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About: I text back knowing I should not because I know there waiting for her Yes mom Love you see you on Tuesday morning .

Hugs kisses Miss you so much can't wait to see you OK honey we love ya sorry about the changes that is alright loves bye .
Well she was finally going to her new home as for April maybe I better marry her before she decides to move on me also .
I fall asleep it is almost nine am Hey you sleepy heads wake up rise and shine I may rise I do not know if I will shine .

The girls and I laugh Brenda . Maria and I all heard you guys going at it so we let you sleep we know this is sues last .
Were all saddened by this slowly awakes well good morning honey what time is it its nine am Oh shit we gotta go it's late .
What a great weekend well common get up My parents will be at the house soon Hold on there Susan, April says .
Your mom and dad called they will be by on Tuesday morning to pick you up "What" did you say? Tuesday oh why is this ? .

Honey you needed your sleep remember you have a baby plus we had sex all night I forgot yes you wore me out sorry babe.
Please don't be sorry I am not it was so good I got to get up and shower alright see you soon then well go to breakfast .
Has anyone seen my cell yes here it is alright she looks at it and sees the text from her parents Hi hon this is mom dad we all.
 Will be arriving Tuesday morning to bring you home honey we are still unpacking here you have your own room too .

The house movers still bringing things in and we still have to get settled in our selves we'll see you on Tuesday are you ready yet .
 Yes mom Love you see you on Tuesday morning . Tony!! I hear Susan call from the shower coming honey what is this on here ?.
I thought it would be alright if I said yes for you I'm not getting rid of you honey then why did you tell them this for you .
I just wanted to thank you for telling them it seems to be that their actually closer than expected so this means what honey?

The company daddy's now working for is only an hour and a half away from here this is where they moved to so I will be close .
That is awesome baby so you and April can visit more often then usual yes I am so excited now I do not mind moving away .
 I heard that April says they hugs each other you know were lesbians tony don't you yes well were both bi at least yes I see .

We both have to ask you something very important I know whats up I am avoiding hey it's cramped in this tiny bathroom .
Only two are suppose to fit in here I'll get the van packed and ready to go alright see you soon, You were suppose to ask him .
I know but hes avoiding the marriage question maybe he frightened no I think he has a lot on his mind that's all yes that's it .

What do you think it is well he misses your dad I know their best friends my moms got married and I am undecided still .
About what about me moving out with mom your moving ?hey hand me that towel here you go again I ask your moving ? .
Like I said before I have not decided yet I have a step brother mom's new husband's son hes alone and he is sixteen .

I never had anyone besides mom and me this is a new experience besides he purchased the house from my mom oh I see .
This is why your sad no it is not I just don’t want to marry people keep on pushing me into marriage I'm not ready yet OK .
Remember I am only eighteen I'm not ready for that well tell him he has never asked me besides my ex-boyfriend is home .

April you would not be sad If I moved would you no not as long as we call or chat on line sue I will say this much .
I have changed my mind your only going to be an hour and a half away so we can visit often or you can just move in with me .
Tony purchased the house he is my land lord now ask him why well if you ever decide after the baby's born you can come back .

That is an awesome idea besides dad and tony are good friends too yeah I know he was with my dad till he passed I miss him .
Hey tony we have to ask you a question what is it girls do you think I can move back if I ever decided too ? yes you can thanks .
 well were all set to go home Brenda Maria you girls ready yeah were just finished packing can we come back some time ? .

Yes of course were going to be spending the July forth week here oh that sounds fun can we come if our parents let us yeah .
Great we can come up for a helluva Bang a you will have some major girlie action on your hands maybe too much to handle.
 we all laughing out loud well lets get going awe alright we travel the hour and a half home April goes home her mom is there .

Hello Honey how was camping it was wonderful , mom I am going to stay and finish school first I love you I know April .
You want to finish school first I understand besides it is a long journey to California I thought it was mid west no honey .
Dang mom California all the way out there were only in Virginia here I'm sorry honey that is where the main office is located .

April honey if you ever decide you have your own room Mom I'm not going to move I am marring tony does he know? No .
I walk into the house next door where Mary is finishing packing Yes of course I know but were going to wait a few years .
Hi honey Hi Mary I want her to finish school first I just wanted you to know I will need a sectary at the garage down town .

Where is this well Their was sealed bids for Joey’s old garage I won the bid so I am going to open it up again for repairs .
That’s awesome does sues dad know they can come check it out if they please I'm just taking it slow see how it goes first .
General repairs that I can do not too many people to do vehicle repairs here in town any more yes we know they go to the city .

Well I will leave you ladies for now I hope to see you before you go Mary maybe not sure I gotta get going soon OK bye .
Mary left with out saying good bye Brenda , Maria leave to go home sue goes in side to pack leaving me all alone .
I go to my work shop to tinker with my old 57 Chevrolet car it broke down have to change the heater hose has a pin hole .

Few hours pass by it becomes dark I get tired and go up stairs to my spare 1 bedroom apartment to relax and grab a bite .
After that I sit down and relax I must have fallen asleep because when I woke up it was Tuesday morning was already here .
 Hello any one here where is he the car is here he must be somewhere Up here be right down I go down greet my friends.

Hey there Anthony did you hear yes you got a great new Job and a bigger house that’s awesome sues chatting with her sister.
Hey hes hot yes I know so have you had sex with him yes almost all the time that I been here sorry sis it took so long .
I see you purchased Joey’s old car and the lift yes I did I actually purchased the garage too took a while but I’m reopening it .

That’s a plus you hiring ? Not really I figure just keep it general repairs that’s a good idea not too many headaches true .

Well you girls ready we got to go it is an hour and a half trip your all welcome to come camping sometime we may thank you .
 We hug sue whispers into my ear your my sud I want more you know I will be back you can count on it baby love you .
The get in the car and head out all waving good bye Mary left yesterday April's still in school Jan or the bus bring her home .

To be continued>??

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