyebrows raised. ‘Well?’

"Daughter, you’ve been missing for over four months, now," her father announced.

Béla’s eyes widened. Her mouth fell open in shock.

The medic had been prodding and poking around Béla’s bare body for several minutes while all this had transpired. "Sir, I don’t think the princess has actually aged, despite her appearance. I believe, when she fully regenerates, that she will have regained her youthful vigor. After examining Princess Béla, I believe It’s possible that Princess Beth may fully recover as well."

"Very well," Sibilius said, dismissing the medic. Then he spoke to the man who had been living in Béla’s quarters.

"You may return to your own quarters, lieutenant. Thank you for your vigilance."

The man who had been living in Béla’s quarters bowed, then turned away to begin bagging his belongings.

That left only her father, and, of course, Beth.

"I need to rest, Father," Béla begged off.

She realized she really was exhausted. Time had a way of catching up, after all. It had evidently been over four months since either she or her sister had eaten or drunk anything. She looked down at her bony body. Her skin hung loosely on her. She was beginning to feel nauseous.

‘Wow! I look awful! I never thought I’d have to worry about my tits sagging…’

Béla staggered, having lost her balance for a second. Sibilius grabbed her and helped her over to the bed table where Beth rested. Béla felt she was getting weaker by the second.

‘Help me, Father,’ she cried out. ‘What’s happening to me?’

She lay down on the bed, suddenly too weak to even raise her head.
‘You’ve simply reached your limits, Daughter,’ Sibilius said gently in her mind. ‘You’ve accomplished your goal and rescued your sister. You’ve returned to us over an incredible distance and time. Once again, you’ve survived where it was impossible to survive. You won, like you always do. And now, the energy you always somehow magically create to sustain you is gone, no longer needed. Now, you need to rest and recharge. All will be well.’

‘Peace, Child,’ Sibilius radiated into her mind.

She felt the Praetor, several decks away, putting her to sleep. This time, she didn’t resist.

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